Do you really want to go back to WDW so soon?

Have trips planned for June and July BUT they will be resort only trips and maybe Disney Springs.

Do what's best for you and your family. Everyone has an opinion but they should not browbeat someone else if the opinions are different.
Those high risk are better off staying away from risky situations and allowing everyone else to catch it and build immunity. Otherwise it will linger around forever. Also, those at high risk need everyone else to pull the weight of running the country so that we remain wealthy enough to care for high risk people. Why do you think we have so many high risk people alive today? In many cases, poor countries have different death numbers because their high risk people are already dead. Sorry to be blunt, but the average person doesn’t usually survive something like kidney disease in, say, India. Also, most places are open in most parts of the country even as we speak. Even under lockdown, very few places are fully closed. So people are getting it everywhere in the USA, but most people just immediately build immunity and fight it off without even knowing they have it.

I just don't see how this works in real life. I think about our church. I'm guessing 60-70 percent are high risk. If high risk means over 60 or with obesity or diabetes or heart or lung issues, then our town itself has at least 50 percent high risk. Who teaches the kids? Who runs the businesses? I just do not see how the high risk stay isolated and yet we keep things running.
We aren't scheduled until Feb 2021. I am really hoping that things are settled enough by then that it will be safe to go. I am also expecting Disney to do the Disney Merchandising thing and Facemasks to become the new Mouse Ears.
Oh goodness... As Tiana says... "Please, please, PLEASE" yes! Disney masks. can you imagine how much safer it will be there if people find it cool to wear fancy-schmancy Disney masks?!❤️❤️
I just don't see how this works in real life. I think about our church. I'm guessing 60-70 percent are high risk. If high risk means over 60 or with obesity or diabetes or heart or lung issues, then our town itself has at least 50 percent high risk. Who teaches the kids? Who runs the businesses? I just do not see how the high risk stay isolated and yet we keep things running.

330 million people live in the US. 127 million Americans actually work (last number before March 2020). That’s only 38% of Americans who work. Those 127 million carry the rest of the population in one way or another.
I read between 30-40% of the population would be considered at risk. A large percentage rate of at risk people are on social security or disability. You’d be surprised how many don’t work— they are not in the unemployment numbers because they are not actively looking for work. Many more at risk people are retired. It sounds like you live in a less health conscious area than we do that is not representative of the population. The majority of the country could easily get back to work while at risk people stay home. Many at risk people already stay at home. That’s not a slight, just the facts.
330 million people live in the US. 127 million Americans actually work (last number before March 2020). That’s only 38% of Americans who work. Those 127 million carry the rest of the population in one way or another.
I read between 30-40% of the population would be considered at risk. A large percentage rate of at risk people are on social security or disability. You’d be surprised how many don’t work— they are not in the unemployment numbers because they are not actively looking for work. Many more at risk people are retired. It sounds like you live in a less health conscious area than we do that is not representative of the population. The majority of the country could easily get back to work while at risk people stay home. Many at risk people already stay at home. That’s not a slight, just the facts.
I guess. I live in an older population. Too bad for us I guess. Survival of the fittest.
I see so many posts speculating on when Disney parks and resorts will reopen. The boards ares loaded with posts of members wondering if they will be able to make there May and June trips. First of all, many are highly disappointed that they had to cancel trips, many are disappointed that they may lose points. When will Disney reopen is the question we seek the answer to every day. But...........

Do you really want to travel to Disney as soon as you are allowed to? At heart we all do, but in the name of safety and practicality how good of an idea is that. The President is itching to reopen the country. His Easter projection is now April 30th. When they wave the green flag and the country reopens, that does not mean the pandemic is over and it is safe to travel. Covid19 will be with us for a long time.

Food for thought. Do you want to be on a plane rebreathing everyone's else's air for hours? What about standing in lines next to people who may be infected and having them cough on your back. Do you want to get on a ride and sit in a seat that an infected person was just sitting in?

This isn't meant to sound like gloom and doom. But so many including my family are itching to get back to the parks. But just be mindful that just because the parks reopen, it doesnt mean its safe to be there. The last thing you want to do is rebook a trip and then have to cancel again possibly losing points if you are outside of a window.

By the way I am a healthcare provider directly treating covid19 patients. This is real. Stay home and be safe, when you can return be careful.
We talked about this before we cancelled our April trip before Disney did.
It came down to the points you mention.
If the parks opened back up for our trip, do I really want to be around that many people so soon? Our answer was no, and still is no.
Hoping my answer changes before our fall trip.
Pretty sure my quarantine family already got this back befor it was this huge. Husband has been around it everyday being a pharmacist. Our trip is booked in dec and if the parks are open we will be going. We are lucky and have no medical issues. So it helps with the worry a bit.
I went to the grocery store among the masses yesterday. I wore a mask and gloves. I’d do that at Disney. Doesn’t make for great pictures, but, whatever.
Maybe it does make for great, weird, post-apocalyptic pictures.
Or spreading the disease?
Yes! We will be there in July if it is open. We will be moving my daughter into her first year of college and she will be around 2000 girls going through sorority recruitment if it is still happening. We will also be attending football games etc etc etc ......Life most go on and we can't live like this much longer especially when the numbers are dropping in terms of the total death prediction everyday.
Oh goodness... As Tiana says... "Please, please, PLEASE" yes! Disney masks. can you imagine how much safer it will be there if people find it cool to wear fancy-schmancy Disney masks?!❤❤
This virus is transmittable through the eyes. I guess your mask goes over your whole head? Why do you think health care workers are in dire need of face shields?
I forget that liking Disney doesn’t translate to “cares about people.”

One has nothing to do with the other. It isn't not caring about people. That is the equivalent of me saying, I forgot that liking Disney means you live in a fairytale world and can't use rationale decision making skills.

There was a lot on my post of why that theory falls apart. We cannot protect people from this disease, period. Me and you staying home for two years doesn't change the infection rate. The point is to keep infections low enough so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed.

So here is the bottom line. I have a trip booked in June "if" the parks open, but I say I want to protect at risk people (whom I don't live with and don't interact with) so I will put off my trip to next year. Now I am here in my hometown, going to work, going to the store and potentially infecting people here vs there. Or even why would next year be any safer than this year......

Why everyone making decisions for themselves is the only way to move forward. An at risk person, just like in flu season, may not want to go to Disney, because the risk is high and they know they will come in contact with more people than normal. So they curtail their trip appropriately. This is a normal response and as another poster put out there, getting the healthy through the infection and build immunity will actually help the vulnerable long term.
One has nothing to do with the other. It isn't not caring about people. That is the equivalent of me saying, I forgot that liking Disney means you live in a fairytale world and can't use rationale decision making skills.

There was a lot on my post of why that theory falls apart. We cannot protect people from this disease, period. Me and you staying home for two years doesn't change the infection rate. The point is to keep infections low enough so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed.

So here is the bottom line. I have a trip booked in June "if" the parks open, but I say I want to protect at risk people (whom I don't live with and don't interact with) so I will put off my trip to next year. Now I am here in my hometown, going to work, going to the store and potentially infecting people here vs there. Or even why would next year be any safer than this year......

Why everyone making decisions for themselves is the only way to move forward. An at risk person, just like in flu season, may not want to go to Disney, because the risk is high and they know they will come in contact with more people than normal. So they curtail their trip appropriately. This is a normal response and as another poster put out there, getting the healthy through the infection and build immunity will actually help the vulnerable long term.
One has nothing to do with the other. It isn't not caring about people. That is the equivalent of me saying, I forgot that liking Disney means you live in a fairytale world and can't use rationale decision making skills.

There was a lot on my post of why that theory falls apart. We cannot protect people from this disease, period. Me and you staying home for two years doesn't change the infection rate. The point is to keep infections low enough so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed.

So here is the bottom line. I have a trip booked in June "if" the parks open, but I say I want to protect at risk people (whom I don't live with and don't interact with) so I will put off my trip to next year. Now I am here in my hometown, going to work, going to the store and potentially infecting people here vs there. Or even why would next year be any safer than this year......

Why everyone making decisions for themselves is the only way to move forward. An at risk person, just like in flu season, may not want to go to Disney, because the risk is high and they know they will come in contact with more people than normal. So they curtail their trip appropriately. This is a normal response and as another poster put out there, getting the healthy through the infection and build immunity will actually help the vulnerable long term.

You wrote this best! This is the truth! While we have to do our best to be considerate of others, I.e don't cough straight at someone, or shake someones hand after you coughed in it and so on, we can't fully protect everyone and we have to be responsible for our own self. Everyone makes choices in life based on their view of risk,enjoyment, need, and so on.
I guess. I live in an older population. Too bad for us I guess. Survival of the fittest.

If I was older or at risk, I would still stay away from large groups of people, public transportation, things like that, for a while. But at this point we are better off letting larger numbers in the healthier younger population get exposed and build immunity to help protect at risk people. We also need that population to carry the weight of running the world so we can have enough wealth to take care of those who need it. Sweden doesn’t have their society on complete lockdown and their numbers are very similar to their neighbors. Kids are still attending school there. Our ability to actually stop this virus from spreading is limited. But on the up side we do have new therapies that seem to be working in the majority of cases. And there are even more therapies in the pipeline. The news is actually very positive for all of us if you sift through the more alarmist voices out there. And very soon, there will be a vaccine, so don’t worry.
330 million people live in the US. 127 million Americans actually work (last number before March 2020). That’s only 38% of Americans who work. Those 127 million carry the rest of the population in one way or another.
I read between 30-40% of the population would be considered at risk. A large percentage rate of at risk people are on social security or disability. You’d be surprised how many don’t work— they are not in the unemployment numbers because they are not actively looking for work. Many more at risk people are retired. It sounds like you live in a less health conscious area than we do that is not representative of the population. The majority of the country could easily get back to work while at risk people stay home. Many at risk people already stay at home. That’s not a slight, just the facts.
I guess. I live in an older population. Too bad for us I guess. Survival of the fittest.

Well I think the people who are low risk head back out into society. And those who are high risk try to shelter as best they can until they feel safe. It doesn't have to be black or white. I do think we are doing the right thing, right now, to flatten the curve and to protect those most at risk. But in the long run we cant keep the country shutdown.
You wrote this best! This is the truth! While we have to do our best to be considerate of others, I.e don't cough straight at someone, or shake someones hand after you coughed in it and so on, we can't fully protect everyone and we have to be responsible for our own self. Everyone makes choices in life based on their view of risk,enjoyment, need, and so on.
The problem is my choices may kill the ones I love. How do I live my life so I do not infect my mom or my mother-in-law? So I get to go out and "live" and go to Disney . But that means I cannot interact with them. It means they stay trapped in their houses while I am free. Somehow that feels unfair or penalizing them. Does that make sense?
The problem is my choices may kill the ones I love. How do I live my life so I do not infect my mom or my mother-in-law? So I get to go out and "live" and go to Disney . But that means I cannot interact with them. It means they stay trapped in their houses while I am free. Somehow that feels unfair or penalizing them. Does that make sense?

We all have to make our own decisions on how we live. You can choose to not go and be more cautious, or choose to go and wait for a bit once returning before visiting family. There are many ways to address an issue and what works for some won't for others. Same with a high risk person, it comes down to their choice if they want to go out or not or who to see or not. Not every high risk person is going to choose to stay inside.Bottom line is life isn't fair or equal and never will be.
This virus is transmittable through the eyes. I guess your mask goes over your whole head? Why do you think health care workers are in dire need of face shields?

Nothing besides respirators protects. Surgical and cloth (with filter) masks DO block your secretions from being expelled outward. So, through very difficult deduction, if everyone is wearing a mask, transmission plummets because the virus cannot escape the masks of those who are unknowingly (or knowlingly) ill. Masks for the public are recommended for a different rationale than those used by medical personnel. But if you were well-read and not just reactionary, you would know that.


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