SSR Refurb?


Earning My Ears
Dec 31, 2018
When will SSR be getting its refurb? We have a one bedroom villa for the first week of April... wondering if any units will be done by then?
Doubt it. Refurb hasn't started yet, and is only slated to start sometime next year. They do it by building, and I'd not expect any buildings to be done by April.
They will probably finish OKW first before they start on SSR.

Any updates on the SSR refurbishments. Have they started or will they be starting soon. We are going the end of June and new construction materials, carpet, furniture, and paint makes me ill.
And does can someone tell me do they refurbish a certain number at a time, so I can request an older room that hasn't been done yet?
Any updates on the SSR refurbishments. Have they started or will they be starting soon. We are going the end of June and new construction materials, carpet, furniture, and paint makes me ill.
And does can someone tell me do they refurbish a certain number at a time, so I can request an older room that hasn't been done yet?

Have not started. No start date set. It may start by June. Unlikely ANY will be ready for occupancy by June.


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