Getting to Know You

Name: Jessica Holley
Age: 12
Location: Denison, Texas
Fav. Disney Movie: Can't decide.
" " character: Can't Deciede.
" " ride: Either ToT or RnR
" band: can't decide
Intersting fact abot yourself: I play the French horn. I am in the 6th grade and only 4 ft and 5 inches tall! :mad:
Name:Allison(allie in Wonderland)
Fav. Disney Movie:Roger Rabbit
Fav. Disney Character:Pluto
Fav. Disney Ride:Rock'n Roll
Fav. Band:*nsync
I love sports. :eek:
Really, how many other people are there like me who play the French Horn, know German, and like Disney?

"A Mousekateer is a cross between an Imagineer and a Mouse FUNatic."

"If we can dream it, than we can do it!"

Soon-to-come Attractions

Aladdin's, Primal Whirl, Triceritops Spin, Animal Kingdom Lodge, WWTBAM?, EPCOT sign, Hall of Presidents Rehab, Walt's 100 B-Day, MiraCosta Hotel, Tokyo Disney Seas, Journey Rehab, Pop Culture Resort, Studios Paris, Dino Coaster (Family), Mission:SPACE & Hong Kong Disneyland


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