Do doctors only call with bad news?

My FL got a call on Mother's Day Sunday a couple of years ago from his kidney doctor that he had the results of his test and to come in on Tuesday,and perhaps he should have someone with him.
My FIL was freaking out, actually cried to me thinking he had cancer or something.
My BIL drove up the 3 hours from MD where he lives, my husband and other BIL took the day off, they all go to the doctor..he's fine, results were fine, the numbers were slightly off, but the dr thought it probably was because he was just getting over being sick when they took the blood. so he retook blood, yup they were all totally fine after that one.

Don't ask me why he called on a Sunday and said he should have someone be with him in the office.

No family member called on Monday? Patients of a certain age, with hearing difficulties, or who are suffering from serious conditions are often advised to bring someone along to be a second pair or ears. It does not mean that all test results are life-changing. Maybe FIL came in alone last time and seemed shaky so the doctor made a note to tell him to bring someone with him. That's something for FIL and his sons to discuss with the doctor.
I hope I am worrying about nothing. I had blood work done at my doctor's office on Thursday. They called yesterday morning saying they had the results and I should call back. Unfortunately I didn't get the voice mail until today and obviously cannot call back until Monday. It didn't sound urgent, but I am surprised the results are back so soon and that the doctor's office called. Any thoughts?

Depends on the office really. For generic bloodwork, I generally get a quick phone call from the staff, doctor, or something in the mail. If it is something specific then yes, I will end up talking to the doc.
I know that kind of thing is so stressful and I would be freaking out. However, I doubt you have anything to worry about.

If they call and say we need to see you, it is not something any of us would ever want to hear. I know somebody that happened to...and it was on a Friday afternoon, just soooooo something you would not want to hear. Same day as the tests were done.
When I was passing a kidney stone, I thought I might have urinary tract infection from the stone being lodged in the ureter which connects the kidney to the bladder. Doc called and left a message to call back the next day and although I was nervous, the test results were negative on the infection. Turns out the blood was from the stone tearing on the lining of the ureter.

Before you ask or for those unwilling to ask but with a dark desire to know, yes it hurt. Bad. Been stabbed in the hand, hit by cars twice and broken numerous bones and nothing has even come close. It dropped me to my knees quite literally.
My doctors' offices all call with test results. The one time I had bad results, my gyne called me himself to give me the results, and then conference-called me in with the oncologist and the hospital to get me scheduled for surgery ASAP...


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