6yo too young for a digital camera?


I see sock puppets
Mar 28, 2009
I saw some today Samsung 12.1megapixel for $65, such a good price.
Not such a crazy amount of money that if he lost it it'd be the end of the world and I think kids see things differently to adults, and he'd be able to capture it for himself (if he can work it :laughing:)
i think if it's cheap and you're not fussed about damage/losing it etc, then go for it!!

i think it would be awesome for him to learn to create his own images (sorry, mental blank -- i think you have a son, but if i'm wrong, please forgive me!!) and his own memories.

i think it would have to be a nice simple one and maybe give him a few lessons on focussing etc... nothing worse than thinking you're getting great shots then finding out they're out of focus... that happened to carlo on our trip and he was so disappointed :(
We bought one each for the boys for Christmas when they were 6,8 and 10. They were a huge hit and even my youngest looked after it very carefully. The early exposure to technology paid off- at age 8 he can now use our cannon 550d on manual....
I asked my mother to get one for my DS4 at Christmas. We had taken a trip to Yellowstone a few months previous (at 3.75yo) and he used my camera, taking some well framed, pretty good shots.
He enjoys it and does pretty well. We have not developed any yet, but I am impressed that he can frame the shot and manipulate the buttons.
So I say, go for it.
Yeah get them one. Like Alicia said, make sure they get how to focus it, and they'll love it!
I think I will, I think to see how a 6 year old sees things (especially at a place like WDW) may change how we see things a little, maybe a little more attention to detail or just through different eyes?

He will remember things differently to how we will and i'd love to see his perspective :)

Thanks for all your replies, i'll post some of his pics (and movies LOL) when we're back :thumbsup2
Our 5yo DD loves taking pics with her camera. I gave her my old one and it is just so cool to see what she sees and watching her concentrate and figure out how to take the shot she wants.
My DS loves his camera. He first got one about 5 and he's on to his second camera now (he's 12 now). For Christmas, year before last he got a great new one, it's a fuji 14 megapixel, waterproof, shockproof and freezeproof :confused3 (great, he can put it in the freezer :rotfl:, yes I know it's for the snow), it was on sale at Dick Smith.

I think a cheaper digital camera is fantastic for kids. They love snapping away and in this day and age it's easy to pop them on the computer and print them up. My DS prints his up just on normal paper to show his friends at school.

Did you end up getting it?
My DD just turned 3 and loves using DH's old camera. She walks around the house taking our pictures as well as posing her animals and taking their pictures. I'm planning on taking it to WDW when we go in September so she can take pictures herself (she's so proud of her work).
Not at all! Go for it! especially at that price. You'd be surprised at how quickly children learn things. At the wildlife photography exhibition, it always amazes me how beautiful the photographs are within the children's category!


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