3 days in WDW all to myself - help?!

Busy Busy

DIS Veteran
Nov 18, 2010
Hi everybody, I haven't posted on here in so long, it's nice to see some familiar names and new ones too.

In March next year, my DH and I are off to NYC for 11 nights while he gets some work done. I was thinking about wandering around NYC alone for 4 days (not really a problem for me, but it's going to be a bit cold), and suddenly I thought about wandering around WDW alone instead!

I mentioned it to DH and after a couple of questions about how I would handle being alone for that long, he agreed that it was a great idea.

So.....I am leaving NYC early on Monday 23.3.15 and am staying at Pop Century for 3 nights, then heading back on Thursday 26.3.15 to NYC to be with DH once his work is done. OMG - obviously I am beyond excited, I've abandoned all planning for the rest of our trip because I'm so focused on these 3 days in WDW!

I'm already emotional at the thought of being there without DH and our kids (who have been), and being in places that we have been in together before - but after a quick Grey Goose slushie, I might be a bit calmer and ready to have fun - so does anybody have any tips or ideas about what to do or not to do when solo in WDW? :goodvibes:goodvibes
That sounds so fun I don't have any tips because I haven't been there.
Busy Busy - I would treat myself to a Chef's Table experience.

I would also stalk the Specialty Cruise thread and see if there are any other Dis-sers booking a pontoon and looking for other people to share the cost.

Perhaps there might be a special tour that you might be interested to do as well?

Have fun! I'm totally envious.
I've done multiple long trips (well - say 2 weeks long) by myself because my DH thinks him going to WDW is just wasting money. I am at a bit of a loss as to how you can stay for only 3 days! Would your budget stretch to staying at a Deluxe resort? or renting DVC points - so you can stay either on the monorail or at the Epcot resorts? that will make moving around very easy and fast for you, and put you right near all the dining.
have a great time.
They have a variety of pontoons doing little tours - one is the Wishes tour - leaves from the Grand Floridian about 30 minutes before Wishes, gives you a tour around Seven Seas Lagoon (in the dark) and then parks itself in the middle (out of the ferry routes), pipes the music in and you can watch Wishes. I did it once as part of a Platinum package. there ended up being 5 ppl on the boat - 2 couples and me - none of us knew each other. But I think you can get the boat to yourself for about $300+
I am not sure if they are still doing the Illuminations pontoon - and you can hire pontoons at multiple locations and putter about the waterways.
What wonderful fun! You will have a blast and I do believe you will find traveling solo will also be a very special WDW memory for you.

Last January, I did this very thing! I stayed in 3 different deluxe resorts in 3 nights, took my special camera, stayed bundled cause it was freezing cold and had a wonderful time!

Make sure you book yourself nice dinners and if you have an ipad, bring it along so you won't feel too weird eating by yourself. I chatted with folks a lot, but it was nice to read the news, the DIS board, play games, or read a book while waiting for my food.

It was such fun wandering around by myself. Make sure to ride some rides you normally would never do. Maybe visit some 'dream' resorts and see what they're all about. Take a tour. Have a progressive dinner! Soup at one, entree at another, dessert at another.

You'll have such a grand time and be sure to blog about it on here!


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