What style of Teva sandal???


Earning My Ears
Jan 19, 2002
Which Teva style is the most comfortable? Iv'e done some research on their website and would like to stay in 40.00 range.
Who would choose the "Teradactyle " and who would choose the "Hurricane" style, which one is better?
If you are going to do alot of walking in them, I would choose a sport sandal such as the Nike Straprunner. The price is pretty comparable to the Teva and they are much more comfortable. I wore a pair on the Nike sandals every day in Nov when I visited. I have a pair of Tevas too but I only use them when I'm on the boat now because they don't have as much shock absorbtion and aren't as comfortable to wear.
I have both the Teva Pretty Ruggeds Leather, and the Circuit sandals. They have a nice nubuck padding in the sole. Both are comfortable, but more than the $40 range regular price you are looking for. I did get them on sale 2 years ago for $20 each, but I haven't seen that sale repeated. I think it was on www.JustforFeet.com

That being said, based on recommendations from this board, I bought a pair of Nike Straprunner II sandal, and loved them! They are so light, that you wouldn't think they could offer much support, but they did! They are priced at about $40, and I think the above website has them.

Seeing as you are a Nike sandal fan, do you know the difference between the Straprunner II and the Straprunner III's? I am looking to pick up another pair in a different color than the blue, and they are very hard to find. Finally located them at Niketown.com, but these are the Straprunner III's. Since I loved the II's so much, I'm hesistant to try the III's. :rolleyes:

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Would you recommend the Straprunners (or any other specific sandal) for me? I need good arch support so that's the only thing holding me back from a purchase since I can't find any locally to try on.

I can't find the Nike strap runner sandals!! I've looked on all sorts of web sites.
Does anyone know where to get these??:confused:

Go to www.justforfeet.com and click on shopping for women. Then on the next page on the left under activities, click on outdoor sandals. A page will come up that has the Nike Straprunner II. These are the sandals I wore last year.:)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
The Teva Pretty Ruggeds are my favorites!!! My husband has a pair of the Teradactyles and he thinks they're great! More than $40 though, unless you can find them on sale!

Teva Pretty ruggeds are my favorite also, they have a great cushioned footbed and padding under nylon straps. I have circuits (the walking sandals) which are also very supportive but despite getting them wet on occasion, I don't consider them waterproof because of leather footbed. The hurricanes and terradactyls both seem fine (I have looked at both in stores) but neither has cushioning under the nylon straps like the pretty ruggeds do. The terradactyls have a "bumpy" footbed that I don't care for, but my DD says is fine for her. I found pretty ruggeds on several sites by searching yahoo shopping. One site which I remember had them for $40.00 (I think) was Frugalfootwear.com.
Good luck!
I have a pair that is about 2 years old now, but I do not know which style they are, but they are definately along the lines of the Terradactyl and the Hurricane. On the comfort level, they are ok.

I, just a couple of weeks ago, purchased a pair of the Typhoon style and they are incredibly comfortable. They have the "soft, compression molded EVA topsole with embedded Shoc Pad" and they strapping system is far softer than regular Teva's. If you can swing the $49.95 price of them, I highly recommend them. Teva Typhoon's

I also had a pair of the Circuit Leather ($80 shoes). I say "had" because I normally where a 6 1/2, but I purchased those on clearance in a size 6, just hoping... Well, they were too tight :( and I gave them to my sister. She loves them over her Hurricane's, and I think the Typhoon's are even more comfortable then the Circuit's. :)
Okay, the Straprunner II's on sale at www.justforfeet.com are in the men's sizes, and the smallest available is a size 7. Does anyone know what that converts to in a woman's size? I wear a size 8 in the women's Straprunner's. One is on sale for $19.99, the other for $24.99

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
For men's size to women's size conversion, subtract 2 from your normal women's size.

Example: I wear a size 6 1/2, I would wear a 4 1/2 in men's sizes.
Thanks everyone soooo much for the links and feedback!!
I'm still undecided as to which sandal to get for our May trip to Disneyland. We will be there for 8 days, so we need a really good sandal. Last year my 19 year old daughter wanted to cry cuz her feet hurt so bad! We are wearing Easy Spirit tennis shoes then switching to sandals.

I've got to choose between the Teva's, Birkenstock (waterproof) and the Nike straprunners!! And I need to make up my mind so I can get them broken in.
I'm going shopping this weekend and should come up with something!:confused:

If anyone else has opinions... PLEASE jump in.
On our last 2 Disney visits (totaling 8 days), my Teva Pretty Rugged Nylon and my Teva Hurricanes were supremely comfortable. I tried on a pair of very comfortable Typhoons, but didn't get them -- then I went back and they were gone - I was heart-broken. One thing I wish I had done was get my Hurricanes in solid black. They would be more versatile, especially in the evening, when we're still pretty informal down here.:pinkbounc
I didn't need to "break in" my new Typhoon's, they are already so comfy and the strapping system is soft already (it's a stretch mesh), unlike the regular Teva's. The only problem I am having is where the shoe tag rubs the top of my left foot. I need to remove that tag and I'm set. :)

I love my Typhoon's.
i live in birkenstock sandals as does my husband...he wears the ones with the backstrap, i prefer no backstrap....

no matter which sandal you pick, make sure you start breaking them in at least a few weeks before you go to WDW.....unless of course you enjoy blisters...

I bought a pair of the Hurricane style snadal by Teva yesterday for $31, but I think they were on sale. The tag said $39. I think they are extremely comfortable. I have never had a pair of Teva's before and I'm glad that I finally got a pair, which I'll be wearing alot when Piglet203 and I go to WDW in May.

Mickey76 :)
:cool: Just to let ya know... Sports authority is having a buy one, get next pair half off sale. It lasts untill Friday March 8th.


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