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    Malfunctioning wisdom teeth do deserve curses. Thankfully I only had one that was a problem, and that one only intermittently - it would be fine for months, then deep headache/earache for a few days to a week, then fine again. I'm happy to have it out now! The extraction and recovery were...

    October Crowds, outside of HHN?

    When in Oct makes a big difference. I have found the week of Halloween to have low(er) crowd levels. And cooler weather for the most part.

    Brown recluse spider in room?

    Oh yes, those get removed and taken across the street. Spiders go outside too but may remain in the yard.

    Funny Memes


    Rip Ride Rockit compared to Velocicoaster and Hulk?

    RRR is shakier but not as intense as the other two. And not as enjoyable of a ride as the others, although it is still fun. It "feels" slowest and has no actual inversions, and the block brake style interrupts the action. Velocicoaster is far-and-away more thrilling. Hulk is arguably the...

    Thoughts on the changes WDW/DL are making to the DAS pass?

    I like that last sentence: I'd have gone to Universal instead. Who also have accessible queues and don't grant additional accommodations for mobility issues. Sounds like neither she nor the writers did a darn bit of research. It's just geared as since implying that the queues are not...

    Universal Partner Hotels shuttle during HHN

    I sincerely doubt it. Why would they schedule a bus to run at 2am to pick up the 4 people from that specific hotel that went to that specific HHN night and stayed to the end? Or do they just try to pick some arbitrary earlier time that people will be done with HHN? And when is the bus ride...

    Annual pass expiry - from date of purchase or date of first use?

    What @Skippyboo said. You can check the expiration in the App.

    Ticket upgrade questions

    I *believe* you would not be able to upgrade until you have used the ticket, since it was purchased through a third party. When I called to upgrade an unactivated AP to the 15mo promo, they said that since it was purchased through UO direct they could work with me (though I still ended up having...

    Ticket upgrade questions

    Right, because I don't think they were doing the 15mo promo in Nov, I think it ended in Sept. You would have needed to do the upgrade while the 15mo AP promo was going on.

    T1D at Universal

    Anyone can bring food in line/drinks if you intend to finish them before riding. Or if it fits completely in a pocket it can ride (or you can use a Fanny pack which can go on all rides except the metal detector coasters). You can bring necessary medical supplies in the lines (I imagine...

    Official 2024 Universal Studios HHN 33 Thread

    If offered, Stay & Scream would also let you do a ride ahead of time, if you so desire. Either way, not being in the crazy crush of people waiting at the gates is well worth it. Especially on a Sat in Oct. Be aware that prices will go up (and have started going up on some dates) so if your...

    T1D at Universal

    I do not believe this is true. A) there are different accommodations depending upon different needs. B) you'd need to wait the standby wait (if the standby wait is over something like 20min I believe) before entering the EP line. Based on solely that description, I'd be in agreement with the...

    DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

    I genuinely cannot see why a developmental disability that precludes waiting in a standby queue would not be accommodated by that person and a caretaker waiting outside the queue environment and riding later via rider swap. If Disney goes this route, why would that person still require DAS...

    DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

    If Disney is going with a Rider Swap accommodation for SOME disabilities that preclude traditional queues, I fail to see why it shouldn't be the answer for ALL disabilities that preclude traditional queues. A family with an autistic child who can't tolerate a queue can rider swap just the same...

    slo’s FRIDAY 4/12 poll - Golfing 🏌🏻🏌🏻‍♀️

    I play disc golf frequently but poorly, but never real golf.

    CABANA BAY BEACH RESORT Thread..........

    Yes, might depend on the room type too.

    Natural Deodorant and my Armpits are on fire!

    Well you win interesting thread title of the day! 🔥🔥

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