We just returned from a 2 week trip to both Disney and Universal. We wore masks in crowded indoor settings, but not outside. We were definitely in the minority. But, we couldn't get over how many sick people there were everywhere, with lots of coughing. We came home totally healthy. The masking indoors is worth it to us.
Thanks for the update. We will be there in two weeks and I have genie plus but I think this is going to more and more a resort, Stormalong Bay and skyliner vacation looking at decorations than killing myself stacking rides and looking at my phone all day especially when I am the planner. I have candlelight (coral reef) and fantasmic (HBD) and Mickey Christmas Party so that’s something. I’m there for 11 days. It’s Cl at YC so taking it easy sounds more like it rather than the rat race everyone has been describing. Watching the bloggers with the crowds is making my mind up quickly on the vacation
We just got back after our trip last week.

Things we noticed that changed since 2019:

- The restrooms were not nearly as clean, often gross. On prior trips I'd always marveled at how clean the restrooms were but that is no more. Some would be out of TP, many stalls full of funk and not able to be used, floors sticky, paper towels out of stock/overflowing from cans. It was pretty icky.

- I was washing my hands a lot because there were a LOT of sick kids in the parks. WAY more than I'd ever seen there during prior trips. Everyone is sick. Go in assuming you'll have the flu/covid/a funk when you get back and plan accordingly.

- The busses to/from AKL were much much slower than before (and that was slow). In the afternoons you could wait 45 minutes to an hour for a ride to the parks. Coming back from the parks was generally at least a 20-30 minute wait and AKL was often the only hotel with the longest bus line with the least frequent returning busses.

- Genie really worked great for MK, okay for HS and AK but sucked at Epcot. You have to choose basically if you want Remy, Frozen or Test Track. We did Remy at 7 but the other two were full/gone for the second time we could book. Both waits were 2ish hours all day long so we skipped those.

- Waking up at 7AM to book rides sucked. I'm glad we had pre purchased Genie with our tickets so we didn't also have to stay up until midnight.

- The 2PM park hopper thing is annoying and so is park reservations.
Yea lots of sick people. For real.

We are at AKL J SinceFriday. Longest wait for a bus maybe 10 mins. Maybe. From the parks like 5. Maybe we are just getting lucky cause we literally have hit every main attraction in 72 hrs. Haven’t even thought about genie or ills. We got on falcon, rise, and Mickey railroad the one night at 7 to close. Been on guardians twice already. VC at 4 pm the other night and got it before dinner. Group 38 y Easter day morning.

Again we are in at drop out at 12 and back in after a nice dinner at a hotel.

Bathrooms I have been in literally all looked perfect. Maybe I’m getting in there right after they clean.

I’m really seeing no change since we have been here back in June 2019.

Yea lots of sick people. For real.

We are at AKL J SinceFriday. Longest wait for a bus maybe 10 mins. Maybe. From the parks like 5. Maybe we are just getting lucky cause we literally have hit every main attraction in 72 hrs. Haven’t even thought about genie or ills. We got on falcon, rise, and Mickey railroad the one night at 7 to close. Been on guardians twice already. VC at 4 pm the other night and got it before dinner. Group 38 y Easter day morning.

Again we are in at drop out at 12 and back in after a nice dinner at a hotel.

Bathrooms I have been in literally all looked perfect. Maybe I’m getting in there right after they clean.

I’m really seeing no change since we have been here back in June 2019.

We also saw perfect bathrooms on our September trip. June wasn't bad either IRRC.
One exception, but it was shortly after a summer downpour, so it was muddy with paper towels strewn everywhere by people. I don't put that one on WDW
Almost no one in masks. Not even 5%, probably closer to 1%.

FWIW, I actually commented to hubby as we were driving home how pleasantly surprised I was that so few people seemed sick.
I've run across more sick sounding people on a random trip to the grocery store or movie theater than anywhere at Disney.

Same. I would see a few people with them on the bus every once in a while but that is about it. I would also say about 1% of people and that's being generous. I also didn't encounter any sick people. Maybe a kid or two coughing but more of a "I choked on my water type of cough."

We've been back over a week and neither of us got sick during the trip and we aren't sick now. We didn't do anything extra either. Just washed our hands when we used the bathroom which is normal hygiene. I didn't even bring hand sanitizer with me. I did tell DD not to grab the handrails so much but I did that precovid.
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Re: sicknesses. I’m not surprised to hear this as kids are getting hit hard with everything right now.

Did you see anyone in masks? We are planning on masking our family 2 adults, 2 school aged kids, in crowded and indoor spaces, as well as frequent hand washing and sanitizing. Mostly because we are cruising after a couple days at the parks. I’m not just masking for covid, but as a layer of protection against all the other germs out there right now! It’s a lot of money to spend sick in bed! Not that it matters, but just curious if there’s anyone else in masks?
We plan on doing the same when we go for New Years. We don’t wear masks at home but we will for indoor lines and shows at Disney. I just don’t want to have get a cold, flu, covid, or any other sickness at the beginning of a trip and lose out on vacation time. And there are a lot of people, who will go sick because they don’t want to waste vacation. it gives me a bit of extra peace of mind and wearing them doesn’t bother us. When we went for 2 days in October I would say 1% wore them—it tended to be whole families at a time.
We plan on doing the same when we go for New Years. We don’t wear masks at home but we will for indoor lines and shows at Disney. I just don’t want to have get a cold, flu, covid, or any other sickness at the beginning of a trip and lose out on vacation time. And there are a lot of people, who will go sick because they don’t want to waste vacation. it gives me a bit of extra peace of mind and wearing them doesn’t bother us. When we went for 2 days in October I would say 1% wore them—it tended to be whole families at a time.
Thank as these are my thoughts exactly. Sometimes it does feel funny being such the minority in a mask, but the reality is we can enjoy our vacation so much more with better odds of staying healthy for it.
Thank as these are my thoughts exactly. Sometimes it does feel funny being such the minority in a mask, but the reality is we can enjoy our vacation so much more with better odds of staying healthy for it.
I came home with a really bad cold from our trip in April and had to skip Easter with my family. I then came home with COVID (wasn't as bad as the cold) in May and had to miss Memorial Day with my family. Planning on masking indoors for my December trip (which I didn't do this past spring) so I don't go three for three and miss Christmas.
I flew down from the Northeast in October for a 5 day trip. I was one of maybe 5 on the plane who was masked. However I didn’t mask up at Disney except for when I was inside at Lion King performance. Didn’t notice a lot of sickness but do think it’s increasing. I had no issues after getting home.

On the other hand we have dear friends who went in May. They’re both in their 70s and are fully vaccinated and neither of them had had Covid. Unfortunately they both got Covid @ WDW. One of them now has significant A-fib as a result of long-term Covid. No fun.

Everyone has to do what is right for them - just understand the risks, keep yourself safe if you so choose, and don’t worry about what other people think.

Really hard to predict who is susceptible and who is not.
Tuesday morning MK:
Just a little update. Crushing the MK right now and I’m not talking about the tea cups or people mover. I’m talking SDMT, BTMR, SM. Headliners. And no genie or ills. Just old school veteran Disney know how. More later. Back to rides. The magic is alive for us. I think it just took me getting back and not worrying as much as I did. We left after the parade. Haven’t watched it in years. The dragon still impresses me. I would love to be able to spend an hour walking around it and taking pics of various parts of it. So between 7:30-11:30 we knocked off 12 rides. Going to morimoto for dinner. I have in and bought a magic band plus for myself and my daughter. She got the 50th anniversary peach one and I got the new dvc one. My kid shamed me into buying him that remy hat the other night. This is the nuttiest thing I ever bought here. The amount of people who stopped us was historical. The thing is so wonky. That’s the Halloween costume next year. I’m a big tshirt guy. I love my T-shirt’s. Haven’t found 1 I like so far. Ever since they did that 28 and main line years ago I’m ruined. They were the greatest T-shirt’s. I’m still wearing all of them but some might have to be retired. The stuff they have right now is too bright and colorful for me.

I will post a lot more when I have time but all I got to say is yesterday was our first park day. AK. and after diner at flying fish we headed over to HS. We got through all headliners stuff AK. We rode Mickey railroad, falcon, and finished night on rise.
All without genie or lightening lane. Just old school rope drop. Out of park at noon. Pack to room rest regroup. Awesome diner and flying fish and back into park at night. Nothing crazy just making good use of time.

Today HS. Slinky, toy story mania, star tours, Aerosmith, and few other minor things. Out of park cause it was Nuts. Showers rest them diner at Il Mulino. But before diner hoofed it to back of Epcot to tap in and grabbed virtual cue for guardians. Awesome diner. Boat over. In line for remy while we wait to be called. Not like us to wait for over an hour but what else u going to door rains. We are under cover.

Again no genie or lightening lane.

So it’s all possible. We are 48 hours in and have hit all the major new rides. Tomorrow is Epcot day. Will be a breeze.

So the rope drop and nights in park still hold fast for us with some planning.

I never would have figured it. I did not want to do this trip. I have said on here over and over but wife and kids rule so I go. I’m usually the one pushing for trips but with all the changes I just wasn’t looking forward to it.

So we got alot of days to still go. I know it will get busier day by day but again we know that. We don’t leave till next Monday. I’m calling win for this trip already.

That’s all I got so far. Man I can’t wait to get on guardian! Can’t wait! Rise was cool. We missed Star Wars when it opened cause of Covid. That April trip got c’ed obviously. I liked the falcon. I really did. Rise was cool really was but the hype I don’t know. Flame me if u want. Just my opinion. Avatar still brings me to a tear. I don’t know why. And toy story mania is just still awesome after all these years. It was paper fast pass! It is aging so well! Slinky is just fun.

All I got for you all. Rounding the corner to go inside of remy.

I can honestly say all I complained about is not mattering so far. Except I’m here without season passes which I’m still ticked off about!

Edit added Monday morning.

That new baking and cooking areas in connections over at Epcot is pretty nice. I talked with a very nice cast member this morning about what it’s used for. The bakery side is pretty impressive.

Holy cow guardians last night. Just awesome. I mean awesome. I didn’t watch a thing about it so I didn’t know about any aspect of the ride. I did know the train cars spin. That’s it. Worth the hype. Did a virtual cue this morning. So easy. Got group 38. In line again now.

I got to say nights have been very productive. I mean they always have but this trip just so helpful! Ok here we go pre show time!!!!!!
I wish more would understand this! Put the research time into tour strategy rather than genie + and no need to buy it! Sounds like a great trip! Makes me excited to get there next week!
I wish more would understand this! Put the research time into tour strategy rather than genie + and no need to buy it! Sounds like a great trip! Makes me excited to get there next week!
Thanks. I appreciate it. Bit let me give you a look behind the curtain. Lol anything we know or understand is just from going over the years. Seeing the typical patterns. Yes I read here but not a ton. Everyday I try to hit 1 topic and ask if I don’t understand what is going on but really it’s the past experience. You got to physically do it to have it go smooth I think. Maybe it’s the science type personality in me that needs trials to learn. I was really worried about the virtual cue thing cause I couldn’t physically do it from home. Not that night it was still available after 1 pm helped me for the next day at 7 am.

You deff have to research it like you said but for my personality I got to do it once and fail or concede to know it and plan for next time.

I can’t get over the drive in peoples eyes at rope drop. I never really payed attention but man I feel like I’m lining up for a marathon. Lol.

I like how security has a ton of control over the crowd. That’s good. They are knocking it out of the park. I like how at the taps they have a bit more control but they need to do something about after that point and I know they prob can’t but someone is going to get hurt eventually. Kids running on walls. The running. I know I know but something is going to happen.
Anyone know how much Genie+ was today? Was it $29 like yesterday?
I just figured out today that I can see the price for the day on the app, even if you do not have tickets for that day. Just go to Tip Board and look right under the park listed at the top. You can always use Thrill Data, too, but if you have the app handy, it is easy to see the daily price.
I just figured out today that I can see the price for the day on the app, even if you do not have tickets for that day. Just go to Tip Board and look right under the park listed at the top. You can always use Thrill Data, too, but if you have the app handy, it is easy to see the daily price.
At home, far from WDW, I just opened the app and scrolled down the home page, to see a headline "Disney Genie+ Service" and the price. No need to go to the Tip Board.
We are planning to mask up for our trip this week as our friends were just down there last week and all 3 came down with COVID, they even left early (drove) because of it. We were always planning to on the flight but I think we will indoors at the parks now too.

These Genie+ prices are sure a hard pill to swallow. I travel with my mom who can only do a few of the milder rides, so it feels like a waste to buy Genie+ when she would only use it on 1-2 things. But she can't stand for too long either, so I guess I'm paying $60 for us to ride the Safari and NRJ!
Thanks. I appreciate it. Bit let me give you a look behind the curtain. Lol anything we know or understand is just from going over the years. Seeing the typical patterns. Yes I read here but not a ton. Everyday I try to hit 1 topic and ask if I don’t understand what is going on but really it’s the past experience. You got to physically do it to have it go smooth I think. Maybe it’s the science type personality in me that needs trials to learn. I was really worried about the virtual cue thing cause I couldn’t physically do it from home. Not that night it was still available after 1 pm helped me for the next day at 7 am.

You deff have to research it like you said but for my personality I got to do it once and fail or concede to know it and plan for next time.

I can’t get over the drive in peoples eyes at rope drop. I never really payed attention but man I feel like I’m lining up for a marathon. Lol.

I like how security has a ton of control over the crowd. That’s good. They are knocking it out of the park. I like how at the taps they have a bit more control but they need to do something about after that point and I know they prob can’t but someone is going to get hurt eventually. Kids running on walls. The running. I know I know but something is going to happen.
It's funny you say that but it's true. The other day, because I have kids that are spread out, I was sitting around first time Mom's outside ballet, and it was killing me to hear how stupidly they were planning their Disney trips, but you don't really know until you go and there are some hard lessons that just need to be learned (hence the wisom vs. knowledge thing).

However, it also depends on whether this is a once in a lifetime trip or not.

Knowing that you will return, or if you are DVC, really helps put things into perspective. I may not get that one thing done this trip, but I'll be back and I can do it next time or have something new to look forward to.

I find myself really excited when I come up with something new to try on a subsequent trip so I've learned to leave things for next time!
It's funny you say that but it's true. The other day, because I have kids that are spread out, I was sitting around first time Mom's outside ballet, and it was killing me to hear how stupidly they were planning their Disney trips, but you don't really know until you go and there are some hard lessons that just need to be learned (hence the wisom vs. knowledge thing).

However, it also depends on whether this is a once in a lifetime trip or not.

Knowing that you will return, or if you are DVC, really helps put things into perspective. I may not get that one thing done this trip, but I'll be back and I can do it next time or have something new to look forward to.

I find myself really excited when I come up with something new to try on a subsequent trip so I've learned to leave things for next time!
My father always says to me at least weekly:

“You are deff smarter than me son but I’m wiser” referring that I’m younger and he is older with way more life experience.
I’m here now and Thanksgiving day was surprisingly not that bad! We did AK in the morning and evening with a midday swim break. Yes it was not fun seeing the cost of FOP ILL at 7am $16pp but after we rode I told my husband they could charge a good deal more and it’d be totally worth it. G+ also worked reasonably well considering it was a holiday but I suspect that may be because fewer people buy it at AK with so few rides there (we had the length of stay prepurchased G+). Today will be the real test of whether I love G+ or hate it as we are going to HS.

The crowds really picked up when we went back in the evening though, which surprised me given the lack of evening entertainment at AK. For example, Everest was a walk on at 9am but we went again in the evening using G+ and even the G+ line was a bit of a wait then 15-20 mins—not bad but still so different from the morning. Pandora was packed pretty much all the way to closing time. Maybe the crowds were just really really horrible at other parks and people hopped to AK to get away.

Regardless, we rode everything we wanted to and had a great time. I was very nervous about coming during thanksgiving. Still a bit nervous about HS today but we plan to arrive late and stack so hopefully that works out.

Edited to add: every CM we’ve bet has been so cheerful and friendly! We even got pixie dusted free mini golf on our arrival day. I missed that on our last trip. Can’t help but wonder if that is the Iger news lifting CM spirits. Whatever the reason, it makes such a difference to see everyone smiling.
I’m here now and Thanksgiving day was surprisingly not that bad! We did AK in the morning and evening with a midday swim break. Yes it was not fun seeing the cost of FOP ILL at 7am $16pp but after we rode I told my husband they could charge a good deal more and it’d be totally worth it. G+ also worked reasonably well considering it was a holiday but I suspect that may be because fewer people buy it at AK with so few rides there (we had the length of stay prepurchased G+). Today will be the real test of whether I love G+ or hate it as we are going to HS.

The crowds really picked up when we went back in the evening though, which surprised me given the lack of evening entertainment at AK. For example, Everest was a walk on at 9am but we went again in the evening using G+ and even the G+ line was a bit of a wait then 15-20 mins—not bad but still so different from the morning. Pandora was packed pretty much all the way to closing time. Maybe the crowds were just really really horrible at other parks and people hopped to AK to get away.

Regardless, we rode everything we wanted to and had a great time. I was very nervous about coming during thanksgiving. Still a bit nervous about HS today but we plan to arrive late and stack so hopefully that works out.

Edited to add: every CM we’ve bet has been so cheerful and friendly! We even got pixie dusted free mini golf on our arrival day. I missed that on our last trip. Can’t help but wonder if that is the Iger news lifting CM spirits. Whatever the reason, it makes such a difference to see everyone smiling.
I just arrived last night and I think the variable prices are putting lots of people off Genie+ and LL. I was browsing at 7:05 and all the ILLs still had plenty of time available even RotR. I haven’t been following how fast they have been going but given the holiday I thought they’d be snapped up much faster, we couldn’t even get one at 7:01 in January/Feb back when it was $15 instead of $25.

I am doing AK today and and will report back! I have done two trips pre-pandemic during the week after thanksgiving so I have a good idea of what to compare this year too. Usually Friday and Saturday have been busy with a noticeable drop off on Sunday and a massive drop off on Monday. We are paying for Genie+ every day even though we aren’t riding everything, we hate lines too much to brave standby.


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