Better to go BEFORE or AFTER baby walks?


May 17, 2001
This will be our first trip with our newest baby! The other two, we first took at around 18 months. We are currently deciding between spring and fall for the trip, he will be a year in August and I imagine will be walking then. I can't decide whether it is better to go in spring, before he can get around (away) on his own...or to wait until he CAN walk so we don't have to hold him all the time. We will have a stroller for him, and probably a back carrier. Am having baby amnesia, but I THINK the other two were more difficult to handle after they started walking...although that Disney commercial shows the Mom who doesn't want to go until the baby can walk (haha), I wonder if there is something to that! Any opinions? Thanks in advance!
My opinion: Go before he starts walking -- otherwise he may WANT to walk and, if you remember, it's not like a new walker will walk right next to you (or very fast, for that matter!) I found it more of a pain when my then 18 mo. old wanted to walk and did not want to stay in his stroller. Or, when we were waiting in line for something...because when a toddler wants something, you know you can't convince him otherwise! If he doesn't walk yet, I would think there would be less of a chance of him wanting down/out at the wrong times.
because the new baby is only going to be 4 months old and more portable than if she were toddling around. The last time we went was when older DD was 2 and it was TOUGH getting her in and out of stroller and hanging on to her... I vote for sooner than later!
If I remember right, all three of my children were fussy before they started walking. It was like they were real frustrated... they knew they should be doing something else but they didn;t know what. I would go after, it is amazing how happy it makes them to just get out of the stroller for a couple of minutes to show off their knew skills. I hate the idea of a baby crawling around on a hotel floor. YUK!!
Thanks for all these responses! MomX3....oh, golly - I forgot about the hotel floor thing! I DO remember being on another trip with my oldest when he wanted to crawl on the hotel floor and I didn't want to let him. It is amazing how you forget these things....and my older ones are only 3 & 4.

After discussion with my mother last night (family trip) we are now probably leaning towards spring -before he walks, unless he walks at 9 months! (his brother did walk at ten). This list really comes in handy! I hadn't even thought about the consequences of going in the fall on school - there is currently a thread on taking children out of school for a WDW trip. My oldest begins Kindergarten in the fall. Especially after reading that thread about the school's attitude, going in the spring would give us one less hassle. The more people in the family the more this planning becomes like a military maneuver....but worth every bit of effort! Thanks!
One problem with 9 months - the baby can get heavy! There are a LOT of places where you can't bring a stroller, and if the baby can't stand or walk much, your arms will get very tired.

Just another opinion! :)
I love the "before they walk" trips, but even when she wasn't mobile she still didn't want to be in the stroller all the time. We did use a snugli carrier, which in the rain was FANTASTIC!!! I was able to have her close and use my umbrella to shield us both. Don't forget to make stops at the Baby Centers, they have an area where little ones can work their bugs out, crawl around some and play with kid safe toys!

Well. Even if you wait until he is walking at a year old, that kind of walking is not going to help out very much. You know that precious "walking" babies do! They take a few step and then just sit down where ever they are (like in the middle of main street) to check out whatever they see( like someones leftover icecream cone). Or they take off running with out thought of where they are going and run until they hit the first solid object (Mickey Mouse if you are lucky). It's also too hard to hold those little hands that are attached to those short little arms. I still remember the back aches. Either time he will be a crawler/early toddler. For safety and sanity he will be in a stroler or a carrier or your arms most of the time. The baby centers are a great idea or look for out of the way spots that are clean and grassy, easier on little knees, and let him let off a little energy.
As for the hotel, we gave in and let DS play on the floor. We were not at WDW when he was that age, but stayed in other places. We checked the floor carefully, and washed his hands often and then just let it go. Don't forget to childproof the room.Enjoy the trip and that precious little one!

Jordan's mom


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