Worst way to die

I bought an earlier version of this as a gag gift.

The ones that always came to mind first were fire and drowning, perhaps carryovers from a child’s perspective. As I got older I thought maybe those are instead quicker and less painful in the long run than some other conditions.
Alzheimer by a zillion
I'm going to disagree. While Alzheimer's is -- obviously -- horrible, horrible, horrible, I think it's harder on the caregivers than on the dying individual. Maybe I don't know -- I have no personal experience with that topic.
In a buried coffin, but not yet dead.
While I know this is unrealistic, this is -- by leaps and bounds -- my biggest fear. It's about as possible as being run over by a steamroller feet first.

My real answers:
- Being trapped somewhere -- like in the rubble of a fallen building -- unable to move or escape, starvation /suffocation while knowing what's happening.
- Fire, and the worst-of-the-worst would be trapped in a burning car unable to escape.
- Drowning, and the worst-of-the-worst would be drowning while trapped and unable to swim away.

Note that all my answers involve entrapment of some type.

Interesting to note that -- looking over the answers -- overall, we seem to be more afraid of things that aren't actually likely to happen. Our real fears should be cancer and heart disease.
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