Hidden Mickeys

Anxious in BR

Earning My Ears
Dec 20, 2003
What are the hidden mickeys?

Is there a list for each park, resort??

Thanks in advance!

Leaving in 9 days....yeah!!!:)
Hidden Mickeys are partial or complete images of Mickey Mouse or other characters that have been hidden by Disney Imagineers in the designs of WDW attractions, hotels, shops, restaurants, etc. I wrote a book describing about 400 HM's, some of which are already lost since the book was published. Finding HM's is a fun game. Every time I'm at WDW (almost weekly), I find new or lost HM's. Disney has a few HM lists, usually available at certain resorts like Animal Kingdom Lodge and Wilderness Lodge. Ask cast members at any venue in WDW about HM's, and they're usually able to tell you about some that are closeby. For example, the refurbished Mickey's Star Traders shop in the Magic Kingdom has at least four (or more) new classic three-circle HM's in the mural circling the walls of the shop. Have a great trip!

Steve Barrett, author of the Hidden Mickeys book and "The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation" touring guide book
Originally posted by SBarrett
[B Every time I'm at WDW (almost weekly),

Steve Barrett, author of the Hidden Mickeys book and "The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation" touring guide book [/B]

Sure rub it in!!!!

I have to say, I love Steve's book.

Hidden Mickeys are all over and the list is huge. I use Steve's book, coupled with a free list you can get a guest services as well as the following website: www.hiddenmickeys.org

Also, Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdon Lodge each have their own "hunt lists" available at the front desk

some are easy to find and some are a real stretch (once you spot them you wonder why it took you so long!!)

It is lots of fun looking and can often help pass time waiting on line.

I just want to say that Steve's book is awesome! Well at least what I have been able to read of it since I can't get it away from my 11yo daughter. LOL We have had so much fun finding hidden Mickey's. My daughter even had to buy a larger back pack since it won't fit in her fanny pack and she wanted to have easy access to it and not have to get it out of my bag.

We have done the AKL hunt and found them all, most without help but some of them are extremely hard. We hope to do the WL hunt in another week.

Steve you mentioned that there are updates with all the renovations and new attractions. Do you have a web site where you update the hidden Mickey's? Thanks for writting such a fun book!
Originally posted by SBarrett
I wrote a book describing about 400 HM's, some of which are already lost since the book was published. Finding HM's is a fun game. Every time I'm at WDW (almost weekly), I find new or lost HM's. Steve Barrett, author of the Hidden Mickeys book and "The Hassle-Free Walt Disney World Vacation" touring guide book

Steve--you are the perfect person to ask---I forgot to ask a CM before I left AKL--I was out watching the flamingos by the pool at the AKL and a kid asked me to help him find the hidden mickey that the hidden mickey scavenger hunt list he got at the front desk said was somewhere near the flamingos. We looked forever and never found it....where was it?????
We have Steve's Hidden Mickey book and brought it with us on our last trip to the World. The girls loved finding Hidden Mickeys! We look forward to searching for some more Hidden Mickeys on our next trip. It adds another layer of fun to the trip!

Thanks everyone! I think this would be great if we have a rainy afternoon at ALK. I may get the book too!

8 days and counting!:D
Can anyone tell me where to get Steve's Hidden Mickey book? Cam you get it somewhere like Barnes and Nobles?
IloveWINNIEthePOOH, I believe you can but if not you can also order this online at Barnes and Noble or AMAZON. Got it for DH stocking!
We planned our last trip around searching out some Hidden Mickeys, and had a great time. While there we bought Steve's book about Hidden Mickeys. Then of course we promptly left it on a ride one day, never to see it again.

It has some great ones in it, and is set up like a scavenger hunt. We also found out that most of the Guest Relations/Services and the parks and resorts have shortened lists of the ones there. We were disappointed when we couldn't get one for Pop Century though. Although we were pointed in the direction of one Hidden Mickey by a wise CM. I think they may been the only one that knew where it was... no one else seemed too.

Oh, and definitely look for the Hidden Minnie in the mural at the entrance of the Great Movie Ride. It's hard to find yourself, but the tour guides are more than willing to point it out to you. It's the only Hidden Minnie profile on property!!!:
You can find it online just about anywhere (the title is Hidden Mickeys and it has a yellow cover). I haven't seen it in bookstores, but I haven't looked either. I'd imagine that they'd have it.
I did see in on DISNEY property on my may 2004 trip. My friend "borrowed" mine I have yet to get it back from her, hope she brings it on our Oct. trip.
I was in borders yesterday, they had about 8 copies of it. It is gen erally just intersperced with the "Florida Travel" books.
Walt Disney World's Hidden Mickeys
Steven M. Barrett
Published by The Intrepid Treveler
ISBN: 1-887140-44-1
Price U.S. $11.95


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