Something About Nothing............ #14

Made Pad Thai, and oops guess I put too much heat in it. Nose running and my lips are puffy and tingling. Did not stop me from eating it all though. Hehe, older one does like heat, but he asked for the tissue box too. Mom, my nose is running too. No matter, I do not think my DH has any heat issues. He will probably eat the rest. The noodles I bought were good, but I should have bought more. Easy one pan meal is always my week day go to.

Hope Schumi‘s flight was good, and are enjoying the same time zone as some of us homies, including me.

Oh I hear ya on countdowns. 25 for me, and I cannot believe it is September now. And next month will be expensive, as two vacations to pay for. And ooh, that means a couple days before this Fall trip ends, will be 90 days from my family winter break trip. First time we all will see Western Caribbean ports, and on a boat not owned by the mouse. Will be nice to know that is all paid off for, and I still need to figure out a reasonable, but cheap hotel near the Tampa port. No way will I travel the day of the cruise, and with the winter, even more reason.

So sorry to miss some homies that have a shorter countdown than me, but I am happy to say hello to those that are around when I am. Oh and Mac, seems a homie that posted on the when going HHN thread said going on the 4th of October, maybe you could see if a solo, and hope interested if a good fit with us on our tour that night. Think you said room for 1 more.

Time for some milk. Have a good night.

And happy to hear all is okay, Robo, and I hope that goes for Dix and any other homie with homes in the path of the hurricane.
Is 10 days too early to start packing? I'm in full vacation mode now, I just want to goooooooooo!!!!
Hi neighbour! Nope! I don’t think it’s too early for packing, lol. Well maybe too early to put things in suitcase but I’m starting to pull things out and washing. So wheels are in motion. Are you flying on 25th too? We are connecting in SeaTac (Alaska).
A quick drop in to see how all the homies are doing

Did not see charade yet and hope her kidney stone has or will pass soon
Hope no storm or rain her way

Love seeing our newest homies posting more
Once you post in the thread, you are part of our family

Gonna be in the 90’s for the next week for us so I try to do any food shopping before noon

Today I wasted my time watching the weather channel waiting for a phone call, so will hit Walmart soon

Was playing phone tag with a doctor office but now that we did connect, can leave the house now
Each time I type her name, autocorrect changes it
Using the phone to post her is aggravating at times .. ugh
It “corrects” my spelling

Hugs to all newbies here!
And a big hey to all the other homies!
Yes! We need more West Coast peeps!
90 eek. I better get ready for the heat. It’s in mid 70s here right now, at 5:00. Hotter earlier. We’ve been having very pleasant weather. Tomorrow 80. I’ve been enjoying the patio this afternoon. I think I had a doze.
Tomorrow sparkles get taken care of and nails!

Hope Charade is feeling ok today.

Lynne Pad Thai sounds good. I’ve never tried making it. Is your Tampa hotel pre or post cruise? What about booking a place on St. Pete Beach and add on a night for a little beach time? We love St Pete Beach.
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Hi neighbour! Nope! I don’t think it’s too early for packing, lol. Well maybe too early to put things in suitcase but I’m starting to pull things out and washing. So wheels are in motion. Are you flying on 25th too? We are connecting in SeaTac (Alaska).

Yes! We need more West Coast peeps!
90 eek. I better get ready for the heat. It’s in mid 70s here right now, at 5:00. Hotter earlier. We’ve been having very pleasant weather. Tomorrow 80. I’ve been enjoying the patio this afternoon. I think I had a doze.
Tomorrow sparkles get taken care of and nails!

Hope Charade is feeling ok today.

Lynne Pad Thai sounds good. I’ve never tried making it. Is your Tampa hotel pre or post cruise? What about booking a place on St. Pete Beach and add on a night for a little beach time? We love St Pete Beach.

We are on the red eye out on Alaska on the 15th, I paid for our airport parking today via a Groupon. Normally we take the airport shuttle down, but the price of the shuttle has gone up so exponentially now that it’s half the price to just drive ourselves.
Yeah Sue, thinking beach too. Before the cruise. We have to be back the night we get off the boat, as little one returns to school the next day. I booked a dinner time flight, as it is nice to not stress about missing flight if late getting off boat. Plus, stuff to do around Tampa if we have some time to kill. And we have a lunchtime flight down, as I like to be in a hotel before dark. Will give us some relax time, and a good sleep close, before boarding the next morning. I did buy the faster to the fun, so we should be able to be one of the first on the ship. We have been to Tampa before. A couple of times to go to BGT, driving from Orlando when the kids were teens and we had Super Grover passes to max use it. We vacationed a couple of times on Sanibel Island, in a condo we liked, when the kids were little. So somewhat familiar with the Tampa St. Pete area. Flying into Tampa, as no time for the Orlando parks, and actually a good bit cheaper than flying into MCO.

Nothing like a sinus cleaning meal. Only time I otherwise do that is when I just have to use Chinese hot mustard on my egg roll.

Oh and Pad Thai is easy, Sue. Found a recipe online, and I buy the noodles, as no way I am making them or want to spend time on making them. Was an easy way to use up left over chicken and pork. Had a chicken breast that needed cooking, as well as a couple of pork chops that did not get eaten the other day. Took about 15 minutes total. I use a large, chicken fryer sized skillet to make it. I find it better than a wok, and hey, is very easy to wash out, as nonstick coating.

Just relaxing now, not much to view, so may have to see if older one has a movie I can watch. Tea for me too. And ooh, think the AC is in. Yep, tomorrow’s weather is from Dorian, 200 or so miles out to sea by the time she passes us, and will still send 35 or so mph winds, and chances of rain where I live.

Sigh, umbrella stays in the work bag, but hoping the rain is only closer to the shore. News keeps stressing the rough surf and rip tides. Stay away from the water, and 45 or so mph winds predicted for the coastal areas, so no need for anyone to want to stroll on the beach, let alone go in the water. And yay, prediction is a beautiful Saturday. Told older one, Zoo day. He was like ugh, but I know he will go if I ask him.
Good evening everyone. I’m still here lurking a bit. I started to post a few times, but I would either get distracted or doze off. Dh is watching football and I am really bored right now.

I guess we will do a little storm prep this afternoon. Looks like it will just skirt our area so hopefully just a nor'easter type storm for us. If it ever gets here....
Hope you are able to avoid the storm.

The new school attendance policy is very strict. Might have to rethink any UOR trips during the school year...we will see.
No allowances for family vacations? The older B got the less likely I was to take her out of school for a vacation. I did, however, arrange for her to take her midterms early in 2107 so we could be at Universal for my 50th birthday.

Funny story...I found my 2015 Mardi Gras blinky glass and washed it, put it in the dish drainer after checking to see if it still blinked...nothing. Later that night Danielle asked me why I turned on the glass and it was lighting up purple, green and would not turn off so it's been blinking for 2 weeks's down to only one yellow light...they don't make them like that anymore since the one I got at HHN last year doesn't even blink red anymore
Too funny. Back in 2007 we got B a set of blinking Mickey ears. They continued to blink for several years.

Charade glad you’re feeling ok! And it’s best to have pain meds on hand if needed!
Good score on Busch Gardens. I’ve only been to Tampa one but loved it. Wish there was one on west coast!
I have never been to the one in Tampa. I would like to go someday.

I live between Daytona and St Augustine, it's easier to say that than tell people where I live, as people usually know either one city, the other, or both. Saves time when 9 out of 10 times I typically have to give that description anyway when they don't know where I live when I tell them. :laughing:
I used to always tell people the large city near where I lived. I’m not really near a large city now, so it can be difficult to explain where I live.

All is well. So thankful that hurricane stayed off shore and only manageable winds and rain.
Good to hear.

Is 10 days too early to start packing? I'm in full vacation mode now, I just want to goooooooooo!!!!
It would be too early for me, but I am a last minute packer.

Was playing phone tag with a doctor office but now that we did connect, can leave the house now
I have been doing the same today. I was told the urologist that I prefer to see doesn’t have any openings until November. I’m going to see the nurse practitioner instead.

What about booking a place on St. Pete Beach and add on a night for a little beach time? We love St Pete Beach.
Yeah Sue, thinking beach too
I haven’t spent a lot of time there, but I liked the Tampa/St. Pete area when I visited.

I think I may have made a mistake with my Busch Gardens planning. I completely forgot about Howl O Scream. Dh will enjoy it, but B and I will not. I’ve already bought tickets, so I guess we will have to make the best of it.
Glad to hear from you charade

Hope you stay pain free as long as possible

Only thing I found on tv tonight to watch was shark tank
Still watching it
:wave2: stopping in for a quick Hi!

Enjoying my evening off. I got suckered onto taking a shift tomorrow night. Seems the newamaher likes to do scheduling by the seat of her pants. This will be the last time I step up and take one when she schedules wrong. Oh well, next weekend I only have one shift. The hubby and son #1 are flying out for a fishing trip with the hubby's brother and his son. Son#2 and I have a few things planned and I will be either working on a quilt or refinishing our bedroom furniture.

It's exciting to hear all the count downs!!!! I'm very green with envy and wish we could just jet away and partake and the fun too... but work calls us right now. I can't wait to hear and live vicariously through all your stores and trip reports :thumbsup2:woohoo: to bed. The dog keeps looking at me saying he needs to go to bed, and he doesn't go to bed until the last person goes to bed.

Hope everyone gets a good night's sleep tonight.
We are on the red eye out on Alaska on the 15th, I paid for our airport parking today via a Groupon. Normally we take the airport shuttle down, but the price of the shuttle has gone up so exponentially now that it’s half the price to just drive ourselves.
I think we may be on the same flight, lol. 9:30? That would be too funny!
My flight from YVR lands at 8:20, so probably get to Orlando gate just before boarding starts depending on what terminal we land in. Hopefully not a far one. It’s the Horizon Air commuter flight, small jet. Sometimes they land in another terminal.

When we drive down to SeaTac to fly I usually stay in one of the hotels the night before near Southcenter Mall that has park n go. Most of them do and usually cheaper than airport parking. If you can score a good rate.

Say hi if you see me. Blond, have purple ish carry on.
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Charade good to see you, must mean you’re doing ok! What kind of tickets did you get for Busch? Are they for certain dates or anytime tickets? I’m probably the only one going to Universal and not going to HHN! Lol. I guess we’ll get to see some decorations during the daytime? Or do they have entire area roped off? I don’t even know what area it’s in! Never gone this time of year.

Lynne I’ll have to look up recipes for Pad Thai!

Hi Pumpkin! My dogs go to bed with the first person in, lol! We used to have a dog who could tell when we were going and he’d get there about 10min before anyone else. Then when we walked into the bedroom he’d start snoring, like look I’m sleeping you can’t move me!
Charade good to see you, must mean you’re doing ok! What kind of tickets did you get for Busch? Are they for certain dates or anytime tickets? I’m probably the only one going to Universal and not going to HHN! Lol. I guess we’ll get to see some decorations during the daytime? Or do they have entire area roped off? I don’t even know what area it’s in! Never gone this time of year.
They’re general admission tickets, but must be used before October 27. I didn’t realize that Howl O Scream starts 9/14 and runs through 10/27. I have no idea how this event works. I don’t know if they transform the entire park or just parts of it. I emailed customer service tonight to find out.
I think we may be on the same flight, lol. 9:30? That would be too funny!
My flight from YVR lands at 8:20, so probably get to Orlando gate just before boarding starts depending on what terminal we land in. Hopefully not a far one. It’s the Horizon Air commuter flight, small jet. Sometimes they land in another terminal.

When we drive down to SeaTac to fly I usually stay in one of the hotels the night before near Southcenter Mall that has park n go. Most of them do and usually cheaper than airport parking. If you can score a good rate.

Say hi if you see me. Blond, have purple ish carry on.

Omg we are on the same flight!!!! That’s crazy! We don’t have a seat assignment yet, I gambled on the seats to get the lower fare, I may live to regret that, but we’ll see. It’s just me and my teenage doppelgänger, I will absolutely look for you to say hi!
Way too funny, two homies on the same flight. Dismeet would be nice, Sue and Crostorfer.

A very dark colored pre-dawn commute, with a huge tractor trailer in front of me, just when I thought woot, all going fast as me. I knew exactly where his was going, and I could hear him backing up to park, as I parked. Yep, grocery delivery for the store across the street. Much more noisier than me.

No matter, sweater already on. Cool day, and feels even cooler inside. 65 out the car showed. Yeah, just enough for no jacket, but certainly a sweater for inside AC. Think I even pulled a light blanket up, just before I woke up, as felt almost cool in the house, but do remember hearing the AC still on at times overnight. Does feel rather humid out, as phone says 80 percent humidity right now. Yeah, thought so. Why the AC was off and on last night. Only want humidity in the house in the coldest winter months. Older one has his own humidifier, as even though we have a house one, the moist air in the winter definitely helps him with his asthma.

And a pep in my step. It's a Friday, and so happy about that.

Hope Schumi had a great flight, and is getting used to being in an earlier time zone, and hope news of a great time already.

Charade, hope you pass that stone, and are feeling much better. Nice to score those BG tickets. We haven't been to that BG in quite some time, long time, when the kids were young. DH had work in Virginia Beach, so we drove over to BG for some fun, and since older one has always been a history fan, we had to check out that too. Hoping the scary stuff is not too bad for you and B. At least most of the rides should be open.

Sue, most of the normal Halloween decoration is around when HHN is not, and while any sets or other props are covered over, you can still see some of the stuff that wil be used in HHN. Nothing scary left, when not in HHN mode.

433254 oh yes it is. ::yes::

:music: Friday, Friday, Friday.

Good Morning homies. :wave2:
@Charade67 Well, if you move around, there will always be another big city. I'm glad to hear from you. Hope you feel better soon!

What a small world, two on the same flight, that's amazing!

Also, don't feel bad @Sue M I probably won't be going to HHN either. I'm planning on getting the premier AP, but last couple of times I got ill due to the fog. So, I'm debating. Like @Lynne G said, they cover it all up anyway during the regular park operating hours. In the past, I know they'd have a few pieces of merch in some of the gift shops, but everything else they try to cover everything up.
Omg we are on the same flight!!!! That’s crazy! We don’t have a seat assignment yet, I gambled on the seats to get the lower fare, I may live to regret that, but we’ll see. It’s just me and my teenage doppelgänger, I will absolutely look for you to say hi!
That is hilarious! We should have a little while to say hi if all goes well with no delays with my first flight. I have an hour. But they start boarding 30 min before departure. I hope you aren’t stuck in the dreaded middle seat! Fingers crossed! I booked a window seat and hope to sleep! Usually I prefer aisle, but for red eye nice to be able to lean against window with pillow.

Thanks everyone for letting me know what to expect during non HHN hours. Too bad all is covered during the daytime! Wouldn’t mind seeing sets during daylight, lol. When it’s not as scary!

Lynne it’s 57F here this morning @6:30 but going up to 80F. Beautiful sunrise. Had to get up for bathroom now awake watching the news.

Have a good TGIF day Sans. I’m off this morning to have sparkles covered and nails done!
Morning Sans family :wave2:



Hope everyone is well and getting ready for a relaxing weekend.

Schumi and her hubby should be checked in and relaxing in their favorite place.
Hope the flight in was a smooth one.

Is 10 days too early to start packing? I'm in full vacation mode now, I just want to goooooooooo!!!!

It’s never to early to get into celebrating your upcoming vacation. Get those suitcases out and dance while your filling them. Your vacation will be here before you know it.

Was playing phone tag with a doctor office but now that we did connect, can leave the house now

Mac...hope all is well with you and you got all your doctor phone calls sorted.

Made Pad Thai, and oops guess I put too much heat in it.

Wow.....that sounds good. You are the one who got me to try Pad Thai at Mytho’s now I have it on each visit to IOA.

Oh I hear ya on countdowns. 25 for me, and I cannot believe it is September now.

It seems like time is flying. You will be leaving for vacation before you know it.

I think we may be on the same flight, lol. 9:30? That would be too funny!
Omg we are on the same flight!!!! That’s crazy!

So cool that you are both on the same flight. Two Sans homies meeting...yeah!!

Opening night for HHN !

Yep....opening night might set the tone for the whole event....will be interesting to see how busy opening night will be.





Sounds interesting will have to look that up. Have not heard anything about that yet.

Hope all is well with you Disxumi :wave2:

It's Friday and the day is so far so good. I hope things are good with you too!

I think another post on the forum about asking what were the select dates, apparently, it's happening on different dates during different times. I didn't realize that bit. I just assumed it would be like the regular show, where once it goes dusk, it just continuously goes off. I'm sure there are more details to come eventually.

Better news than the over hyped JK announcement that ended up being nothing. :laughing:
I for one, will be trying to see the Dark Arts show. At least I'll have a couple of days to try.

Woot, for the first night of HHN. Should be great, given weather should be perfect. Looking forward to reports of what to see, eat, and buy. Well, maybe drink too.

Good Morning Robo. Yep, will be another day off our countdown too. So glad you'll be at SF while I am there. First time for me, but since enjoyed dinner there, am looking forward to eating there again, and checking out the bar, Schumi so enjoys. And probably the pool, it looks so nice. Then you are back home, and I get to enjoy some more RPR time. Hope all is well with you.

Mac, hope the doctor's helped you out, since caught up with, after phone tag.

And Sue, nice you help out, see no good deed goes unpunished. Was a favorite saying of an old boss, when I got stuff I was like, why me, volunteered? Hope you do get a chance for a hello with same flight plans. Red Eyes are ones I sleep on most of the time too. After being on flights at all hours of the day, I have no trouble sleeping upright in a plane seat.

So ready for lunch, is it time yet? Almost. Walk looks overcast, so will take my umbrella, and maybe even leave my sweater on. Very gray looking out. And tree is loosing it's bright green leaves. Half orange now. Boo, Fall is coming.

Dix, yeah, and that stupid JK stuff actually was in my news feed. Really? Is all I have to say. Glad to hear you are doing good.

Oooh, was announced munchkins are in the break room. Have to decide, do I save for later, and raid, or hope the rest of us, are not interested until after lunch? Decisions. Decisions. :-)


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