Who here has never watched Harry Potter, never read one of the books, or knows nothing about the Harry Potter universe?

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To Infinity and Beyond
Feb 7, 2005
Who here has never watched HP, never read one of the books, or knows nothing about the HP universe?🪄🦉🏰
Does that include not going to WWHP Florida/California? Or never have been sorted/found their patronus/had their wand identified on JK Rowling’s Wizarding World website? No judgment, just curious.
Well, my video game loving kids loved the books, which lead me to read them. And then when the movies came out, we HAD to see them.

HOW??? i have never been in any place with a tv over the past 10-15 years that one of the movies is not running 24/7. every time we go to a hotel and turn on a tv it immediately defaults to either a harry potter movie, re-run of friends or family guy. when any of us have been to an e/r or in a hospital for procedure it seems they run the movies. stores that sell electronics? harry potter or avatar. it's inescapable. someone may have never sat down and chosen to watch the movies but they have watched them unless they are entirely off grid and have been so for over a decade.
Me. I know the movies have run on ABC Family (what is now Freeform) but they seem way too long for my attention span (I also just don't care for fantasy).
HOW??? i have never been in any place with a tv over the past 10-15 years that one of the movies is not running 24/7. every time we go to a hotel and turn on a tv it immediately defaults to either a harry potter movie, re-run of friends or family guy. when any of us have been to an e/r or in a hospital for procedure it seems they run the movies. stores that sell electronics? harry potter or avatar. it's inescapable. someone may have never sat down and chosen to watch the movies but they have watched them unless they are entirely off grid and have been so for over a decade.
:rolleyes1 Easy enough - just change the channel or simply pay no attention. I've never read any of the books or seen any of the movies and the only knowledge I have of anything related is completely peripheral. I must admit though, my esteem for JK Rowling has grown lately in response to her recent, totally ridiculous "cancelling", so I may look into her work a some point in the future.
Phew. I thought I was the only person! I did take the kids to Universal in about 2013 or 2014 and we saw Harry Potter World?but it was only one or two things. They may have rode the ride. I had a butter beer. But Harry could hit me with a wand and I wouldn’t know it
Who here has never watched HP, never read one of the books, or knows nothing about the HP universe?🪄🦉🏰

Not a fan of the genre or just haven’t had the time?
I have never read the Potter books or seen the movies. What little I know about the genre is what I have seen at Universal and read what other people have said. At 74 I am probably to old to be impressed by wizards and such, but my daughters (now middle aged) where never interested in it and none of their children have either,

I do enjoy the two lands at Uni and the train and I can enjoy it without having any idea what it is about. I guess that is the way I am. I've never seen, 20K under he sea, but really like he attraction. I have never seen a Terminator movie but really enjoyed the attraction at Uni. Same goes for number of IP related attractions. If they are entertaining and have at least a minor story line, I can still think it is a great attraction. Never say Back to the Future, Men in Black or countless others but still enjoyed the attraction. I know a lot of those are on TV. I never saw an Indiana Jones movie but liked both the attractions at DHS and DLR. I have seen two Star Wars movies but still enjoy the lands and previous to that just the Star Wars attraction outside the land. It is easy to not see them no matter how many times they have been on TV if you really are not all that interested in the complete story line.
Just an fyi, adults may enjoy the FB series more because it deals with more adult things from the get go. I will say this, 90 percent of adults that have never seen a single movie or read the books that I have talked to personally and gave it chance seemed to enjoy them even if they were not into magic. If you think you are to old for the series, the truth is every age become a fan of HP. I would say that if you know nothing on the series but may want to give it a chance, I would recommend two things. First watch movies 1-3. The first two are childish but the third is when it becomes dark and number becomes really adult like. 5-8 is not meant for kids. It’s not all fantasy and some things take place in our world (watch the first one to understand the term muggle). The books have much more in them than the movies but the movies do the books justice. Secondly, if you go to the website:


You can be sorted, learn your wand type (which can help before you go to the WWHP in FL or CA), and learn your patronus (but do the patronus test after you watch movie 3). It won’t spoil much if you do the three tests before you watch the first movie but it might confuse you until you do.

If you are on the fence about watching them in the future, here is the trailer for movie one:

Still not interested. :-) I never mind being clueless about a popular culture item or enterprise if it doesn't interest me. Life is short enough; indulge in the stories, shows, books, activities that do suit your interests and curiosities. Definitely, a lot of varied people enjoy the HP phenom, though. Just not for me.


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