“Life is Grand, it Yacht to be, we are at Disney! 1/29 New TR link, a question, and this TR is complete!

Wow...I'm waaay behind. Already on page 17!
Glad we were able to meet, even if briefly. It was good seeing you again.
Hi..Joining in...sounds like a great time so far..
.We are debating on doing a split Disney and Universal stay in February...
My 10 year old granddaughter loves Harry Potter...is on her 6th book...that being said....no one else in the family has read any of the books...but alas..she loves it..
When we went to Disney this January...when we were at airport she saw the ads for US...and proceeded to yell "IS THAT HERE!!!" We felt bad and told her maybe next time...
Wow...I'm waaay behind. Already on page 17!
Glad we were able to meet, even if briefly. It was good seeing you again.
Hi Doc! I will be getting to my rave reviews of your cheesecake soon! I still can’t believe how nice it was of you! It was awesome! We will be there again in January maybe we can say hi again!
Hi..Joining in...sounds like a great time so far..
.We are debating on doing a split Disney and Universal stay in February...
My 10 year old granddaughter loves Harry Potter...is on her 6th book...that being said....no one else in the family has read any of the books...but alas..she loves it..
When we went to Disney this January...when we were at airport she saw the ads for US...and proceeded to yell "IS THAT HERE!!!" We felt bad and told her maybe next time...
Hi Sheri! :welcome: I would say go for it if you can, your granddtr would love it! Harry Potter World is amazing, your granddaughter would flip! As for you being a non HP reader that is okay, you will still really enjoy it. The EP is really worth it so staying onsite for even 1 night would give you that. The big HP poster at the airport gets us every time.....
Andi and I went to Downton Abbey on Friday, we really enjoyed it! We both loved the series! We watched it together from the start!

Wasn't it a great show? I can't wait to see the film, and I am looking forward to when my mom makes a trip over to England. Highclere Castle is only about 2 hours away from me and while entry tickets sell out like hot cakes, we can still walk around the grounds. :goodvibes

The empty nest life is a tad boring for me! Thank goodness I have the Dis and Disney planning to help!

If you ever need a kid fix, I'll be more than happy to send my 6 and 3 year old your way. :rotfl2:
I know I'll be in the same shoes as you once they're grown and gone, but the thought of not re-tucking a kid into bed at 3 a.m. or singing the alphabet song is pretty appealing. :laughing:

I woke up with a scratchy feeling in my throat.:crazy2: I initially thought it was from the air conditioning. Unfortunately, it was not.

Oh no! The dreaded cold at Disney. Those are the worst.

We decided to check out SDD. The wait was maybe 10 minutes at the most. This bouncy rollercoaster is so much fun!

A 10 minute wait for SDD sounds amazing.

I thought it was worth the price. I paid very far in advance and used a gift card. I think it was 79.99 a person

This is good to know! I've seriously debated the benefits of paying for the event if/when they ever bring it back.

I took more Ziacam, Airborne and Ibuprofen. I rested and Andi went looking around the resort for awhile.

I hope you started to feel better!
Got a few updates behind, but I've caught up again. Hopefully I can stay that way 🤞

We did TSMx4, SDDx3, AS2x1. I do believe we could have done SDD several more times if I would have been up to it.
That's awesome!! I think it'd be fun to do EMM (or DAH). Of course, not on this next trip, when I'm not riding coasters, but maybe in the future we can work it out if they still offer them...

I was dreading the heat and feeling ill for our 1pm SWGE preview!
Oh no!! That sucks to not be feeling well right before your preview! Hope the rest helps some.
Hi Doc! I will be getting to my rave reviews of your cheesecake soon! I still can’t believe how nice it was of you! It was awesome! We will be there again in January maybe we can say hi again!
No need for rave reviews....I think you (and several others) already did that in reference to the EPIC girls trip. I already knew you liked it, which was why and also I'd promised @Tracy161 I'd bring her some.

You have my number, give me a shout out. We also have our annual Disdad's trip in January (around marathon weeked) so depending on your dates, I might already be there anyway.
Andi and I went to Downton Abbey on Friday, we really enjoyed it! We both loved the series! We watched it together from the start!

Could you watch the movie without having watched the series?

I initially thought it was from the air conditioning. Unfortunately, it was not. I did take Ziacam and Airborne and hoped for the best.

Nooo, sick in Disney shouldn't be allowed!

We did TSMx4, SDDx3, AS2x1. I do believe we could have done SDD several more times if I would have been up to it.

That's really impressive, and the food sounds nice too. Definitely sells me on the event more (of course, now that it's on hold!)

Do I make it there?

You'd better! Although I'm gonna skip the Star Wars section so it can be relatively spoiler free for when I visit... though I've seen a decent amount already.
Your morning sounded great! It really was so hot this trip!

And getting sick is no fun. I hope you were able to enjoy yourself in Galaxy's Edge, though. I was hot by 1:00 when we left. So, hot, I felt like I couldn't think!
Hey Caroline, just trying to dig myself out of the DISHole I'm in after being gone so long. But I have read all of your updates up to this point!

Comments: I go to enjoy Portofino and Uni as well and had many of the same thoughts and opinions as you. It was fun to read someone else's take on it all. Especially the Potter areas. :)

I can totally relate to your frustration at the SBs. It was torture going in there the 2xs I did. Ugh. Slow and cranky CMs. My own daughter was a cranky pants for most of our trip too and that DEFINITELY made for some sad and frustrating times for me. So can relate to that too. Anyway, I'll try to keep up more and better from this point on. :)
Wasn't it a great show? I can't wait to see the film, and I am looking forward to when my mom makes a trip over to England. Highclere Castle is only about 2 hours away from me and while entry tickets sell out like hot cakes, we can still walk around the grounds.
This is one of my all time favorite series ever! The movie was very good! How cool to go and visit the castle, I would love that!!
If you ever need a kid fix, I'll be more than happy to send my 6 and 3 year old your way. :rotfl2:
I know I'll be in the same shoes as you once they're grown and gone, but the thought of not re-tucking a kid into bed at 3 a.m. or singing the alphabet song is pretty appealing.
Cherish it because it goes so unbelievably fast! I do like my quiet nights :rotfl:
Oh no! The dreaded cold at Disney. Those are the worst.
A 10 minute wait for SDD sounds amazing.
This really was a nice way to get the most out of the attractions in TSL
This is good to know! I've seriously debated the benefits of paying for the event if/when they ever bring it back.
I have been skeptical about some of the hard ticket events but this one was worth it in my opinion!
I hope you started to feel better!
I did, it wasn’t to bad!
Got a few updates behind, but I've caught up again. Hopefully I can stay that way
Ahh No worries!
That's awesome!! I think it'd be fun to do EMM (or DAH). Of course, not on this next trip, when I'm not riding coasters, but maybe in the future we can work it out if they still offer them...
I do think this was worth it! You will be having a more low key trip, taking in all the details!!
Oh no!! That sucks to not be feeling well right before your preview! Hope the rest helps some.
This was the day I felt the worst, it was a bummer!
No need for rave reviews....I think you (and several others) already did that in reference to the EPIC girls trip. I already knew you liked it, which was why and also I'd promised @Tracy161 I'd bring her some.

You have my number, give me a shout out. We also have our annual Disdad's trip in January (around marathon weeked) so depending on your dates, I might already be there anyway.
It is yummy, it deserves awesome reviews!
Our dates are 1/14-1/20/20!
Could you watch the movie without having watched the series?
I think you could, it just wouldn’t have the sentiment it does for us die hard Downton Abbey!! The movie is it’s own story.
Nooo, sick in Disney shouldn't be allowed!
I agree, no getting sick at Disney!!
That's really impressive, and the food sounds nice too. Definitely sells me on the event more (of course, now that it's on hold!)
Really worth it, I hope it comes back.
You'd better! Although I'm gonna skip the Star Wars section so it can be relatively spoiler free for when I visit... though I've seen a decent amount already
I did make it, however, I think it would have been better in so many ways, if the weather was a tad cooler and I didn’t feel so yucky!
Your morning sounded great! It really was so hot this trip!

And getting sick is no fun. I hope you were able to enjoy yourself in Galaxy's Edge, though. I was hot by 1:00 when we left. So, hot, I felt like I couldn't think!
I’m not going to lie, it was hot and I was a tad bit miserable so not the best experience! I’m excited to check it out again in January!
Hey Caroline, just trying to dig myself out of the DISHole I'm in after being gone so long. But I have read all of your updates up to this point!

Comments: I go to enjoy Portofino and Uni as well and had many of the same thoughts and opinions as you. It was fun to read someone else's take on it all. Especially the Potter areas. :)

I can totally relate to your frustration at the SBs. It was torture going in there the 2xs I did. Ugh. Slow and cranky CMs. My own daughter was a cranky pants for most of our trip too and that DEFINITELY made for some sad and frustrating times for me. So can relate to that too. Anyway, I'll try to keep up more and better from this point on. :)
I’m glad you enjoyed Portofino Bay and US, such a fun place! I do love HP and US has done it so well,
I have PTSD from that SB’s, I may never go back!!
Andi was a little cranky this trip and the heat, feeling sick, crowds, and a crabby teen made me miss the fun solo/epic trip I took in May ::yes:: With fun epic ladies!
Hello Everyone!

When I left off, I was resting for awhile in our nice cool room.
It was getting close to the time we needed to head out to DHS.
I was feeling yucky. I mostly had a really sore throat and a few aches! It wasn’t horrible but enough to put a damper on my afternoon.

We decided to take the boat over, it was a nice ride except for the heat! It was so hot today! :mad: I started thinking about my timing error I made when I grab this time slot for our GE preview. I was so flustered that morning. The previews came out and of course I couldn’t get through for awhile and once I did I just grabbed the 1pm time slot and wanted to confirm it! I was so worried I would get the dreaded Disney IT error! During the boat ride, I was thinking why didn’t I take more time and pick a later time. Oh well, it would definitely be a hot preview!

We were a tad early so The Muppets was our first stop. Love this show and it is a welcome cool area when it feels like a 105 degrees!

It was time to check out GE, we had to show our email confirmation and AP’s. I was really excited. Our first stop was at the MF. Wow, such detail! We decided to do the ride first thing. The SB line was about a 40 minute wait. The line was really fun, there was so much detail and I enjoyed this. The line moved nicely.


We met Hondo and learned about our mission. We were engineers. We found the waiting area, right before you get on the ride rather chaotic. The CM’s just weren’t in sync yet and it was confusing. We got on our ship and I was trying to press my buttons and watch the screen for the full effect and it was not easy! I have to say the ride was just meh for me. Andi didn’t really care for it either. I think if I was feeling better, we would have done it again in the single rider line. Our pilots and the gunners were all one family and they were annoying! This took away from the experience as well. They were know it alls and were screaming and making stupid comments the whole time.

We decided to walk around and take in all the details. The area is really amazing in that regard. I definitely did feel transported to a trading planet out on the Galaxy’ Edge! That part was spot on. We checked out the droid making area and a few shops.

We walked by Oga’s Canteen and were surprised when the CM said we could go in an take a look. It was really cool in there. I took a few pictures and checked it out. We didn’t stay for a drink this time. Maybe we will next time.


We got a few pictures taken and watched Kylo walk by with some storm troopers, he was yelling at them!

Our sweaty pictures!



We decided to check out the QS areas! We couldn’t get anything vegetarian/peanut/nut free! This was a little disappointing. We had heard good reviews for the plant based “Kefta” (not sure what that is). This was at Docking Bay 7 food and cargo. We decided to try the spicy popcorn and a coke bomb for Andi. We did not like the popcorn. It actually tasted stale and the red coating was really gross. This was a big miss for us. We threw most of it away.

We checked out every area that was open and it really is a totally immersive experience. We did head out a little before the end of our time. We saw Rey and Chewbacca as we were leaving, very cool. The Rise of the Resistance queue was seen on our way out, looks good!

Let me say first and foremost, it was hot during our preview, I was not feeling very well, and Andi doesn’t really like SW.
With that being said, I really liked the land but was not able to appreciate it as much as I would have liked. My sore throat and general blah feeling did put a damper on it! The ride was fair at best to me. The detail was very impressive, and I need to spend more time in the land, there is so much to see!

I plan to spend some more time here in January and I hope to do both of the rides, to see how I feel about it! I did like the experience, I just wasn’t over the moon about it.

We headed back to the resort for a cool down before it was time to head to AK for the rest of the evening!
I’m going to finish out this day.
First, what does everyone think about the gondola problems? Wow, it sounds really scary and from what I have read, Disney didn’t know what to do. The guest experiences from social media sound awful. Most say they were not given updates and some were stuck for 3 hours! I was really excited to try these out in January and now I’m a little nervous about it. Hopefully Disney will get this figured out. I wonder how long the gondola transportation will be down?

Back to August 19, 2019. Guess what I ate back at our resort? Yes it was another one of my delicious macarons! I really enjoyed this treat. We rested about an hour, I used my anti cold treatments again and we headed to AK

I love AK, it is my favorite park. As much as I love the SW movies, AK park is still way more appealing to me than SWGE.


We had a FP for Dinosaur, of course ::yes:: this is one of my favorite rides. I know it’s bumpy and could probably use an update but we love it! This is also were sweet Andi made a comeback:rotfl:She also loves this ride and was quite sentimental after. She told me how wonderful these trips are and how much it means to her! She said we have made so many wonderful memories together and it is so special to her:lovestruc Ahh, this made a mother happy!


I can’t remember why our EE FP was turned into an anytime one but it was and we decided to do Dinosaur again!

We decided to head towards Pandora after our two Dino rides. We were hungry and Satuli was our destination. This is one of our favorite places to eat lately and it is a must on our trips.

Andi got the protein bowl with Tofu and I went with the kids beef bowl with rice and beans and creamy herb dressing on the side. We really enjoyed our meals. My was just perfect in size and taste and Andi loved the Tofu bowl. I like the Tofu bowl as well and most Tofu I don’t care for.

Kids beef bowl
Tofu bowl
Sitting in Africa with chocolate, so yummy!
We decided to walk over to Harambe Africa for a few dessert treats. I got the cake pop and Andi had the chocolate covered pineapple. We sat in the market area and enjoyed these treats. Mine was very yummy but quite small. Andi liked her treat also. We browsed a few shops until it was time for our NRJ FP. This is the day I had to give up our FOP for the SWGE preview and I was never able to get another one this day. I did snag the NRJ and we were fine with that.

The ride was peaceful and we didn’t have to share our seat with anyone, yay!



Dusk was setting in and Pandora was lighting up. We enjoyed the night changes as we made our way towards the park exit.

We stopped and had a few pictures done at the tree of life. This was a really nice evening. The park was not real crowded and the weather actually cooled some. A storm had come through before we had arrived at AK and this did help temper the heat!

We decided to take a Lyft back this evening and the spot for this service had moved and it was a cluster (you know what). It is dangerous! It is in a spot where guests are crossing to get to the parking lot. I didn’t care for it and our Lyft driver had a whole lot to say about it! More than I wanted to hear, she complained about it our entire ride back to the YC.

We went to sleep fairly early this night. I was hoping to feel better the next day.

Stay tune for a breakfast with chipmunks, coming up soon..............
Not sure if I've commented yet but just wanted to say I'm loving reading along on your trip report :goodvibes
I think you can see the sheer pleasure and enjoyment on Andi's face in the Dinosaur ride photo :love:
I think it's wonderful you get to make such fab memories on your mother/daughter trips.
Looking forward to hearing more and hoping you feel a lot better after an early night :thumbsup2


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