Princess Weekend 2023 (Feb 23-26, 2023)

ATTPQOTD:  My training is great. I'm running the half with my middle school aged daughter. Her longest run in the last month was 6 miles. I wish we had more time to bump up her long run mileage, but oh well. I'm not concerned about her being able to finish. (She ran a 2:18 half last summer). I'm just concerned about how much complaining she'll do in the 2nd half of the race and it not being a fun, positive experience. I'm hoping the Disney atmosphere will help her through. I'm usually a stop-at-all-the-characters runner, but may change that strategy if I think we might be walking a bunch in the last couple miles.

If you see a young Cinderella running with her Fairy Godmother, please shout out some encouragement!
How is G's training going? Is she excited about Princess Weekend?

Fine. She did GOTR which finished early November. We've done a few runs since then, but we have a hard cutoff of 15F. But I'm not overly concerned since we did a 12:20 min/mile for 1.25 miles using 30/30 the other day. So she's more than capable of doing the 5k distance again. We'll likely end up like last year and finish around a 30+ min/mile pace anyways.

She's pretty stoked about showing off her Ms. Marvel costume. She wanted BIGGER and BETTER this time around, and I think we hit the mark. I think that is probably what she is more excited about then the 5k itself. Her in her costume, and others in theirs.
Fine. She did GOTR which finished early November. We've done a few runs since then, but we have a hard cutoff of 15F. But I'm not overly concerned since we did a 12:20 min/mile for 1.25 miles using 30/30 the other day. So she's more than capable of doing the 5k distance again. We'll likely end up like last year and finish around a 30+ min/mile pace anyways.

She's pretty stoked about showing off her Ms. Marvel costume. She wanted BIGGER and BETTER this time around, and I think we hit the mark. I think that is probably what she is more excited about then the 5k itself. Her in her costume, and others in theirs.

Good to know. I've been so focused on my training that I forgot to coach my family members (i.e. coax them into running).

I convinced J to come for a ~1 mile run on Sunday, and he was doing just fine. Going on about his favourite Pokémon and all that. :) I think he'll be more inclined to go for longer runs in the coming weeks.

But A wants nothing to do with running lol. She'll probably end up walking the whole thing with her dad while J races me to the finish line.
Good to know. I've been so focused on my training that I forgot to coach my family members (i.e. coax them into running).

I convinced J to come for a ~1 mile run on Sunday, and he was doing just fine. Going on about his favourite Pokémon and all that. :) I think he'll be more inclined to go for longer runs in the coming weeks.

But A wants nothing to do with running lol. She'll probably end up walking the whole thing with her dad while J races me to the finish line.

I've taken the approach of just asking once. I ask her if she wants to join me for the easy run. She says yes, then we go out and do it. She says no, then I don't try and convince her otherwise and just move on. I'm trying to get her to want to run on her own. Make it something she wants to do, and never something she has to do. We'll see how it plays out in the long term. But she was more than excited for us to sign up for several non-runDisney 5ks this spring.

Last year's Princess 5k worked out really well for us. We started towards the middle (5:30am), then headed to the first character stop (three princesses) at mile 0.6, we waited for ~47 min (this allowed everyone to pass us), and then when we restarted running we had tons of open road to goof off on. We did miss out on many other characters, but the majority were still out (so we could see them, but not stop for photo pass with them). What this did enable us to do was get LOTs of pictures of the two of us running together. I find these way more valuable than the static pics of me and her standing with Moana, or Sadness.

Pics like these:




Vs these:


(some friends we made)


Personally, I like the action shots better. And those are made more possible by actually being towards the very very back. They don't sweep (per se) in the 5k, and we're both capable of maintaining a <16 min/mile if ever needed for the distance. So we plan on following a similar scheme for this year. We'll start towards the middle, stop for the first character (no matter the length of time), let the majority of everyone pass us while we call out the cool costumes and offer encouragement, and then goof off for the remainder of the race with the hopes of some good action shots.
Personally, I like the action shots better. And those are made more possible by actually being towards the very very back. They don't sweep (per se) in the 5k, and we're both capable of maintaining a <16 min/mile if ever needed for the distance. So we plan on following a similar scheme for this year. We'll start towards the middle, stop for the first character (no matter the length of time), let the majority of everyone pass us while we call out the cool costumes and offer encouragement, and then goof off for the remainder of the race with the hopes of some good action shots.

Thanks for this. I've been stressing slightly hearing about MW character queues and all that, just because I want them to have as much fun as they can. It's good to remember the race isn't all about the character pics.

We might steal your race strategy if you don't mind ;)
I've taken the approach of just asking once. I ask her if she wants to join me for the easy run. She says yes, then we go out and do it. She says no, then I don't try and convince her otherwise and just move on. I'm trying to get her to want to run on her own. Make it something she wants to do, and never something she has to do. We'll see how it plays out in the long term. But she was more than excited for us to sign up for several non-runDisney 5ks this spring.

Last year's Princess 5k worked out really well for us. We started towards the middle (5:30am), then headed to the first character stop (three princesses) at mile 0.6, we waited for ~47 min (this allowed everyone to pass us), and then when we restarted running we had tons of open road to goof off on. We did miss out on many other characters, but the majority were still out (so we could see them, but not stop for photo pass with them). What this did enable us to do was get LOTs of pictures of the two of us running together. I find these way more valuable than the static pics of me and her standing with Moana, or Sadness.

Pics like these:




Vs these:


(some friends we made)


Personally, I like the action shots better. And those are made more possible by actually being towards the very very back. They don't sweep (per se) in the 5k, and we're both capable of maintaining a <16 min/mile if ever needed for the distance. So we plan on following a similar scheme for this year. We'll start towards the middle, stop for the first character (no matter the length of time), let the majority of everyone pass us while we call out the cool costumes and offer encouragement, and then goof off for the remainder of the race with the hopes of some good action shots.
I love all of your pictures, but I see what you mean about something special with the running pics. It looks like G got some good height in her jump in that last picture.
ATTPQOTD: I'm working with PT to resolve an ankle problem due to a lazy glute, so I'm taking it super easy right now, which is frustrating. I'm only doing the 10k for Princess weekend, though, and I'm planning on taking it easy and just enjoying the race, so hopefully I'll be able to do that with the training I'm able to do right now.
I was swept from the wine & dine half- no proof of time so I was in corral e. My pacing was ok with Galloway run/ walk until I had to stop to use bathroom super quick and after that I saw the balloon ladies and got in my head because my heart rate wouldn't stay down and was soaked from rain. I got swept at mile 11- was still proud as it was first official half and I had run 14 at home 2 weeks before. Long story short I was already registered for princess half and determined to try to do better however I sadly got covid last week for 1st time from the gym trying to train (we have been super covid cautious due to my asthma so I know this is where it came from). Paxlovid has helped me but have been told not to run for at least 10 days once asymptomatic due to my asthma and potential of covid to cause cardiovascular issues. I've sadly had to make my peace that getting swept might happen again- of course going to give it my all but really was an anxious wreck last time so maybe feeling more at peace with it and just trying to have fun is a better idea.

My question is has anyone done a race or run Disney shortly after recovering from covid? I know my health is most important so trying to be ok with whatever happens.
After the 2022 marathon weekend, I came down with what I think was Omicron variant 2 or 3 weeks later. I've had sinus infections that were worse and I wouldn't have known I had it if not for testing positive. So recovery was fairly quick and within a week or so I was wanting to resume maintenance level runs.

And I could not believe how winded I was, way more than I should have been after a few weeks layoff. And I think my heart rate was higher as well. And I worried that it was long term, but I stayed at it and after a couple of months of very low-level runs, things got better and back to normal. So give it time, and as others have mentioned, YMMV. Good luck with it.
Today's PQOTD is again inspired by my personal situation ;) If anyone has any suggestions, feel free eh?

PQOTD: With Expo Day only 4 weeks, how is everyone's training going? Any hiccups along the way?

ATTPQOTD: My training has been going fine. I've had a typical Northeastern Winter to deal with, with its unpredictable weather, snowstorms and up and down temps. Still, so far so good... until Monday when my head cold turned into a full blown sinus infection. I had my first sick day in two years Tuesday and yesterday's Quality workout was too hard for my energy level. With only 4 weeks and 3 quality workouts left, my race objective seems still pretty far out of reach. I'm hanging on though.

The races themselves seem so close. I'm getting really excited!

I'm struggling a little. I ran Dopey and this is my first week back at running. I also haven't slept well in weeks. I ran 4 miles a few days ago and felt great. I'm a little nervous about the 11 miles. It seems silly, considering how much I ran a few weeks ago. Any other Dopey runners in here that know what I mean?
I'm struggling a little. I ran Dopey and this is my first week back at running. I also haven't slept well in weeks. I ran 4 miles a few days ago and felt great. I'm a little nervous about the 11 miles. It seems silly, considering how much I ran a few weeks ago. Any other Dopey runners in here that know what I mean?
I know exactly what you mean. Been slow to recover from Dopey too. I'm sure I'll be fine for Princess but wish I was a bit better prepared.
I'm struggling a little. I ran Dopey and this is my first week back at running. I also haven't slept well in weeks. I ran 4 miles a few days ago and felt great. I'm a little nervous about the 11 miles. It seems silly, considering how much I ran a few weeks ago. Any other Dopey runners in here that know what I mean?
I am very tired. I am just doing the 10k with a friend and probably doing as much walking as running, but I haven't jumped back into regular running yet. I always have trouble getting back into routine after races, but once I force myself to I don't have trouble sticking to it. It's just the starting that's hard. Haven't slept too well since Dopey either. Last Princess I didn't train at all (I often take a break in the winter) and I had sore legs at mile 1 when we did a bathroom stop, we waited 10 mins and my legs locked up. So at least I think I'll be better off than that!
I am very tired. I am just doing the 10k with a friend and probably doing as much walking as running, but I haven't jumped back into regular running yet. I always have trouble getting back into routine after races, but once I force myself to I don't have trouble sticking to it. It's just the starting that's hard. Haven't slept too well since Dopey either. Last Princess I didn't train at all (I often take a break in the winter) and I had sore legs at mile 1 when we did a bathroom stop, we waited 10 mins and my legs locked up. So at least I think I'll be better off than that!
I didn't train well for the half marathon over MW. I was very unmotivated in Dec and ran probably 5 times total, my longest run was 9 miles and that was in early Dec. I was worried about how I would do at the half, but it was, surprisingly, fine. Esp. if you're not putting any pace/time pressure on yourself. Just enjoy it!
My question is has anyone done a race or run Disney shortly after recovering from covid?
You are not going to like my answer.

DNF for the Half in last year's Fairytale Challenge.

Here's my story. It doesn't mean it will be yours.

I'd been sick in mid-January, though the sickness was mainly me being out of my mind and dealing with extreme stomach pain. I wasn't that physically ill as in coughing etc. Once I was negative I just couldn't get back into training, even though I'd been doing decently before that.

We were also part of the bus madness at Beach Club, where it was well over an hour before a bus showed up. Then necessary bathroom. Then running to the corrals in blind panic b/c it had already started; 15 minutes delay is not enough when it was over an hour's delay for buses, rundisney! Then it was hot. Then I was stuck in cone alley and could NOT get myself to go any faster. Then a ton of us were flat out stopped at mile 9 with a convoy of buses to pick us up. (those around me said that the balloon ladies and bikes were actually going faster than 16mm starting at mile 7, and I was going faster than I had for the 10K, which I had finished just fine)

My heart rate was SO high and my aerobic capacity was just junk.

That said! I was also battling age, weight, shoes (always), and while on the sad bus I realized I had a horrifying blister on my second toe (it went UNDER the nail) that I didn't even know about.

I'm sure you'll do better.
does anyone know if Men are allowed in corral A, I know before for the women centered races we weren't. Not that I would even be assigned A, but I was thinking of asking Runner relations to move me up based on my marathon time if I get put in further corrals because I'd like to get as close to the 2:00 pacer as possible - otherwise I will have to do my own pacing and that won't go well.


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