? about antidepressents


<font color=darkcoral>Right now I'm an inch of nat
Aug 16, 2003
have a question about antidepressants...does anyone know if they can have a rebound effect( like antihistamines, it gets worse rather than better) if you stop them? my dr just gave me effexor to try since diabetes can actually cause depression( they think it may change the brain just like it does the blood vessels etc) i thought i was depressed anyway but we have had a really awful yr and figured it must be that...

anyway, we were going to be very busy last weekend and since the effexor( been on it 2 weeks) wasn't covered by the prescription plan he changed it to lexapro. since i have cfs as well and knew i couldn't be [iI]more[/I] tired than i already was and be able to do what we had to do i didn't take it for 3 days( i was supposed to start it friday night and waited til monday night) since he said it can cause tiredness and to take it at night. so long story longer, i basically wigged out all weekend ie couldn't stop crying,suicidal yadayada...wondering if it was due to not starting the med and the effexor wearing off although it was only 3 days or if i have to just watch cause the depression is worse than i thought . i've never been so close as i was last weekend. it was a really stressful weekend so that could have very well played a part. i told husband so he'll watch for it as well( ie he said he'll take any dangerous meds i have with him if i feel like that again) but just wondering if anyone knows. i feel fine ( well not suicidal) now.

not to be a whiner but i am so tired of being sick. i was kind of upset since i feel like i can't get a handle on all these illnesses( 3 chronic, need surgery i can't get, now have a giant spend down for my medicaid so that is pretty much worthless unless i have a long hospital stay...as well as kids having some mental problems, husband's work being slow...holy moly ) so i think depression of some degree would be "normal" right now but the suicidal thing was really bad..to be honest i have "toyed" with the idea before but this time if my daughter hadn't called distraught about something and the "my kids need me " hadn't kicked in i really don't think i'd be here
Well jan1033...I think you and I have quite a bit in common (I remembered your post under the CFS thread). I just sent you a PM - would love to chat with someone who can relate!!

As far as the anti-depressants go...are you saying that you stopped one cold turkey and took nothing for three days? If that is the case, well that can DEFINITELY make you feel the way you described! I have dealt with SSRI's for the past few years (no longer taking any) and I know what they can do. I have a very sensitive system and if I only took my meds hours later than normal, I would start buzzing from the withdrawals. It can be a drastic shock to your system, which sounds like what happened to you. And also keep in mind, these drugs can take 4-6 weeks to actually kick in and take effect. So within just a short period of time, you changed a few things around - taking one, stopping it, then starting with another. Getting on them and getting off of them (especially!) can all be a very tough time until your body balances them out.

Believe me...I do know what you are feeling and it does STINK!! But hang in there - it will get better and like you said "your kids need you". :grouphug:
Well jan1033...I think you and I have quite a bit in common (I remembered your post under the CFS thread). I just sent you a PM - would love to chat with someone who can relate!!

As far as the anti-depressants go...are you saying that you stopped one cold turkey and took nothing for three days? If that is the case, well that can DEFINITELY make you feel the way you described! I have dealt with SSRI's for the past few years (no longer taking any) and I know what they can do. I have a very sensitive system and if I only took my meds hours later than normal, I would start buzzing from the withdrawals. It can be a drastic shock to your system, which sounds like what happened to you. And also keep in mind, these drugs can take 4-6 weeks to actually kick in and take effect. So within just a short period of time, you changed a few things around - taking one, stopping it, then starting with another. Getting on them and getting off of them (especially!) can all be a very tough time until your body balances them out.

Believe me...I do know what you are feeling and it does STINK!! But hang in there - it will get better and like you said "your kids need you". :grouphug:

thanks i needed that;)


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