MK Preschooler favorites =0)


<font color="red"><br>Laughter is the bloom<br>of
Apr 21, 2000
There is a little play area that pre-schoolers really enjoy which is found under the bridge near the exit of Splash Mountain. This is a great place for the smaller ones to play while the bigger kids ride Splash or Big Thunder mountain.Have some pennies handy because there is a penny squisher located here too! :)

Okay y'all have anymore places to recommend in the MAGIC KINGDOM?!?

Let's keep this thread in the MK for PRESCHOOLERS(1 to 5yr old ...ya know walking around but not in school age kiddies)...okay?!? :)

We'll do other parks and age groups in other threads.I figured by taking parks and age groups one at a time it will be easier to organize all the TERRIFIC tips y'all have to share!

Alrighty then... Moms,Dads,Gramas,Gramps,Aunts ,Uncles and anyone else who has something to recommend..... let's hear it!!! :earsgirl:
It's a small world
I can not tell how many times we have ridden it. I lost count after the first 50 times.

Oh and the bear jamboree DS4 seen it so many times he knows the songs by heart.

The tiki birds is another favorit cool place of his but it might scare some if they don't like the dark.

DS4 also likes buzz lightyear rescue ranger.
DD at 4 1/2 liked most of MK, She LOVES Goofy's Barnstormer, It's a Small World, and Pirates, we could ride these 3 all day and she would be happy. We did Splash Mountain once, and she was quite happy, but we didn't try the other mountains (not tall enough)

At 3 1/2 her absolute favorite was It's a small world and SpectroMagic.

There are some water play areas, one is Donalds Boat, and the other is by Arial - unfortunatly we have never seen either operating, but whenever we have seen a water area at other parks, she has really enjoyed them.

My big tip would be to start with It's a Small World and gently work your way up. And don't do Snow White!

Another thing - Belle tells a story in the Storybook Garden a couple of times a day - this is a lovely experience and afterwards Belle sits and chats with all the kids and does autographs - this was the first character that my dd would actually go to, prior to this she had been very nervous of them.

DD 3 loved:

Peter Pan
Pirate's Ride
Goofy's Barnstormer
Aladdin Ride

and to eat......

Cosmic Ray

The funny thing is that she really hated any of the water play areas......
Tom Sawyer Island is the best for helping children (& their parents) let off some steam ! There is a small playground,cave,barrel bridge,fort,trails and all sorts of nooks & crannies for them to explore.
OK we just returned yesterday and I've not caught up on my sleep but my dd, Erin, is 3.5 and everything in Fantasyland was at the top of her list. in order
Small World
Carrousel (ok I probably can't spell either!!)
Peter Pan
Snow White
Pooh was down for rehab she was bummed..
Tiki room she loved to see Iago get blown up but hated the thunder. Too many storms lately.
Face painting in toontown. Sat perfectly still. That was worth the price of the session for a picture that no one will believe. The pic of the look on her face as she saw herself in the mirror was wonderful too.
Spectromagic. This might rank up with Dumbo. She loved the float with the fairies.
She also loves the Lion King show at AK and the Playhouse Disney show at MGM. Any character encounter she's never been frighten by them. I think those are tops on her list. Wish we were still there:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
My 2 year old's MK favorites are:

Small World
Peter Pan
Snow White
Tea Cups
Transportation Authority
Buzz Lightyear
Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride
Toon Town (everything there, Minnie's house, Mickey's house, Donald's boat, the playground, and Goofy's Barnstormer)
The play area at Splash Mountain
*She liked Haunted Mansion at 22 months old, went on a few times, but didn't care for it at 2 1/2
Tiki Birds
Jungle Cruise
Our favorites are:
1. TTA, you can go several times without getting off
2. The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh
3. the boneyard dig site at AK

or when all else fails go on a character hunt

good luck

WL '02
PO-R '01
Poly '00
DisneyLand '96
CBR '92
Prior to one of our trips I read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", one of those shorter versions, to our 4 kids one chapter a night. We spent one afternoon exploring Tom Sawyer island at a leisurely pace. We talked about the book as we played. We also ate at Aunt Polly's which was great. It was the highlight of our MK day that trip!!! Lacee
When my DS was 3 we started with the monorail!!!! He thought it was a ride!! Our first real ride was and always will be Small world!!!
I have 2 that fit this age category...a 4 year old and a 2 year old. They are both very adventurous when it comes to rides, and therefore, pretty much love every single ride in the parks that they're tall enough for. The only rides my 4 year old can't ride are Space Mountain, Indy cars, and Alien Encounter...otherwise, he LOVES all of the other roller coasters! Our 2 year old DD is not yet tall enough for BTMRR or SplMtn, but LOVES Goofy's Barnstormer.

Their other favorites are:

Peter Pan
Cindy's Carousel
Buzz Lightyear

We also LOVE to ride the TTA. Very relaxing, and the best part is that we have a system worked out. Usually, we get one FastPass for Space Mountain, so my husband can ride, and then go on Buzz. Then, we go on the TTA together as a family, and usually by the time we've done one "lap", it's time for my DH's FastPass for SM. The kids and I usually go around one more time, and shortly after we're done, my husband is getting off of Space Mountain. Works beautifully if you have one parent who wants to ride that coaster- keeps the kids occupied and entertained in the meantime!

A favorite spot of ours has been next to the Pirates of the Caribbean. Hook, Smee, and Peter Pan come visit periodically, and the lines to see them are usually quite small, as opposed to the looooong lines to see the characters in front of Main Street. We got a great shot of Smee, Hook, and my DS the last time we were there...Hook turned my DS upside-down and smacked him (playfully) on the tush! :jester:
I got this message from pepbc:

There is a playground on Toms Sawyers Island, not huge, but cute and a nice place to run off steam. Actually, the whole island is good for that.



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