CBR food court pics.

Great pics! Thanks for sharing them....:D
Thanks for those great pictures!! :)

I have a question.... In the last 2 pics, it looks like that is the entrance/exit which is at the opposite end of the building from the gift shops. Is that correct? Is this still an entrance from outside as it always was?? Is the restaurant Shutters there to the left of the archway?? I had read in a different thread that this entrance/exit was no longer there, that it was INSIDE the Shutters, but from your pics, it appears to look pretty much the same as it always did. I'm asking this because this was the entrance we always used when walking to the food court from Martinique and I'm wondering its still there and usable! Thanks :)
The last door at the end where the new restaurant is you can't go in from outside here. You have to go down another door.
SeaSpraySorry can't help you there, I didn't walk back past the archway in that picture to see if it still exits to the outside like it use to:( Imho it is a definite improvement.It really is a lot brighter that what the pics show.
We were talking to a CM at Shutters and I mentioned Disney has 2 Shutters restaurants now. (Here and VB)She answered with an island accent "ah but we are the West Indie's version.":)


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