Birthday Girl / Non-Birthday Girl


<font color=FF00CC>Of all the things I've lost my
May 5, 2002
We are planning a trip to WDW in Nov. We will be there at the time of my 8yos 9th birthday. My dh is not sure about this because he is worried of the jealousy caused to our 6yo. She loves to see her sister get attention but gets jealous when she does not get attention also. And I hate to see her get left out. I want them both to feel special. The baby (2yo) is too young to care but the older two are close in age and quite the jealousy there at times

Is there anyway we can allivate this? Should we pick one day to celebrate her birthday also while we are there? Her birthday is at the end of Dec.
We will be going again at the beginning of Feb. We could also celebrate it then.

I going in circles and not sure what to do. Any ideas?
Is the November trip planned as a celebration of your older DD's birthday or do the two just happen to occur at the same time? If it's the former I would explain to younger DD that in your family certain birthdays get extra special celebrations and that when she reaches age X she'll have the same type celebration. If it's the latter I wouldn't make a bigger fuss about this birthday being at WDW that I would if it occured at home. I would avoid having an early celebration for young DD because IMO this isn't going to help teach her to control her jealousy. Instead I'd have DH take older DD and the baby for a few hours and let younger DD have some special attention from mom w/o focusing on the birthday thing.

Good luck.:D
Well, all my friends with several children say I don't have a clue because I have an only child. I sometimes think an outsider can see more clearly so here is my take. I say to celebrate the 9th birthday at WDW but do it just for one day. Encourage your younger child to remember that she will celebrate her birthday in a different way at home. Make sure that her celebration is extra special this year too. While i do not think that giving her a "pretend birthday" at WDW is wrong in anyway, I think that these celebrations take away from that very special birthDAY. We used to celebrate unbirthdays at out school for Summer Birthdays but found that it confussed children and overwelmed parents to plan two celebrations, one of which had no real meaning. I really think that the younger child will enjoy her sister's celebration with out too much trouble. I have heard that the birthday cupcakes are big enough to share. If not, order the younger child a desert to come at the same time. They both will enjoy a special resturant, and unless you always give gifts to both at each birthday, that should not even be an issue. What ever you decide will work out just fine!!

Have fun and I am sure the girls will too.

Jordan's mom
Yep, unless the trip is in celebration of your older daughter's b'day I make the celebration low-key ... maybe let the b'day girl choose a restaurant (character meal) to have her b'day dinner at (let the wait staff know it's her b'day). Maybe even let her plan the days activities.

Then I would let the younger daughter choose the activites for another day.

My daughter celebrated her 27th b'day at WDW last summer ... she got the birthday pin at City Hall and at Mickey's Backyard BBQ she got to go up and have a special dance along with all the other b'day and anniversary celebrants! Her kids (5.5 & 7) were very understanding, LOL!


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