Security in the parks?

Mom B

DIS Veteran
Mar 17, 2001
Our last time in the parks was a little over a year ago (Halloween, 2002) and at that time, all bags, fanny packs, etc., were generally emptied and searched at the front gate. Has that changed at all? We're a little farther removed from 9/11, but with the heightened "yellow" alert regarding terrorist activity, I wonder how security is handling it. :smooth:
we were in wdw early december, before the heightened alert, and they were still doing bag search. i think it is here to stay.:tongue:
I think that once a place like WDW has instituted a bag-check policy, it's really hard to stop doing it. Especially when the "terror alert level" keeps bouncing back and forth between yellow and orange. If we went down to terror level green, it would probably go away, but I'm thinking that won't happen any time soon. So ... the bag checks are probably something that will be around for the foreseeable future. And they are being done at all the parks -- although different people have different opinions as to whether or not they are complete or effective.

I can say that there are more plainclothes security wandering the parks than ever before, and that guests in general are more aware of each other, which is a good thing. You'll also see more Security folks driving the interior roads (between resorts and parks) then you used to, although I haven't noticed that many more Security vehicles in the parking lots.

We were there last week and when we went through the security checks, they barely looked. It was much lighter than in the past couple of years.

When we were getting ready to view WISHES on the 26th, though the Orange County Deputy sheriff (It was written on the back of his coat) and another policewoman with him stepped out from a back stage area right in front of us. They were in full uniform with guns, and everything. Now THAT made me extremely nervous. I have never seen the Orange Co. police in the parks, only Disney security.

They got a call on their walkie talkies and jogged off backstage before the end of the fireworks. I never did hear what that was all about. Maybe they were just there as increased security???
They still are doing them and each chance I get to speak out against them I will: They're a mockery and an insult to the guests.

Just yesterday I had to walk into our town courthouse to pick up a document. Boy was my bag searched! The woman took the liberty to open each pocket in that handbag, and get her hands in everywhere. I had to empty my pockets and place the content to be examined on a tray. When she was through I commented :"You should see how they do these searches at Disney. She asked "how is that?" I said: You open your bag ahead of time and you save time at the table. Then they merely take a quick peek and some will even flash a little light inside. Then you're given the OK to come in" The officer laughed in disbelief.

And then there's the line for those carrying no bags, who aren't searched. They can wear baggy clothes, jackets, even fanny packs hidden under their clothes. They come in without one of Disney's "searches". I leave the rest to your imagination.

The searches have been criticized in the past, so Disney now makes the process quicker. Are the parks safer because of them? Don't bet your family's life on it! The parks have not been attacked merely because there are more important targets in the world. And in any case, a gunman can hide a weapon easily under baggy clothes on even in the bag being checked - All he needs is one of those with an invisible pocket. And any psycho crashing a plane against Cyndy's castle saves himself the parking fee...
Originally posted by elemusing

When we were getting ready to view WISHES on the 26th, though the Orange County Deputy sheriff (It was written on the back of his coat) and another policewoman with him stepped out from a back stage area right in front of us. They were in full uniform with guns, and everything. Now THAT made me extremely nervous. I have never seen the Orange Co. police in the parks, only Disney security.

We were in WDW February 2003 during an Orange alert. Just inside the turnstiles at the parks we saw a uniformed/armed Orange County Deputy. We see them all the time around WDW, but that was the first time we saw them inside the parks.
OK, this is such an interesting yet incendiary topic, here is my 2 cents:
Searches or no searches....good searches or bad searches. None of these things make me more or less secure nor do they make me feel more or less safe. I have no problem waiting in line for a concert (Aerosmith and Dixie Chicks both did something similar to the search Treeoflife described) or anyplace else, if that process helps someone out (that is makes them feel better). But the truth of the matter is (to quote author/activist Michael Moore) the year of our WORST terrorist attack ever (2001) every person in the United States was more likely to kill themselves than to be killed by a terrorist....every person had a higher liklihood of being killed in a car crash. In that same year in the entire world a child was much much much more likely to STARVE to death than to be killed by a terrorist. Makes me wonder why we don't have yellow/orange/red alerts for hunger. Life is an ongoing calculated risk in my opinion. I for one intend to not let fear drive my actions.

Good bottomline, luvsTink

What I say all along it: Overreacting makes some look like fools and empowers only you know who...
I was just there a couple of weeks ago, before the hightened alert level. They breifly looked in my backpack & fannypack, as well as my kids. I don't know what they are looking for, as anything could have been at the bottom of either pack. However, I did not mind, as I took the search for what it was, & there was not much delay.

It did stike me as odd, as I went to DL for grad night at the end of my senior year around 20 years ago & they had bag searches that were much more thourough, including looking at perscription medications. But I guess they were more worried about what kind of trouble a park full of teenagers would cause back in 1983 than a family of 4 in 2003. :p
I must say I for one was shocked and disapointed by the LACK of security at WDW.

What a waste of time the bag look was, not a search a bag look.

I can't believe a place as popular and so American as WDW doesn't have metal detectors and x ray machines.

I found it amazing that to get into the museums in Washington DC that you had to go through metal detectors and have your bag searched.

To get on the ferry to go to see the staute of liberty we had to go through metal detectors, have bags, coats even watches xrayed but yet nothing at WDW.

If you want to make an impact WDW would be the place to do it, i shudder to think that MK was closed at 9.45am as the park was at capacity.

They need to bring in more security.


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