Thoughts about new CDC guidelines and how it might affect your Disney vacation.

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I don’t know about that. I was very hesitant to get the vaccine, and eventually caved. However if I hadn’t, I would have kept wearing a mask. Most people who are not comfortable with the vaccine aren’t rabid anti-vaxxers or covid deniers, they have rational reasons.
I hope you are right, it just has not been my experience.

I certainly know some people who are holding off getting the vaccine for very legitimate reasons (nursing mother, recent cancer treatment/weakened immune system, etc.).

Unfortunately, I know way more people who are refusing to get the vaccine because they believe it has a microchip in it, it is Bill Gates' way to control population growth, it causes infertility, it has killed thousands of people, covid is fake anyway, etc. Most of those people are not wearing masks now anyway.

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that if masks become only a suggestion for unvaccinated people, you will see around 10% of the population wearing them, even if less than 50% of the population is vaccinated (or otherwise immune). I certainly hope I'm wrong though.
Not having fireworks at Epcot at least now has to be a money thing.

Agreed. They cost a TON of money and if they aren’t operating at full capacity, it’s not worth it for them.

I’d also like to apologize for my knee-jerk reaction to you earlier. Whatever makes you comfortable is what you should be doing and you don’t need anyone criticizing that.
I hope you are right, it just has not been my experience.

I certainly know some people who are holding off getting the vaccine for very legitimate reasons (nursing mother, recent cancer treatment/weakened immune system, etc.).

Unfortunately, I know way more people who are refusing to get the vaccine because they believe it has a microchip in it, it is Bill Gates' way to control population growth, it causes infertility, it has killed thousands of people, covid is fake anyway, etc. Most of those people are not wearing masks now anyway.

Interesting... maybe it is just my area but I don’t know anyone who is refusing the vaccine for any “crazy” type reason. I also know a lot of people who are not getting the vaccine for their kids (I am one of them) but who have all other vaccines and even took the covid vaccine. I’m in a pretty well-educated and upper-middle-class area though.
Interesting... maybe it is just my area but I don’t know anyone who is refusing the vaccine for any “crazy” type reason. I also know a lot of people who are not getting the vaccine for their kids (I am one of them) but who have all other vaccines and even took the covid vaccine. I’m in a pretty well-educated and upper-middle-class area though.
To be fair, most of the crazy people I speak of are family members who live in rural areas and are much more interested in the type of protection Smith & Wesson can provide than Moderna or Pfiser.

I live in an area similar to what you describe, and I can actually only think of 1 person from around here that I know that is not getting the vaccine right now (and she is nursing a newborn).
I hope you are right, it just has not been my experience.

I certainly know some people who are holding off getting the vaccine for very legitimate reasons (nursing mother, recent cancer treatment/weakened immune system, etc.).

Unfortunately, I know way more people who are refusing to get the vaccine because they believe it has a microchip in it, it is Bill Gates' way to control population growth, it causes infertility, it has killed thousands of people, covid is fake anyway, etc. Most of those people are not wearing masks now anyway.

My guess (and it is only a guess) is that if masks become only a suggestion for unvaccinated people, you will see around 10% of the population wearing them, even if less than 50% of the population is vaccinated (or otherwise immune). I certainly hope I'm wrong though.

you must live in my state. We also hear the same stuff. Our state will never get over 50%. We only have 38% fully vaccinated adults with little chance of that increasing too much more. We just had our last vaccine clinic today because no one is showing up.
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Please be sure to respect one another's comfort levels. Please don't question why another person feels the way they do. Each of us has the right to decide what we are comfortable with an not have other people question our decisions.

This is a discussion space but please keep it respectful for each person to make their own decisions and choices that work for them.
I suspect the next step by Disney will be to drop the mask requirements for anyone outdoors, but to keep the mask requirements indoors for everyone. After that, they will probably drop the mask mandate altogether, but urge unvaccinated people to continue wearing them (with likely little success).

This is exactly what I was thinking. We’ll be there in a month and I’d be hapoy with still wearing a mask indoors if they would just drop the outdoor requirement. It does sound like Chapek was hinting at some relaxing of mask restrictions, and I expect they would start with dropping indoor first.
This is exactly what I was thinking. We’ll be there in a month and I’d be hapoy with still wearing a mask indoors if they would just drop the outdoor requirement. It does sound like Chapek was hinting at some relaxing of mask restrictions, and I expect they would start with dropping indoor first.
We are going in a little less than a month too and although I would be thrilled with no masks I will be happy with no masks outside. This is a graduation trip for my daughters rescheduled from March 2020 when everything closed 10 days before our trip. When I rescheduled for June of this year I never thought we would still be wearing face masks a year later!

My husband, 2 college age daughters and I are all fully vaccinated and can’t wait to get rid of masks! Unfortunately my 9 year old is not, but I am not worried. I will carry a mask for him to use if we feel it’s necessary inside.We will also continue to practice good hygiene which we did long before COVID.

If people are afraid they either shouldn’t go or continue to wear a mask. Just because masks aren’t required it doesn’t mean you can’t wear one. My Dad has several medical issues and is fully vaccinated but will continue to wear a mask in public due to a weakened immune system. The vaccine is widely available and masks should be a choice at this point. If you have kids under 12 you need to just decide whether or not you are comfortable taking them unvaccinated. It all comes down to personal comfort level with the requirements.
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In an ideal world, all the vaccinated people would go mask-free and all the unvaccinated people would wear their masks to keep from spreading their germs to other unvaccinated people. The huge problem with that is there's no way to tell who and who isn't vaccinated, so from a practical point of view masking at Disney has to be an all or nothing kind of requirement.

I could hope that even if Disney doesn't require masks, anyone who isn't vaccinated would still wear one voluntarily but... LOL... I have extremely little faith that's going to happen.

The harm is the kids who can't get vaccinated yet. It's kind of a big gray area at just how much risk kids have from being around unvaccinated adults in an indoor space and parents are going to have different viewpoints on what an "acceptable" level is anyways even if we could figure it out. You also have to consider the herd immunity effects already happening as cases go down, which also lowers risk. It's something we're currently really struggling with to decide with our kids. I don't envy the decision Disney has to make now as they figure out if more people care about whatever level of risk that brings to kids vs how many adults they upset by requiring masks.

My suggestion is at some date we should start charging full price for doctors and hospitals for any unvaccinated adult who catches Covid. I don't see why I have to subsidize someone who refuses to protect themselves with a simple, quick, and free shot, and ventilators are expensive! If someone doesn't want to take that risk, they can stay home. Obviously this doesn't really work in the real world because a bunch of destitute bankrupt people isn't good for society either, but it's a nice thought that would probably increase vaccination rates.
I have seen this argument made about any number of things over the years and it just doesn't hold water. Part of operating as a society is working together regardless of whether or not you agree, and basic access to health care is part of that. That includes drunk drivers, texting and driving accidents, preventable diseases like heart disease and diabetes, smoking, anxiety and related diseases, skiing accidents, cancer that has progressed because people haven't done regular check ups, etc.
And frankly, the amount you contribute to a Covid patient who has somewhere between 1-5% chance of even going to the hospital according to the CDC will cost you far less than any of the above.
Until my children can vaccinate, I will personally continue to wear my mask. Further, my job has not changed the requirements at all.

Same for us. We are COVID cautious. My wife is medical and she makes the COVID calls. If they drop mandates before our littles can get vaccinated we’ll have to cancel our trips. No hard feelings, just as the maskless crowd has been waiting their turn for 12 months, we will wait ours now.
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