The Weekend Grind ~ 1/31-2/1


Dec 12, 2014
Didn't see this started yet.

Work on color for commission piece 12 of 16
Draw base for commission pieces 13 and 14
Come up with dinner

I'm 20 weeks pregnant today. Woot.
Cyneswith :cool1: you are half way there. :cheer2:
Busy day planned with dh and ds18 gone. Plan to put ds19 to work too.

Wash my sheets done
Make all 3 beds (washed boys yesterday) done
Wash mine and dh pillows done
Fold laundry I have done
Go to the gym.done
Get pictures printed done
grocery store for super bowl food done
Make desserts for boys cookies and scotcharoos
Clean my bathroom done
Have ds clean his room and tv room
Something for dinner for two
Vacuum the upstairs done
Declutter done

Then a new list tomorrow. Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning!!

Slept in today!

Prayers and pixiedust: to all those in need.

cyneswith -- you are half way there! :woohoo:
WDWMom -- you are going to be a busy girl! Watch the weather today; it keeps changing..

Today's agenda:

once over house

Please remember that the boards will be down tomorrow for the change over to the new boards (same address; you use the same sign info).
Happy Weekend!

P and PD to all :hug:

cynewith - hope you are feeling great!

WDWmom and Nan - hope the weather doesn't get to bad for you all!


enjoy a lazy morning, been way to long since I've had one!
dream dinner prep time at 11:00
start laundry
start cleaning house
kit next group of photos
might scrap a bit
do some more research for our US/IOA part of our trip

finish anything I didn't get done Saturday
make bean dip for game
friends at 2:00 to Watch our SEAHAWKS trod on the patriots!

GO HAWKS :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

have a wonderful weekend everyone :flower3:
Good Morning!

Great Weekend wished for all!

breakfast with the my family - quite a few are coming and we've been sharing old pictures!!
bought a few groceries
hope to scrap

coffee with Dsil - she's been gone
make food for super bowl party
go to super bowl party - Dsil is making turkey dinner!

don't have a favorite team (obviously the Lions didn't make it:))
so - will cheer for mommy2mrb's team!

Enjoy the weekend!

We have been busy here - up at six, breakfast, 3 mile walk and then we went shopping at Kohls! I'm down a pant size, woot-woot!

So for the rest of the day:
Pay a couple bills
Vacation planning
Steak and salad for dinner

Strip bed
Work on laundry
DH making chili for Superbowl
Will be cheering for the Seahawks!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Keeping an eye on the weather since DS18 is at a track meet in Saginaw and will not be back until late tonight. He lives at home, but stays on campus quite often with teammates. He is planning on staying tonight and then coming home with some guys to watch the game. I told him they can all crash here Sunday night if the weather is bad and then go back to campus Monday morning. I have no idea what to expect.

I just plan to get my stuff done today and add to it tomorrow. Hoping to scrap some since I haven't in months.

Back to the grind, my list awaits me.
WDWMom -- good idea to keep the boys at your house tomorrow!

Our weather changes depend on who we catch on at the time..
We have gone from a storm warning to a weather advisory. But the weather guys/gals say anywhere from an inch to 8'' and than DS14 said he saw double digits.. LOL I give up & will just wait to see what happens!
We are under an advisory also. Just saw 5-8" between now and Monday morning. This is Michigan people, this is not news :rotfl2:


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