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LOL you’re not kidding! I got stressed reading this. You literally got 4 months total where you can book freely of all your points without worrying about banking and cancellations. But I know you will make it work for you! More points is always a good thing!
I'm planning to use the points for two different stays instead of combining them (on a regular basis)! This was advice given on another post and should work fine for me. They are both small contracts so using them every other year for a larger trip is a great idea too!
I decided to make my life more complex with a December and June UY.
That will be me if ours doesn’t get taken in ROFR. We have December but the contract sent to ROFR is June, which works out perfectly for our changed travel plans with young kids in a post-Covid world.
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Ah, I didn’t think about that...

While both buyer and seller are encouraged to send back within a timely manner, there is nothing that can prevent either from taking longer.

If the seller doesn’t get them back by the closing date, a buyer has the right to cancel the contract and get deposit back.

Most often, the delay is because of getting the documents notarized, or securing pay off founds if selling at a loss
Oooh! Interesting! Thank you!

Disney is still thinking about my contract, per the broker. Yes, it's loaded, but I am one of the higher $pp listed for BWV. I'm feeling so impatient!
Oh wow!! So can your broker contact Disney about it? OR is that just his/her opinion? I love to know all the nuances of the process.
You would think Rofr would go faster since there aren't many resale contracts out there. I feel like I've waited a month but, its only been 2 weeks.

Seems like the emails I get have a normal number listed but they are selling quickly. That could mean more ROFR instead of less.
Oh wow!! So can your broker contact Disney about it? OR is that just his/her opinion? I love to know all the nuances of the process.
I contacted my broker two days ago and heard back this morning. They contacted DVD about the status of the contract.
ValW---$260-$14030-50-VGC-Dec-38/20, 50/21, 50/22- sent 4/21

Just when you think you're done, they pull you back in :P This showed up on my FB feed and I thought about it for a few hours because I really wanted it, but it's not a great price. Hubby kept telling me to just do it and once I made up my mind I decided to pay asking so I wouldn't lose it over a few $$. Glad I did because the broker called and said the seller was just getting ready to counter an earlier offer.
Robin&Marion---$138-$21550-150-CCV@WL-Dec-152/20, 150/21, 150/22- sent 4/7, taken 4/21
(Updated sent date; found out paperwork caused a delay)

This really caught me by surprise! Would anyone else have been surprised?
I debated starting to look at ccv since disney didn't seem to be taking them and blt keeps going up. I guess nothing is safe.
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