Africa Hot/Alaska Cold


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2005
It's May 28. It's 37 degrees in Ohio this morning. It's warmer in Anchorage. (I checked!)

Tell me again why "Africa Hot" in Orlando is so bad?????
Although my weather is not as bad as yours.... I missed it when it was sunny here...

For those who are interested, it's 66 F and its damp.... which I believe is worse than a heavy downpour.

Can I have some Africa hot please?.....
Although my weather is not as bad as yours.... I missed it when it was sunny here...

For those who are interested, it's 66 F and its damp.... which I believe is worse than a heavy downpour.

Can I have some Africa hot please?.....

I second that! We had a downpour last night! Yuck!
I'm not in Orlando but in NW FL and what I consider "Africa hot" is when the actual temperature is in the 90's and the humidity is at 100+ percent making the temperature feel like it is 110+ degrees. The humidity can feel heavy and feel like it is sucking all of the moisture out of your body as soon as you step outside.
I'm not in Orlando but in NW FL and what I consider "Africa hot" is when the actual temperature is in the 90's and the humidity is at 100+ percent making the temperature feel like it is 110+ degrees. The humidity can feel heavy and feel like it is sucking all of the moisture out of your body as soon as you step outside.

I concur. That is Africa hot. Back in 98' first week of October on a trip to Disney it was JUST like this. We would open our hotel room door at 8am and be hit by a wall of heat that you could practically touch and by the time we got to the bus stop you'd think we just stepped out of the shower. I'll never forget that trip and I gotta say, I'm Ohio too and I'll take the 37 degrees this morning over hot, dripping, sticky, icky like that.
LOL...yes. Orlando can be hot...but take it from someone who knows. Africa is HOT! Take Orlando and then take away the humidity and put Arizona dry heat in...then add ten more degrees to that. THEN you have Africa hot!

(I know I don't post much, but long time lurker/listener here for the past year.)
LOL...yes. Orlando can be hot...but take it from someone who knows. Africa is HOT! Take Orlando and then take away the humidity and put Arizona dry heat in...then add ten more degrees to that. THEN you have Africa hot!

(I know I don't post much, but long time lurker/listener here for the past year.)

You know what, before I even saw your post, I saw your username and realised... we're about to be schooled...
Im sorry...I didnt' mean it to sound like I was being a snobby know-it-all...just thought you might like to have a bit of perspective from someone actually here (in Africa).:hippie:

My in-laws actually live in Florida, so when we go home to see them we cringe at the air conditioning and freeze the whole time we're you do get kind of used to it after awhile.

Its just interesting since I can relate to both.:cool2:

But I don't envy you people that are still freezing right now...I grew up in snowy New Hampshire, so I am appreciating the heat as I read about all those freezing temps still in some places in the states!
Im sorry...I didnt' mean it to sound like I was being a snobby know-it-all...just thought you might like to have a bit of perspective from someone actually here (in Africa).:hippie:

My in-laws actually live in Florida, so when we go home to see them we cringe at the air conditioning and freeze the whole time we're you do get kind of used to it after awhile.

Its just interesting since I can relate to both.:cool2:

Sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way.... I was thinking what you just said, maybe I just said it in the wrong way.


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