What are some good breakfast-on-the-road ideas?


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
For our last long drive I packed cereal bars and those little breakfast bags with the cereal and nuts and fruits (I forget what they are called)... anyway, I ended up eating the darned things and my kids weren't all that interested. Anybody have any really good ideas? I packed sandwiched for lunch which was fine (and it's a good thing I packed extra since ds (7 at the time) ate like a teenager!!:rolleyes:
i usually pack home-made muffins, cheese and grapes for breakfast. i put them in plastic containers so they don't get squashed. i have also packed rice krispie squares, i know they're really a dessert but at least there is some cereal in them!:D

have a great trip
Any trip we go on that we drive, including WDW, NJ shore, etc. we always get up, get in the car and drive to the bagel store. We get our bagels, etc. and off we go. :)
A lot of kids are fine with eating cereal without milk. You may have to choose a sugary one, since Grape Nuts and Rice Krispies aren't all that interesting plain, but it's reasonably neat as long as you don't have any kids who are so young that they'd drop a lot of pieces.
We like to do our own trail mix type thing for breakfast or anytime. Mix their favorite cerals, rasins, nuts, pretzels what ever you like and dole it out in plastic bags. No fuss no mess.

We also like to do muffins,I buy them at the deli the day before, ceral bars, and fruit and oatmeal bars. If you are not having sandwiches for lunch too, sandwiches make a great breakfast. Kids love peanut butter and jelly anytime!

Add a juice box and you are set!!!

I admit we often just go through the drive through for a biscuit and then fell yucky from all the grease.

Jordan's mom


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