Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Are you anywhere near a Geisinger facility. I registered my husband the other night (I will receive my 2nd Moderna shot on Tuesday since I work at a hospital) and they had lots of appointments. You just need to go on their mygeisinger site portal and fill out the information. I had several of my vendors go on the site yesterday and they were all able to snag appointments. The only problem is that Geisinger only goes out to the center of the state so if you are out near Pittsburgh or Erie, that would be a ride. They have lots of clinics and facilities in our area (Scranton/Wilkes Barre) and their main campus is in Danville. Good luck in your search....might be worth it do plan a day trip to Geisinger!

I'll 2nd this. Geisinger has been easy to schedule a vaccination with. I signed up Tuesday afternoon when it opened to me, and had an appointment in Danville on Thursday. The site was very well run. Spent 23 minutes from the time I got in line to the time I walked out the door.

My parents, in-laws and several friends and co-workers all signed up over the past few days and received appointments in the next 1-2.5 weeks (depending on what time of day they could take).
My husband and I are part of the Pfizer/BioNTech study. We found out yesterday that we had received placebo and were invited to join the other arm of the study to get the actual vaccine. We went in this morning to do the paperwork, blood test, mini-physical, and receive our first dose.

We’re both feeling no pain yet almost 3 hours later but we’re told that we may not feel it for about 12 hours. I came home and ran 4 miles in case I’m not feeling it tomorrow.
A different way to look at it--we should always care if someone doesn't or does get a vaccine. The ramifications of just how many people get a vaccine varies. That's one of the biggest determining factors.

Right now with COVID the ramifications is mask wearing, social distancing, stay at home orders, job loss, increased food insecurities, inability to pay rent or mortgage, loved ones passing away with no one there, loved ones not being able to be seen (or chosen not to be seen out of concern over health risks), industries virtually decimated (especially travel), economies impacted to a large degree overall, people's income disrupted due consumer behaviors and in certain situations restrictions are causing that, movies keep being shifted forward in time and the movie theater industry is hinging on collapse, immunizations of other diseases, routine healthcare, disease screening and treatment in some cases, surgeries, and so much more it would take forever to list it out. That's literally just the U.S...look outside the U.S. and you'll find the same and more.

Now yes there will likely be a line in the sand where some of these things will simply stop but the consequences of so much of the stuff won't just go away. They'll be felt for a long while.

We always should care if someone gets a vaccine but right now with COVID the stakes and the ramifications carry quite a lot of weight.
I think what @danissmart is saying is that even if we all do our part and take the vaccine, the restrictions and impacts you are referring to will not go away because of what the public health experts we are all following are are actually saying - which is, even if we all get vaccinated, we will still need to social distance and wear masks. @danissmart makes a good point that people are hearing what they want to hear but that is not actually what is being said. We are telling ourselves, the vaccine will get things back to normal. We have done the exact same thing from day 1 of this pandemic. The health experts said one thing and we convinced ourselves of other things. For example, we told ourselves last Spring that in 2 weeks, the curve will flatten and we can go back to normal. Or when events were pushed to the Fall, we said by Fall, things will be OK. Or, if everyone wore a mask, this would be gone. The health experts said none of that. Just our social media. Now we have a vaccine. so in our minds we are thinking everyone gets vaccinated and things will be normal. But really listen to what they are saying. Things are not going back to normal unless either A) we as a society push back and say enough. How we deal with Covid needs to be personal choice. Understand the risks, pros/cons of vaccines and live your life accordingly. Or B) Covid is gone. Covid being gone or at least under control might be several years away and with mutations, may never get here.
I think what @danissmart is saying is that even if we all do our part and take the vaccine, the restrictions and impacts you are referring to will not go away because of what the public health experts we are all following are are actually saying - which is, even if we all get vaccinated, we will still need to social distance and wear masks. @danissmart makes a good point that people are hearing what they want to hear but that is not actually what is being said. We are telling ourselves, the vaccine will get things back to normal. We have done the exact same thing from day 1 of this pandemic. The health experts said one thing and we convinced ourselves of other things. For example, we told ourselves last Spring that in 2 weeks, the curve will flatten and we can go back to normal. Or when events were pushed to the Fall, we said by Fall, things will be OK. Or, if everyone wore a mask, this would be gone. The health experts said none of that. Just our social media. Now we have a vaccine. so in our minds we are thinking everyone gets vaccinated and things will be normal. But really listen to what they are saying. Things are not going back to normal unless either A) we as a society push back and say enough. How we deal with Covid needs to be personal choice. Understand the risks, pros/cons of vaccines and live your life accordingly. Or B) Covid is gone. Covid being gone or at least under control might be several years away and with mutations, may never get here.
Eh, I'm going off their multiple posts here, or rather the tone of their posts. I'm not even going to touch what you are saying (respectfully, not intended to be rude) save to say FTR I don't believe things will just be normal by means of a vaccine . But I wasn't talking about things going back to normal, I was talking about the ramifications of what COVID has done to the country and the world. Some of those ramifications have altered what was normal anyhow.

Honestly, I've made my peace with some stuff. I can only harp so long on the flatten the curve debacle or the mask debacles. And I was speaking about vaccines in general in case that was missed. At this present moment, COVID carries the weight, pre-COVID if you didn't want to get Gardasil, for example, there were some ramifications and who wouldn't want certain cancers to be greatly reduced in occurrence but not near the same magnitude as what COVID has done to the world. That is but one example. I'd say you do you but that goes against my point ;)
Eh, I'm going off their multiple posts here, or rather the tone of their posts. I'm not even going to touch what you are saying (respectfully, not intended to be rude) save to say FTR I don't believe things will just be normal by means of a vaccine . But I wasn't talking about things going back to normal, I was talking about the ramifications of what COVID has done to the country and the world. Some of those ramifications have altered what was normal anyhow.

Honestly, I've made my peace with some stuff. I can only harp so long on the flatten the curve debacle or the mask debacles. And I was speaking about vaccines in general in case that was missed. At this present moment, COVID carries the weight, pre-COVID if you didn't want to get Gardasil, for example, there were some ramifications and who wouldn't want certain cancers to be greatly reduced in occurrence but not near the same magnitude as what COVID has done to the world. That is but one example. I'd say you do you but that goes against my point ;)
I wasn't necessarily directing my comment at you. More at others who commented on that poster's posts - I am not even sure if it was in this thread or others. Just trying to see it and to give a different viewpoint. The virtual goal posts keep getting pushed out. I just want to make sure we see that and realize it will continue. I am glad you have made peace with it. Many folks have not.
We always should care if someone gets a vaccine but right now with COVID the stakes and the ramifications carry quite a lot of weight.

This conversation makes me think about the polio vaccine we took in a sugar cube in the 60's and the little mark I have on my arm from the smallpox vaccine. My vaccination doesn't just protect me, it's for the common good and being part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

A friend sent me this link today. Makes me wish I lived in a "navy blue" area.
I'll 2nd this. Geisinger has been easy to schedule a vaccination with. I signed up Tuesday afternoon when it opened to me, and had an appointment in Danville on Thursday. The site was very well run. Spent 23 minutes from the time I got in line to the time I walked out the door.

My parents, in-laws and several friends and co-workers all signed up over the past few days and received appointments in the next 1-2.5 weeks (depending on what time of day they could take).
DH got one (Pfizer) today in Lewistown. Made the appt 2 days ago, similar time spent at the facility.
we had a pediatrician that convinced us to pass on measles vaccine because getting measles was part of being a kid. Sure enough our daughter got it, and it totally ruined a trip to Hawaii. Given a choice I will choose to avoid illness
I got my first dose of Moderna yesterday afternoon. 13 hours later, I have a sore arm, but no other side effects at this time.

I'm a speech pathologist, and in NH we are considered higher risk health care workers due to our license and our proximity to spit. I registered at the tail end of phase 1a and was actually able to get a next day appointment once my registration went through and I received the invitation to schedule. My vaccine was done at a state managed, National Guard operated drive through site. It was extremely efficient. And while I was quite nervous about hanging my arm out the car window outside in NH in January for a vaccine, the location I went to was at a deserted mall, so they were administering vaccines drive through style in the old garage bays of the former Sears. I received my invitation to schedule my second appointment by email late last night, so hopefully that process will be relatively easy this morning.
the form I filled out didn't even have that much info, just contact info and said they would call me to schedule. I haven't received a call yet but UPMC emailed me and said they don't have enough vaccine.
Im in the Pittsburgh area and was able to get an appointment for my FIL using the finder on health.pa.gov. Once you’re on the site, click on “Where can I get vaccinated?” and it will take you to a map of locations.
I got my first dose of Moderna yesterday afternoon. 13 hours later, I have a sore arm, but no other side effects at this time.

I'm a speech pathologist, and in NH we are considered higher risk health care workers due to our license and our proximity to spit. I registered at the tail end of phase 1a and was actually able to get a next day appointment once my registration went through and I received the invitation to schedule. My vaccine was done at a state managed, National Guard operated drive through site. It was extremely efficient. And while I was quite nervous about hanging my arm out the car window outside in NH in January for a vaccine, the location I went to was at a deserted mall, so they were administering vaccines drive through style in the old garage bays of the former Sears. I received my invitation to schedule my second appointment by email late last night, so hopefully that process will be relatively easy this morning.

Thank you for posting. I scheduled myself after seeing your post. I didn’t realize SLPs were eligible. I have a Dept of Health SLP license in addition to my CCCs and get mine on Thursday.
My wife got her second Pfizer shot on Monday, she was out of it Monday night and most of Tuesday. Anecdotally, there were a number of others that said the same thing, the second shot seems to have many more and more severe side effects than the first.
Best guess I have to get mine is early summer, my state can't figure out how to get the vaccines to where people can use them. But still want to scream they aren't getting enough from the Feds.
I never understood why I should care if someone does not want to get vaccinated, as long as I am, why should I care. I have noticed a lot of these anti vaxxers are first in line when the chance is there

You should care because there are people, including some who might be your friends or family that you care about, who actually can't get vaccinated for legitimate medical reasons. These people must rely on herd immunity to keep them safe.
It's cute that you think

Things are not going back to normal unless either A) we as a society push back and say enough. How we deal with Covid needs to be personal choice.

= "things going back to normal"

Overtaxing the healthcare system does not equal "going back to normal"
There is nothing "normal" about not being able to get critical care for non-Covid ailments because the system and its workers are overrun with Covid patients.
Although this is a complex situation, this by itself not a difficult concept to grasp. Not sure what people aren't getting about it. Whatever happened to common sense?
I got my first and second Pfizer vaccines (I'm a nurse). 1st one was no biggie-just a sore arm for about 3 days. I would say considerable more sore than the flu shot. 2nd vaccine I felt less soreness in my arm but that immune response was nasty. About hour 14 I started in with pretty violent shivering, weakness, nausea, body aches, and headaches, and fever. My skin and muscles hurting was what woke me up at about 2am and I was so miserable I couldn't go back to sleep. My temp was 100.9 . I took some ibuprofen about 6am and slept until noon. Felt half as bad when I got up and kept about that level the rest of the day. The next day was just a headache which was gone by about noon. So start to finish my symptoms were mostly gone by 48 hours. I don't ever call in sick (like maybe once every couple of years) to work but called in for those two shifts.

Lesson learned :don't have big plans for the few days afterwards! Then again about half of my coworkers didn't have hardly any symptoms so 🤷🏿
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