26 days out and. Becoming anxious and apprehensive


Earning My Ears
Jun 22, 2013
Just wondering if this is normal? Up until now have been super excited but just lately that excitement has changed to anxiety and nerves. It's really getting to me. Has this happened to anyone else? How do you get over it? Thanks.
I remember our first trip to DL about 5 years ago. My anxiety was through the roof, I was in a bad way. It was also DD's first trip out of Australia, and my first o/s trip as an adult, IYKWIM.

Fast forward all these years, and this will be the 4th trip, I'm still a bit nervous, but it's easier. All of us here can help with what you can expect.

From memory your DD is in a wheelchair? The US is a lot more disability and wheel friendly than Australia is. My DD has needed to use a wheelchair through knee injury and it is a lot easier, to the point that you don't even think of having a wheelchair or how to get around with it.

How did I get through my nerves - I don't know that I ever have. Being prepared, I have a full intinerary in a display folder that gets updated with all our print outs. I Google street view driving and walking. I have our passports and everything else ready to go. I also drank lots of tea!

Meditation also worked for me, each night before bed I meditated so I could get a good nights sleep.
Yeah it's completely normal. DH couldn't sleep and had the runs before our first trip :lmao:
Yep. It's always so exciting in the lead up to the trip.

It comes closer and I get nervous, can't sleep, think about what could go wrong, even think I don't want to go anymore!!!

As soon as you're on the plane, it will all go away and you'll have a ball.
Yep, completely normal. The 2 week period before travel is when my anxiety goes through the roof. I can't sleep even though I'm beyond exhausted because my mind races with thoughts of what I still have to do. Then the nightmares about missing passports and alarms not going off start to makes nightly visits:headache:

Berocca is my best friend to get me through work during this time. Once we're checked in at the airport and we've handed those suitcases over I am miraculously cured. Funnily enough, I can't wait for it all to begin again:thumbsup2
It's so nice to hear I am not the only one! Seems crazy to be anxious about going on holidays!
Yep - I have had a few 'nightmares' about all the things I have not organised.

Happens before each trip.
I too use a display folder with everything in it, I also have a check list which I add to when I think of things or read things on the boards that my help. I take the display folder with me on my carry on luggage and I did another one for my DH as well.

I have a DH that suffers severe anxiety (drugs made a world of difference:cheer2:) and a son that didnt want to go to disney world (can you believe it:confused3) because he didnt want to go on a plane. So I could not show any nerves or doubts to anyone, so it was lots of deep breaths and smiles.

Good luck, it will be such a magical holiday, relax and enjoy.:)
Have to agree, but I feel exactly the same way. We did DL and the west coast two years ago and we leave again in 30 days time this time for WDW, miami and whistler and those feelings are back. I am perfectly psycho inside until I sit on the plane and then everything goes once I buckle in. I think it is more because of all the things you need to do at work, around the house as well as for the kids and husband ( yes, that's right!) before you leave. It will go, just get on the plane and then make yourself a promise to enjoy every second after that moment.
Hooray, also glad to hear I'm not the only one!!

I'm not necessarily worried about things going wrong as such (although I'm terrified that my kids are going to be exposed to Chicken Pox or something in the next two weeks!) but whether or not I've done enough work to make sure we're going to get the best bang for our buck, lol. I have done loads of work - so I hope so! But after so much anticipation, you can't help but be scared the real thing won't stack up, lol! Or that you'll somehow not make the most of it.

There's also that nagging feeling of forgetting something. Oh, and the stress of ILs deciding they'd like to come and stay with us the week before we leave, that has totally added more stress in there!
I am exactly the same with the nerves and worries, but mine don't leave me till I have reached the destination (I relax a bit on the long flight but then panic again about missing connections or losing luggage, finding our way to the hotel, checking in etc). On our trip last year I even felt sick our first morning (after arriving very late the night before) but once I was in the pool swimming I was able to relax enough to believe it really was happening! And enjoy it:)

Also before you go you have the clean the house, pay the bills, stress about what's been forgotten worries, lots going on!

So much organising and so much time and money go into a trip - there is a lot to live up to!
Thanks so much to everyone for replying. I feel normal now.

The anxeity got so bad i have staued away from anything Disney! :( but coming good again. Thank you.


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