Teresa is in the hospital - UPDATE POST 35 - I'm back home

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I'm so sorry to hear this, sending pixie dust and some prayers for her rapid recovery.
Don't know Teresa, but any friend of Walt's is a friend of mine. Hope to see her back here on the boards very soon and VERY WELL!!! God Bless
My prayers are with you and Teresa! Pls tell her that her dis family is praying for her. Pls update us as you can! Much love!
Moving this over to the Caring, Coping and Compassion board.


Prayers for you both, hope she gets to come home soon.
Hi everyone. I got home about 7am this morning. Thanks for the well wishes. I am surprised to even see this post on here. I didnt even ask DH to mention anything to all of you and then when he told me he did, it blew me away. I know how much he doesnt like the DISboards, but he just felt that my DISfriends should know in case I turned for the worse. I did get a little worse though. I think I caught a bug while in the hospital because right now I'm having early symptoms of the flu or maybe something else. :sick: So yea, I'm having a pretty rotten week right now.

As for an update on my heart, I now have to start going to a heart doctor once a yr for a yearly check-up. I can not be under any type of stress. So yea, whenever DH gets deployed, I have to try my hardest to not get stressed out. I only get stressed before he leaves and not during the deployment - go figure! :rolleyes: Also I have to stick with my wii fit and have to start doing it daily for at least 30 mins. All the dr wants me to really worry about is the yoga because it helps you relax and yea, yoga on wii fit works really well! I was doing it daily, but then got lazy with it and started doing it like once every 2 or 3 days. I can do the other stuff if I wish, but my dr really wants me to focus on the yoga section.

With all that said, I most likely wont be spending much time on the boards, or if I do, I probably wont be posting as much as before. I will still post like on the coupon train thread, AKL thread, and still keep up with the ADR thread and the other 2 threads - where are you staying and what special event are you going to, but outside that, I wont be posting as much. DH thinks it was the boards that got me so stressed out, because of the recent posts about me and to me. He was like, I dont know what you could be so stressed about! Im on day shift now, dont worry about having to pay off the trip because its paid for and already taken. It cant possibly be about money because I just got a raise and about to get another one in Jan. Im not due to go on any deployments until next year or if Im lucky 2010. And then he was like...is it school? And I was like no. Ive never been stressed about going to school. And I was like well I dont know. I didnt even realized I was stressed. And he was like that generally is what happens. You seriously need to stop spending so much time on THOSE boards.

The DRs were even asking me if life at home was OK. And if our marriage was good. I was like yea everything is fine. Infact we just got home about 2 - 3 weeks ago from WDW. Then that turned into a 30 min talk about WDW. Asking me how our trip went, where we stayed, etc. They asked me if DH had just got back from a deployment or is about to go on one, because they know that can be very stressful, and I was like nope! And that's when DH chimed in and started telling them about the DISboards. So who knows. Theres no trying to understand or reasoning with DH when he gets this way. When he thinks he knows he's right. So I'm gonna test the waters out and see what happens.
I'm glad that you are home, and hopefully you will get over the flu-type stuff very quickly.:goodvibes :hug:
Teresa and husband, I hope you understand why I am locking this thread.....I am sorry that you have been unwell and I would hate to think that the Dis is causing you so much stress that you end up in the hospital from it.

I have deleted a post as I thought it was inappropriate, you have made your decision to Dis less.....and it is probably the right thing for you if the Dis is causing that much stress..

Please take care of yourself......I wish you all the best in recovering from your recent visit to the hospital. Truly life is too short to get so stressed out from a Disney message board...with these comments, I am locking this thread.
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