What seating time do you prefer at Victoria and Alberts and why?

Jen D

DIS Veteran
Mar 16, 2001
Can't decide. We're going for our tenth anniversary. We're doing in-room sitting (infant + 7 year old) and in many ways a 9pm time makes sense because we'd (ideally) be able to get the baby to bed on our own before going out so the sitter could just worry about the 7 year old. A 6pm time seems very early and geting ready would cut into our touring day. But will the 9pm seating just feel too late-- finishing dinner at close to midnight? We are usually "night people" but at Disney we get on that early to bed early to rise clock. I don't know, I guess the 9pm still makes more sense.

Wondering what seating times others prefer and why. Do you just feel tired by the end of the 9pm seating?
We ate at V&As for the first time in January. We went for the later seating - 6pm just felt way too early for dinner. BUT, as you say, it is pushing midnight by the time you're finished and I was flagging (although that could have had a lot to do with the wine pairings ;) ).

We're booked again for July and this time we've gone for the earlier sitting. I'm hoping we'll be finished in time for a stroll along the beach and maybe catch EWP and Wishes.
For you with your infant and 7 year old, the latter time makes sense.
For me--it's always the earlier seating, as by 9:30 I'm usually in bed anyway!! 6:00 is usually when we eat at every other WDW restaurant, so it seems '"normal" to us to eat that early.
We like to eat early, around 6pm so this seating is perfect. I don't think I'd cope very well waiting until 9pm to eat, and I know I'd be very tired by the end.

Of course, that's just my choice, and perhaps the 9pm would be better for you in your situation.

I'll be at V&A on July 15th for my parents' 35th anniversary - can't wait!

I may be wrong, but I thought that in the summer, the latest seating was 8:00. I always ask for the latest seating when I email our itinerary to the concierge planners and we always get 8:00. This is always emailed at least 100 days out, so I don't think availability is a problem. I also remember reading the GF's News and Notes (is that what it's called?) that 8:00 is the latest summer seating.
We've only dined at V&A a handful of times but have always done the early seating as we are morning people. But it sounds as if the later seating would work best for you this time. Perhaps you could have a quiet morning in your room the next day. Of course, not a late morning per se with an infant.:D
Hmm, I haven't heard about the 8pm seating. We're going in September, I'm calling this week, we'll see what time the seatings are. I guess if there are two seatings, the later one does make sense, although I'd prefer the early one. What I'd really like is a 7:30 seating! Tough luck. Thanks for the advice, all. I'm really looking forward to eating here.
This year, our seating is 8:00, but as I said before, this may only be in the summer (for some reason). You'd think that in busier times, there'd be more seatings, rather than less.


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