Bags, Busses, and Booze - A Where has all the Rum gone Girls 2013 F&W TR

There are weird rules for sure. I guess there is even a thing about how one of the resorts can't sell into the state I live in. So if it works the same way, you would have to make your purchase from in one of those provinces.

Definitely some odd ways of doing things. I find it all a bit confusing right now but I haven't done a whole lot of reading on it since I found out I couldn't purchase.
Not sure how they would work it, or if it would work, to purchase out of province but for now I will just have to keep dreaming. Especially since DH is not really interested in purchasing DVC right now. Though if we keep cruising and doing it through disney it might be more a temptation for him since he likes the cruise idea more than just going to WDW all the time. Me... well I could happily do both! :) Maybe I will call them at some point and see what they say. I'd like to know if it was even an option for us to consider or not.
Definitely some odd ways of doing things. I find it all a bit confusing right now but I haven't done a whole lot of reading on it since I found out I couldn't purchase.
Not sure how they would work it, or if it would work, to purchase out of province but for now I will just have to keep dreaming. Especially since DH is not really interested in purchasing DVC right now. Though if we keep cruising and doing it through disney it might be more a temptation for him since he likes the cruise idea more than just going to WDW all the time. Me... well I could happily do both! :) Maybe I will call them at some point and see what they say. I'd like to know if it was even an option for us to consider or not.

And to add to the confusion...

for me...since I bought resale rather than direct, I can not use points for cruises. Only direct purchased points can be used for cruises... and it requires a LOT of points.
And to add to the confusion...

for me...since I bought resale rather than direct, I can not use points for cruises. Only direct purchased points can be used for cruises... and it requires a LOT of points.

Good grief - that's a lot of things to know and keep track of. And I bet that by the time we would buy enough points it would end up costing us more in the long run.
My parents had a vacation condo thing for almost 30 years and then it changed management and they ended up getting taken advantage of and had to buy themselves out of the their contract - ended up costing them a lot of money. So we are a bit cautious when it comes to this kind of stuff. Guess we'll just stick to saving up :)
Good grief - that's a lot of things to know and keep track of. And I bet that by the time we would buy enough points it would end up costing us more in the long run.
My parents had a vacation condo thing for almost 30 years and then it changed management and they ended up getting taken advantage of and had to buy themselves out of the their contract - ended up costing them a lot of money. So we are a bit cautious when it comes to this kind of stuff. Guess we'll just stick to saving up :)

Being cautious is always good... saving even better. :thumbsup2
These are always the most depressing updates to post. Last days....

I had intended to wake and make it to RD at AK. However, the sunrise and view from my balcony called to me. I had to sit and enjoy for a just a bit.

So I sat here

and I watched this

I then took my bags down the hall to bell services and caught the bus to AK.

Since I had missed my fp+ reservation for Dinosaur and FOTLK, I just meandered a bit and soaked up my last moments there.

I am not certain I had anything for breakfast other than coffee. I had one thing that I had to get though...

This is so yummy... like frozen pureed strawberries in a cup.

I watched the performers a bit.

I had one last fp+ for the day. It was for KS. I don't have pictures for it though so I didn't think I rode it as it would have been the third time on the trip. However, given I was in Africa... maybe I did.

I know I decided to walk around the tree of life. I tried to get some good photos. Sadly, nothing too impressive.

Deciding it was time to head out, I took one last interesting picture.

I wasn't the only one looking and taking pictures... ;)

I had a lunch reservation to get to at the Poly, so I caught a bus and headed there.

While there, the skies opened and the absolute worst rain of the trip started up.

However I was inside Kona Cafe nice and dry - enjoying my lunch.

By the time I got done and outside, it looked like this.

Given that the monorail had been shut down for maintenance and I didn't want to take a bus from the Poly to MK, I went to the boat dock.

I arrived at MK and pretty much just meandered there as well. It was my last farewell to this park.

I saw a very large bunny.

It was outside Rupunzels restrooms.

After walking around a bit I decided I needed one last snack.

Then it was time to say goodbye.

I had to make it from MK back to KV to catch DME. I noted the time. It was exactly one hour from when I needed to catch DME that I started down Main Street. I thought this would be ample time. However shortly after I got on the bus, the skies again turned and torrential rains caused a very slow bus ride back to KV.

I arrived back to KV exactly when I was due to catch DME. What a long trek back!!

The CMs were singing outside (very beautifully I might add) while I and the others waited for our motor coach. Soon enough we were all on our way.

At MCO, getting through security was kinda funny. When I handed the TSA agent my id, he looked at it before he looked at me and then shuttered a bit. He then looked at me and laughed. He told me that my id makes me look mean. :rotfl: But looking at me in person he said that he could see that I am not as scary as my id makes me look. I laughed. I am not very photogenic. It is true. However, yes... my id caught me in a "not smile" moment. If I am irritated by incompetence I tend to not hide it well. :rotfl:

I had a bit of a wait for my plane. I had nearly a dead battery on my phone. So I charged my phone while I waited. I had an issue though. I also needed a restroom very badly. I enlisted the help of a gate agent who was nice enough to watch my phone in and "unofficial" capacity so I could hurry and use the restroom. I was so quick I made her laugh when I got back.

When I got on the plane, I went down the isle looking for my empty seat. I was not paying terribly close attention to the actual row numbers since I had not yet come across and empty seat. I had to stop and go back because sure enough, I had passed my seat because someone was sitting in it. :rolleyes:

While I would have liked to have not passed my seat and thus wished the person had not taken my seat, ultimately I didn't' NEED to sit there. I was just as happy to sit in their seat. After a few moments of confusion from everyone in that row, we all got situated and were seated.

It was neat because I sat with a husband and wife who had come to cheer on their daughter at the race. Mom had not ran since she had a boot on. Dad had ran the 5k. It is always fun to chat with people who share similar interests.

Not long into the flight, I was able to get this last pic of the trip.

Next Up: Final Thoughts
I hate last days, but you did something I'd like to do...just walk around and take it all in before going home. How did you like lunch at Kona? We have only had breakfast and we are having dinner (the girls and I) in June.
This is pathetic but I never noticed the back of the chair at AKV before! That is cool.

what did you have at Kona for lunch? That looks yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really need to try one of those waffles one of these days, maybe not that one but one of the sandwich ones.

That was some hair!!!!

I don't hide my annoyance with incompetence well either :rotfl:
I hate last days, but you did something I'd like to do...just walk around and take it all in before going home. How did you like lunch at Kona? We have only had breakfast and we are having dinner (the girls and I) in June.

It was nice to just "be" in the parks. No rushing to get one last ride in. I just enjoyed. I do wish I had not missed FOTLK, but I think that will be back at some point on another trip. That view was just that morning. BUT.. now that I think about it.. I am not sure if that was the sunset or sunrise in those pictures.. :rotfl2:

Lunch at Kona was really quite good. It was simple and given that it was my last ts meal of the trip, it was nice to have simple.

This is pathetic but I never noticed the back of the chair at AKV before! That is cool.

I almost didn't post that picture since it is just a chair, but then I thought.. na, maybe someone hasn't seen that chair and it is a pretty cool chair. curtains were awesome there too!

what did you have at Kona for lunch? That looks yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had the chicken. It was super yummy.

I really need to try one of those waffles one of these days, maybe not that one but one of the sandwich ones.

I have been warned that the sandwich one is very sticky. Like walk away and need to wash your hands it is so sticky. Good though.... I am a fan of strawberries and bananas I went with the nutella waffle.

That was some hair!!!!

I was trying to channel my inner Mary Ellen and take a picture of a stranger ;) I would do this far more often if left to my own devices. Being alone I really could not avoid taking this picture... it was some hair!!!

I don't hide my annoyance with incompetence well either :rotfl:

:rotfl: Yes, so getting my picture taken at the dmv can be an interesting experience. Course, so can going through security. I have to be careful there or they pull me aside. :rolleyes1 :rotfl2::rotfl2:
I love the back of the chair! So amazing.

And that strawberry drink! What is it? Is there alcohol in it? It looks really yummy! (And I'm actually NOT looking for alcohol, there is something wrong with me and I don't drink it, so I'm hoping there is not, but the way I asked it makes it sound like I am!) :lmao: Sorry.... But it looks really good!
I love the back of the chair! So amazing. And that strawberry drink! What is it? Is there alcohol in it? It looks really yummy! (And I'm actually NOT looking for alcohol, there is something wrong with me and I don't drink it, so I'm hoping there is not, but the way I asked it makes it sound like I am!) :lmao: Sorry.... But it looks really good!

No alcohol!!! But it is found at upcountry which mainly sells alcohol. (By flights of wonder). It is called a shangrila freeze... I think.
Fantastic last day! I love the fact that you were able to just relax and enjoy the morning. A final stroll around MK right before you had to head for DME is definitely the icing on the cake. I don't care which park I'm in last, it is that last time leaving MK in a trip that I always remember vividly. We always try to finish up with a couple of hours in MK if we can. :thumbsup2
Fantastic last day! I love the fact that you were able to just relax and enjoy the morning. A final stroll around MK right before you had to head for DME is definitely the icing on the cake. I don't care which park I'm in last, it is that last time leaving MK in a trip that I always remember vividly. We always try to finish up with a couple of hours in MK if we can. :thumbsup2

I think saying goodbye to MK last is my favorite. It is nice to have it be the first park of a trip, but for me... last is even more special.
Ashley has a long way to go in order to finish her updates on this. She has so much going on though so I figure we can cut her some slack. ;) Not my place to share, but lets just say so many exciting things for her. :cool1:

Since I have shared (to the best of my silly recollection) my trip experience from the fall, I thought I would give a few final thoughts.

First and foremost if you have a chance to go on a girls trip (or guys trip), GO! Don't let any drama (cause with women you know there will be drama) get in your way. The good far outweighs any of the bad that may creep in. While I do wish that those who started out in the planning to go on this trip would have been able to go I do not for a second regret going when it just became the three of us. Ashley is dear friend now and I hope to always be able to take the occasional girls trip with her.

Next if you have the chance to spend some time alone on a Disney trip, DO! Don't fear that you might be out of place. There are tons of people who do things all on their own in Disney. After all, what are single rider lines for. ;) While I really enjoyed my time with Ashley and Ginger I also very much so enjoyed my time alone. It gave me time to focus on just me and what I wanted. Turns out I can do just about nothing and be very happy. :rotfl:

Next if you have time to do a dismeet, DO! I have had more good come from my meetings of people on dis that I could ever have imagined. I truly believe that dispeople are the best people! Spending time with Katie as well as getting a chance to see Su-Lynn and her dh, Steve were highlights of my trip.

Next, if you see someone you recognize call them out Even if that means you seem to have startled them or invaded that space. I really felt bad to have shocked Michelle like we did but I was so pleased to be able to say hello to her. I know she too has a lot on her plate and I keep her in my prayers. It made it all the more special to just happen to pass by her when it wasn't planned.

Next if you can go during a special event, OMG - GO! Food and Wine is such an amazing time. I am so glad to have taken advantage of more this time than last time. Between the festival center and the special event we did, it is an experience unlike any other I have had in Disney!

Last, if you can walk the parks do a Rundisney event! They are beyond amazing. You don't have to get crazy about it like I do. You don't have to run the entire thing. RunDisney events remind me a lot of childbirth. All the pain and drama and you swear you are never going to do it again. Then there is joy and a new sense of purpose and you can't wait to do it all again. You come out changed on the other side. I will forever be changed by each RunDisney event I participate in.

This trip was a very unique experience. I have taken girls trips before and not just to Disney with my own girls. This however was different. I will forever cherish this trip. It definitely ranks at the top of my all time favorite trips I have taken.

Now if Ashley just continues on with sharing the trip through her eyes. Then I can relive it all!!! :goodvibes
I really enjoyed this update! What a lovely last day. You did exactly what I did on my last day at AK. I went out on my balcony and watched the sun rise while I took pictures.

I did not know Kona served lunch. Good to know!

OMG THAT HAIR!!!!!! :faint: I have no clue why people let their hair grow that long. It is not at all norma! :eek:

Enjoyed your final thoughts and I totally agree with them. Girls trips are the best. Solo trips are pretty special too. And F&W is the best.

What is it with people who sit in the wrong seat on an air plane? It's weird.

What a pretty picture from the plane.
Love your final thoughts.

I LOVE Dismeets...either planned or surprised.

We will experience F&W this year as they pushed it up a week which turns out to be the weekend we arrive so we will experience that as well.
I really enjoyed this update! What a lovely last day. You did exactly what I did on my last day at AK. I went out on my balcony and watched the sun rise while I took pictures.

It was really nice! I definitely want to do this again some day.

I did not know Kona served lunch. Good to know!

And it was pretty simple... not too heavy. A tad sweet though... but still very good.

OMG THAT HAIR!!!!!! :faint: I have no clue why people let their hair grow that long. It is not at all norma! :eek:

Maybe she was going for a certain princess look? :confused: I had to take a picture!

Enjoyed your final thoughts and I totally agree with them. Girls trips are the best. Solo trips are pretty special too. And F&W is the best.


What is it with people who sit in the wrong seat on an air plane? It's weird.

I am not sure... it isn't like they are not clearly labeled. It was not a problem though and actually worked out nicely since I had people that had just participated in race weekend to talk with.

What a pretty picture from the plane.

Thanks :goodvibes

Love your final thoughts.

Thank you. :goodvibes

I LOVE Dismeets...either planned or surprised.

I agree!

We will experience F&W this year as they pushed it up a week which turns out to be the weekend we arrive so we will experience that as well.

I am excited for you! However... I must say for me... a tad disappointed. Yet again.. we just miss each other. ;)


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