OT: WOW! Allentown, PA to Los Angeles! Is this rate for real?


<font color=red>Sanita clogs are fabulous<br><font
Dec 22, 2000
From The Morning Call.....


Low-fare airline to fly from LVIA
Introductory ticket to Los Angeles will be $49 one way.

By Mariella Savidge
Of The Morning Call

No fooling.
Beginning April 1, Lehigh Valley International Airport will expand its service by offering six nonstop flights a week to Los Angeles International Airport for an introductory one-way fare of $49. When the 60-day introductory rate is over, the seats will begin at $99, increasing to $219, said George Doughty, executive director of the Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority.

The company responsible for the flights, flightserv.com, specializes in scheduled charter services. The Atlanta company is a subsidiary of eResource Capital Group of Charlotte, N.C., an Internet distributor of aviation services.

As part of the same deal, flightserv.com is arranging for a flight from LVIA to Atlanta for a one-way introductory fare of $29. The normal low rate after the introduction will be less than $100, Doughty said.

Reservations for either flight will be taken by the end of this week by calling 1-877-fly-ijet or by logging on to www.flyijet.com, Doughty said.

Once the fares shed the introductory rate, it's still a good deal, he said, because the fares are lower than other flights and no advance purchase or Saturday night stay will be required.

The planes, 757s, seat 215 people. They will fly under the name Interstate Jet, which flightserv will register with the U.S. Department of Transportation today. The name is supposed to evoke the image of fast, point-to-point service, said Cary Evans, executive vice president of flightserv.

LVIA's governing board unanimously decided at its monthly meeting Tuesday to provide money for ground handling, as well as $400,000 for marketing.
Flightserv will lease the planes that fly to Los Angeles from Trans Meridian of Atlanta, a division of the Pegasus Group. The Atlanta planes will be leased from Pace Airlines, which is owned by Hooters of America Inc.

(Heck it would be cheaper to fly to DisneyLAND!)
It's true - just called and got prices for 4 of us in April. Unbelievable!!!! Thanks for the heads-up.
Fair warning on charter airlines.

You are not covered by the same flight rules as a regular scheduled carrier. For example, if the plane has a mechanical difficulty they don't have to rebook you on any other airline and can tell you to come back tomorrow to fly them.

Basically, they are fine but if they change the schedule or something you are at their mercy- you don't have the same rights you do on a scheduled carrier.
I would wait until the next day :-) But seriously, this is such a great rate--Keep in mind, it only lasts for 60 days..

Wow, that is a great deal. It's good to see great deals out of the smaller airports also.


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