My husband and I spent a wonderful day at Hollywood Studios yesterday! We arrived at the entrance to the parking lot a little after 9 and waited in a short line of cars. They started letting cars through at 9:15. Parking attendants were leaving an empty parking space between each car, which was nice. We had a short walk to the entrance of the park. Temperature checks were done in walk-through tents, then it was on to security/bag check. No lines at either place. So much easier to be able to just walk through the metal detectors with your purse/backpack.

Our main goal for the day was to get a spot in the virtual queue for Rise of the Resistance. We decided to head right over to Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railroad and try to secure a spot for RoR while waiting in line. The wait time was at 25 minutes and the line seemed to move pretty quickly. We got a little nervous that we'd be inside the building before 10am, and we weren't sure how cell phone reception would be inside. It was kind of funny, because we were hoping the line would slow down and not move as fast as it was! I mean, how often does anyone stand in a queue at Disney and actually hope the line moves slower instead of faster! LOL! We were seconds from entering the building when it turned 10am on our phones. We both tried immediately to secure a boarding group and luckily, I got one for us on my phone. I was so excited! There was a cast member standing right at the entrance to the building and he was rooting for us, and everyone else in line trying to do the same thing! We got boarding group 49 (300 minutes) and that was only a few seconds after 10am, so I'm guessing all boarding groups for that time slot were quickly filled.

It was our first time on MMRR and we really enjoyed it. I thought it was a cute, fun ride! After MMRR we headed over to Star Wars Land just to walk around a bit. The line for the Millennium Falcon was at 30 minutes, so we decided to get in line. Again, I think the actual wait time was shorter. We've done MF several times in the past, but neither of us has ever gotten to be pilots. Well, with the way Disney is handling safety/health and social distancing concerns, groups of guests are not put in close proximity to other groups of guests. So, my husband and I had the whole spaceship to ourselves...and we both got to pilot the ship! We had a blast, even though we weren't (okay, mostly me) very good at our jobs!:o I forgot to mention it above, but we were also the only people in our train car on MMRR!

We walked out of Star Wars Land through the back exit and into Toy Story Land. I was just amazed at how few people were in TSL. The crowds were low throughout the entire park, but I felt it was especially noticeable in TSL, because I've never been in that area without it being packed with people. Everything was walk-on, with just a short wait for Slinky Dog Dash. Crazy! We don't do coasters or spinning rides, but all I could think was how awesome it would be to have our grandkids and their parents there with us, because they would have LOVED going on everything without having to wait in lines! Unfortunately, they don't live in Florida. However, my husband and I love Toy Story Mania, so we went on that...twice.

Next up, we went into Walt Disney Presents and watched the film about Walt's life story. I've seen it many, many times, but it never gets old! My husband took this opportunity, though, for a short nap.:laughing:Earlier in the day, we secured a lunch reservation for 1:50 (only available time slot) at Mama Melrose's Italian Restaurant. We kept checking frequently on our return time for RoR, which seemed on track for 2:45ish. We took a stroll Sunset Blvd and Hollywood Blvd and browsed in a few shops. We caught a couple of the small pop-up parades as we walked back over toward Star Wars. I have to say, I really like the cavalcades they're doing now in the parks. It's a nice surprise when they occur, and there's no waiting curbside in crowds of people. I feel that the characters do an especially great job of interacting with guests, even though they're at a distance. Many of the characters make it a point to pose and wave and acknowledge everyone watching along the parade route, especially the kids.

Speaking of kids, it is a weird feeling being in the parks and not seeing a lot of little ones around. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but after being at the MK and HS, I've realized that, along with very low crowds, it's the lack of strollers and the lack of hearing kids yelling, laughing, crying, etc. that really contributes to the atmosphere of the parks feeling strange, and at times, a bit unsettling!

We had an hour until our lunch reservation, but we decided to go over to the restaurant to see if it was possible to get in earlier than our 1:50 time slot. It was indeed, so we were seated and had a delicious lunch! It was very relaxing to sit in air-conditioning and take our masks off!

Ahhhhh....Rise of the Resistance! I can't was absolutely incredible!!!!:woohoo: It was our first time experiencing the attraction, and it was everything everyone says it is! Our grandson and his dad got to experience RoR soon after it opened. They are huge fans of Star Wars and they said it was the best Disney attraction they've ever done...ever! Our grandson has been telling us for months- "Gramma and Grampa, you HAVE to go on Rise of the just HAVE to!" Well, we finally did!

Lucky for us, our boarding group time of 300 minutes was very accurate, and we walked on right around 2:45. We kept our fingers crossed throughout the day that the ride wouldn't break down or close before our boarding group was called. Again, the social distancing was great and groups were kept together. No crowding whatsoever. And, my husband and I had a vehicle all to ourselves, so of course, we got front row seats! There was a group of three that was in one of the rooms with us and then they were in their own vehicle. We loved RoR! I felt like I was actually in a Star Wars movie! When we got home later that night, we video chatted with our grandkids, and our grandson was so excited that we got to go on RoR! He was thrilled that we liked it so much!

After RoR, we walked around the park a bit, then headed out. We really enjoyed our day at Hollywood Studios! As far as health/social distancing concerns, we felt perfectly safe in the park (as I did the day I went to MK) and feel that Disney is doing a fantastic job with temp checks, masks requirements, social distancing markers and cleaning/sanitizing. Honestly, I feel safer at Disney than at my local Publix! The pros to going now to WDW: low crowds, little to no waiting in lines, no need to feel rushed or hurried to get to the parks. The one thing that is a bit disappointing is that a lot of the small food carts are closed, along with some of the quick service restaurants. We like getting ice cream from Hollywood Scoops on Sunset Blvd, but it was closed. No popcorn available anywhere, either.

Tomorrow, we're headed to Animal Kingdom, and looking forward to walking around and going on Kilamanjaro Safaris!
I will echo your experience because the same thing happened at Magic Kingdom tonight. Up until now, we’ve seen excellent guest compliance and cast member enforcement. Today we had at best 80% compliance,I even saw one guest with a SHEER face mask, and children at BOG walking all around the restaurant without masks on, within a couple feet of other people’s tables. I would absolutely avoid Saturdays if you’re coming. Just make it a resort day. Sad to end our trip on this note, as we leave tomorrow. Otherwise it was very nice. Still glad we came, but we won’t be back again until all of these guest requirements are gone.

We finished up out 3rd day at WDW and Sat was just like the two before, with excellent mask compliance and social distancing. We spent the day at AK and didn’t have any problems at all. I can count the number of people that were not following the rules on one hand for the entire trip.
Still sitting in my cabin enjoying my coffee. Some quick observations from yesterday at AK:
Characters on boats were exciting to see. It automatically puts a smile on your face.
Wait times were always wrong- FoP said 35 most of the day and we rode it 3 times 12-14 min waits. Pretty much the same with all others.
Kali River was disappointing, because we were hot and looking forward to getting wet/soaked/sprinkled and got Nothing!!!!
Everest is amazing even after 4 times in a row (12 min avg. actual wait, posted 30-35)
People are a little anxious... we need to be patient/empathetic with others. I ordered a 50 pack of blue disposable masks from amazon. They kept breaking!!!! Take backups. My mask snapped in a line once and I got the look of death from the lady behind me. I freaked out and hurriedly switched it out, but I was so nervous someone was going to blast my picture all over social media. Check the quality of your masks before you go to avoid the evil glares.
AK was still magical for us.
I was also at AK and although the heat index went up into the triple digits mask compliance was pretty high. My DD and her BF were there since rope drop and by 4pm they had done everything, even the animation academy at Rafiki's Planet Watch, both trails and did FoP and Safari twice, it did seem a bit busier but that is to be expected people will start coming back.
For those that expect compliance at 100% or who expect Disney to police 100% of the time you are fooling yourselves and it's a good idea not to come right now if that will bother you, Not making excuses for anyone but Disney can't be everywhere and all CM are not cut out the same way in terms of being strict. The only real issue with mask compliance is when you are in a long queue or when you are in a ride that lasts more than 10 minutes with people in the same ride vehicle, both instances are rare
I was also at AK and although the heat index went up into the triple digits mask compliance was pretty high. My DD and her BF were there since rope drop and by 4pm they had done everything, even the animation academy at Rafiki's Planet Watch, both trails and did FoP and Safari twice, it did seem a bit busier but that is to be expected people will start coming back.
For those that expect compliance at 100% or who expect Disney to police 100% of the time you are fooling yourselves and it's a good idea not to come right now if that will bother you, Not making excuses for anyone but Disney can't be everywhere and all CM are not cut out the same way in terms of being strict. The only real issue with mask compliance is when you are in a long queue or when you are in a ride that lasts more than 10 minutes with people in the same ride vehicle, both instances are rare
I was also at AK and although the heat index went up into the triple digits mask compliance was pretty high. My DD and her BF were there since rope drop and by 4pm they had done everything, even the animation academy at Rafiki's Planet Watch, both trails and did FoP and Safari twice, it did seem a bit busier but that is to be expected people will start coming back.
For those that expect compliance at 100% or who expect Disney to police 100% of the time you are fooling yourselves and it's a good idea not to come right now if that will bother you, Not making excuses for anyone but Disney can't be everywhere and all CM are not cut out the same way in terms of being strict. The only real issue with mask compliance is when you are in a long queue or when you are in a ride that lasts more than 10 minutes with people in the same ride vehicle, both instances are rare
Glad to hear the Animation Academy is open.
will make my DD happy. She could spend most of her day there just drawing.
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I was also at AK and although the heat index went up into the triple digits mask compliance was pretty high. My DD and her BF were there since rope drop and by 4pm they had done everything, even the animation academy at Rafiki's Planet Watch, both trails and did FoP and Safari twice, it did seem a bit busier but that is to be expected people will start coming back.
For those that expect compliance at 100% or who expect Disney to police 100% of the time you are fooling yourselves and it's a good idea not to come right now if that will bother you, Not making excuses for anyone but Disney can't be everywhere and all CM are not cut out the same way in terms of being strict. The only real issue with mask compliance is when you are in a long queue or when you are in a ride that lasts more than 10 minutes with people in the same ride vehicle, both instances are rare
I had forgotten about this activity now being at AK! I just love this activity. Did your DD give you any indication how crowded it was in the building? I really miss this academy at HS. Using the clipboard in your lap is just not the same. But it is still fun to draw with a live person.
We finished up out 3rd day at WDW and Sat was just like the two before, with excellent mask compliance and social distancing. We spent the day at AK and didn’t have any problems at all. I can count the number of people that were not following the rules on one hand for the entire trip.

Yeah, so much of the experience depends on the individual guests we come in contact with. If we hadn’t gone to MK in the evening yesterday, we would have said our entire trip was excellent as far as compliance. It was Saturday evening that was the problem. We even had a line cutting attempt, which I have never personally experienced before.

Another thing was parents with multiple kids letting them get away with stuff in line that you expect under normal circumstances but which aren’t ok right now. If a parent can’t stop their child from running amok and not respecting other people’s spaces then they shouldn’t bring them to WDW *right now*. It’s a different time that requires different behavior. Kids don’t always get it, but they have to now in order for it to be safe.
We went back to HS yesterday and it felt so much better than when we went on opening day of HS.

I previously mentioned how much more crowded HS felt than MK and AK, but yesterday it felt much better and much easier to physical distance while waking around. It was such a great day!

How often can you ride Slinky Dog 3 times, Tower of Terror 4 times, Smugglers run 2 times, Toy Story Mania 3 times, Runaway Railway 2 times, and Rise of the Resistance all still have time for more? There were no lines!
Hopefully my kids won’t get used to this and get mad when things are back to normal and we can’t do so much in a day!!

We got back-up boarding group 67 for ROTR but we were called at 5:22pm to ride!

Our Sci-Fi Dinner wasn’t the best we had there, but I think it’s because I didn’t stick to my usual.

From what I see, 99% of people still continue to follow the rules and the biggest area I see where people are pulling down their masks are when in line and CMs are not near. I don’t really see anyone completely removing them, but this is when I notice some people slipping them down under nose the most.

They play a message over the park speakers throughout the day reminding everyone to follow the rules and they even added the part about remaining stationary while eating and drinking. They play it so often that my 6 year old has memorized it!

If you still go to the grocery store right now you will definitely will feel safe at Disney. They are doing such a great job!
We were onsite from the 11th to the 21st. We had a great, relaxed trip. Coming from Colorado we normally are up early to rope drop - this time we slept in every day. We saw a few people breaking the mask rules in the parks, saw more at the airports. Tested negative for Covid yesterday. If we can get a hotel discount we will be back in the fall.

That's great that you had one negative test. Please remember that anything you picked up on this trip possibly might not be detectable until as late as 8/5. Please do not take extra risks now that you have had one negative test, act with the caution you would if you hadnt had a negative test.
I also went to Epcot again yesterday and I don’t think it was much different than last week. It felt more crowded but it was still super easy to avoid people. Most everyone I saw was eating while stationary.
I'm staying at WL so I shouldn't be seeing too many people on my runs. Running outdoors this time of year is difficult enough in the heat and humidity a mask would just add to the risk. I also plan on using the gym. I'll report back what I learn.
I decided not to run since I’m staying at BWV and there are always a decent number of people on the running areas. I am very pro mask, but in this heat wearing a mask while running at a decent pace is not a great idea. I did go to the gym several times and there are signs that say mask are required, but it was maybe 75/25 with mask on at the gym. I wore mine, but most of the time no one was in the gym with me and I would pull it down when I was doing something intense and then put it back up once I was done. The times others were in the gym I just kept it on.
Went to Epcot yesterday and saw most everyone wearing masks properly. A cast member even reminded my husband to put his mask on when he forgot and got up to throw garbage away right next to us. It was a little more crowded than I was expecting but rides were essentially walk-on.

HS today was crazy. We got In line for the Skyliner at 8:50am and were sweating bullets (literally and figuratively) trying to get in the park in time. We swiped our Magic Bands at 9:58 because we got lucky and got into a quick moving line to get in. It was a complete zoo. I was shaking (nerves? Adrenaline?) by the time 10am came. We got boarding group 37. It was so crowded we left and went for a swim. Lines and actual wait times are very long. Again, it seems people are masking correctly and are distancing properly but there are far more people than I thought there would be.
Are all of the parks opening earlier than listed time?
I've been away from the boards for a bit, just wondering which parks I should hit earlier than posted next week. :earsgirl:
This kind of thing is all fine and good for now until Pooh slips and ends up in the water.... but that aside, this has to be one of the best interim character setups in any of the parks (IMO). My kids would have never wanted to meet Pooh in a regular meet and greet format, but they sat there and watched for 5 minutes when we were there earlier this month. Super cute and kudos to Epcot managers for thinking outside the box.

Reports of Pooh chasing butterflies in Epcot, characters playing music on barges at AK, etc., reminds me of our first few visits in the mid-90s. You’d turn a corner, and there would be someone walking along or interacting with guests. You never knew who you’d see - it was more magical than standing in line inside a building, for sure! I hope they continue something like this in future, even though it means forgoing autographs. Protects guests and characters from transmission of illnesses (not to mention characters from being groped or accused of groping).


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