Embarrassing Confessions


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2004
My sister and I were talking tonight while we were on hold for Disney Dining and wondered if anyone else ever sings along with the on-hold music. :blush: Sometimes I get really into it and sing loud, and that's probably RIGHT in the CM's ear when he/she answers! :lmao:

That got us to wondering if anyone else has any embarrassing confessions to make, regarding the planning, touring, or recovery (i.e. after you're home) phases. Post 'em - there's no shame among friends! :grouphug:
yeah, I was singing for a while, while all the while the CM was listening, she said it happens all the time, and usually means that it will be a fun and friendly phone call.
The only really embarrassing thing that happened to me was on the way home with my best friend. We left the Florida airport with our princess crowns on and when we came back to New Jersey we sort of forgot we weren't in DisneyWorld anymore. We went to Starbucks and everyone gave us the strangest looks!
Im not embarassed by this at all...but at work (i work at a daycare) I like to put on the disney music and sing along and preform for them! They love it! haha. I guess the only part I get embarassed by is if a parent walks in and catches me doing it, they might judge me haha.
Moving this one over to ThemeParks Community Board..

I'll have to think about exactly what embarrassing behavior I wish to confess to.. ;)

Not only do I hum along, I also dance around sometimes. :laughing:

After our trip last year I found myself at baggage claim when we returned home humming a tune from Cinderella. My DH promptly reminded me that my wish that I dreamed had come true and I was back in reality. (It takes a while for me to come out of the clouds after a trip.) :goodvibes
Not only do I sing while on hold, but one time when the CM answered I said, "Aw man I really loved that song."
I usually put the phone on speaker so we can all hear the music!

Last night while cooking dinner, DS and I were dancing in the kitchen to some of the Park music that I have on iTunes! We play Spectro at least 3 or 4 nights a week while cooking. :thumbsup2

My moment was probably back in 1991 when DH and I came home from our honeymoon. We were so used to the automatic doors at Disney that when we left the airport we just stood there waiting for the door to open looking at each other. Someone behind us said 'oh let me get it' and stormed by! We busted out laughing. I feel bad that they guy thought we were rude but it was one of those 'we're not in Disney any more' moments for us!
Last night while cooking dinner, DS and I were dancing in the kitchen to some of the Park music that I have on iTunes! We play Spectro at least 3 or 4 nights a week while cooking. :thumbsup2

Where did you find the park music? I've searched iTunes but can't find any :(
We definitely sing to hold music. I have also been known to clap when Disney commercials come on TV. :rolleyes:
Where did you find the park music? I've searched iTunes but can't find any :(

Someone had posted a site where you could download park music. I cannot remember what the link was. I was able to download some things and transfer the songs into iTunes. I bought the CDs for Wishes, Spectro and Illuminations.


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