Need Advice Re:stroller for ASD Son


Wants to be known as tmlh....
Dec 23, 2001
My ds has been diagnosed with Aspergers, SID, OCD, Fear/Anxiety disorder and a couple other things. When we are in crowds etc he gets very afraid and uncomfortable. We have been to WDW 4 times in the past 4 years, always go during off season and have found we didn't need a GAC. In the 1 1/2 yrs since our last visit things are considerably worse and we are going to be getting the GAC for our upcoming trip.

I think this time he would definitely benefit from the use of a stroller to give him that seperation from everyone else and a "quiet" place. Much like he uses the shopping cart at the grocery store. I have a couple problems though. First I don't know if he will fit, he's 4 1/2 ft tall and almost 80lbs. I am thinking he will be very uncomfortable. He also is adamant about not getting in a stroller because he is not a baby.

Does anyone know if there are places in the area to rent a larger stroller that maybe looks a little less babyish and will still hold his weight? Has anyone rented a wheelchair in this situation. It would hold him better and be more comfortable, however I am not sure if that is the right thing to do.

Any advice would be appreciated....we have 2 weeks this time and I plan on taking it slow with him. I am starting to stress though because he has been so much worse recently and is developing a major fear of crowds and people getting to close to him.
Hi, Tracey -

I don't think that it would be "wrong" to use a wheelchair for your DS....I did that for my autistic DS & it wasn't a problem at all. He CAN walk, but he can't deal with the crowds, etc., and the wheelchair worked very nicely. No one asked for an explanation, but I was prepared to give one!

I actually purchased a large stroller this year for him (he's 9), but he is mostly non-verbal and doesn't protest at all - he's just happy to be able to sit down. It definitely LOOKS like a stroller.

Hope you get some more feedback...I don't have much time now to post....

I don't have the numbers here at work, but it's been reported to me that you can rent special needs strollers from several of the off-site medical equipment rental places and from one of the companies that rents out equipment for children. I think you will find the information in the FAQ thread at the top of this board (at least I think I remember typing it there).
But a child his size would probably fit OK in a small size adult wheelchair. Do what you need to do to make him comfortable. Most of the lines are wheelchair accessible and people with wheelchairs mostly wait in the regular lines, so anyone who thinks you are doing it to get some sort of perk is mistaken.
My ds is 5 and about 4ft tall, and he too has ASD. I am planning on getting him a double WDW stroller at the park each day, as he still fits into these quite comfortably. I'm hoping he'll be okay.
We went to Disneyland Paris a couple of months ago and we did two days, one with stroller , one without. Without the stroller was a nightmare, he was running round flapping and unsettled, and kept charging off. With the stroller he was relaxed and happy, less tired and a good deal more predictable. We learnt our lesson;)
Well after discussing this with my son's OT and dr.s I have decided to get a wheelchair. I was struggling with feeling guilty because technically he can walk and doesn't need it. But as they explained and some of you here have as well...there are many different forms of disablilities and we wouldn't give a second thought to the chair if he had a broken leg.

As his psychometrist put it we deal with alot daily and we deserve this break, anything that can help make it as enjoyable as possible should be utilized. If we can prevent as many melt downs as possible it is certainly better for him and us. He feels awful after it happens and really is down on himself.

So if others are struggling with the same decision I hope this helps.
I have struggled w/ this too. My son also has SID and is extremely intraverted (fear disorder?) Anyway, he is 9yo now and capable of walking but not for a full day. I asked some other folks on the support site for his particular genetic syndrome and they suggested a wheelchair for us. The problem is, I don't know a thing about wc's so I won't know what exactly to ask for. One of the other mothers mentioned something about a McClaren stoller. I don't know if it will hold kids our size (80+ pounds) but I am going to look into it. I would love to get a lite weight wc to have since we go to WDW alot. I hope you find something that will work for you!
It's my understanding the MacLaren stroller will hold the weight of our kids. I have decided to borrow or rent a wheelchair from home so that I will have it for the airport if I need it. Also it will be much cheaper than renting in Orlando.
And don't feel guilty...I know, easy for me to say (hard for me to do too:) )

Funny that you should mention the shopping cart, though...our guys need it as well for that "I can keep my distance from those people" issue as well.

So yesterday, at WalMart, one of the employees comes right up to them, reaches in to tickle the boys:eek: and says:

"Why, you have two big babies in there!! Surely they can get out and walk!!"

Have a nice day, lady:mad:...leave my kids alone!

Sometimes...some people = me muttering inappropriate language


That happens to us alot. My ds is 80lbs! I usually try to cause interference and stop someone before they reach in the cart, but I'm not always quick enough.

I get that almost exact comment and my response is always the same...."Surely an all grown up lady knows that things aren't always what they seem and surely knows not to comment on situations they know nothing about" Of course spoken in my sweetest, protecting my child, ready to attack voice!
Originally posted by LMC
I asked some other folks on the support site for his particular genetic syndrome and they suggested a wheelchair for us. The problem is, I don't know a thing about wc's so I won't know what exactly to ask for. One of the other mothers mentioned something about a McClaren stoller. I don't know if it will hold kids our size (80+ pounds) but I am going to look into it. I would love to get a lite weight wc to have since we go to WDW alot. I hope you find something that will work for you!
For a 9 year, the wheelchairs that you can rent at the parks or one of the off-site rental places are not likely to be very comfortable. They are too big, with footrests that are too low, armrests that are too hign and seats that are too wide and deep.
A Maclaren stroller is a good choice. Maclaren makes very, very good regular strollers, but they also are one of the major manufacturers of what are called "Special Needs Strollers." Those are basically larger sized, more durable strollers designed like regular umbrella strollers that you might be familiar with. Depending on the brand, they are designed to fit people up to 100 (some up to 120) pounds. If you go to and type the words special needs stroller into the search box, you will find all sorts of strollers that should meet your needs.
You might be able to find an equipment lending closet in your area (the OT or PT you work with should be able to help you out with info) or a place near your home that rents special needs strollers. I've been told that some of the rental places in Orlando that rent equipment for babies and children also rent special needs strollers.
Originally posted by tmli
....."Surely an all grown up lady knows that things aren't always what they seem and surely knows not to comment on situations they know nothing about" Of course spoken in my sweetest, protecting my child, ready to attack voice!


well I am going to see if our geneticist or ot (we don't see a pt anymore) will help me get my ds a large stroller or wheelchair. I just can't bear the thought of him struggling through the park to keep up w/ us and his two siblings so I will see what we can do. maybe I can find a used something if I can't get assistance from our insurance. Since we will be going to WDW at least 4 times this next year, I think the rental $$ would really start to add up!
I am so glad I found this thread. I have been wondering about this myself. My 9 year old DS is autistic and I thougt about the double stroller for him and his 8 yr old brother, but not sure if they will fit. i'll kook into the special strollers too.
don't think they will both fit in one double stroller! I use the double stroller for my 6yo and 3yo. I use a double stroller for my 9yo by himself. So unless both of your children are unusually small, they won't fit together. May not even fit in a single for each; my 9yo is too big for the singles (he was 75 pounds and 50" last trip).


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