I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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I am a super germaphobe, so I completely understand.

You should see me travel on an airplane. Not claustrophobic or affected by the motion... the stains, trays, coughs, sneezes, windows :crazy2::scared:

We should meet in real life. We'd be best friends.

I always travel with purell attached to my purse. When I fly, I bring lysol wipes and when I get to the hotel I use a tiny bottle of lysol on everything. I don't want to think of what other people have done to the TV remote. ICK.
I bring wipes on the plane and wipe everything I can reach. Planes are so dirty and disgusting these days. :thumbsup2

They really are! We do bring antibacterial/antiviral wipes on the planes and wipe down everything. We do the same once we get to the hotel too.

Apparently, I don't want to touch anything germy but have no problem eating them :rotfl2:
I bring wipes on the plane and wipe everything I can reach. Planes are so dirty and disgusting these days. :thumbsup2

We should meet in real life. We'd be best friends.

I always travel with purell attached to my purse. When I fly, I bring lysol wipes and when I get to the hotel I use a tiny bottle of lysol on everything. I don't want to think of what other people have done to the TV remote. ICK.

Yes!!! I do the same and have plenty of those little Lysols! LOL I actually put the remote in a Ziploc bag. Works just fine and I feel much better about using it that way. :happytv:
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@Haley R my family could care less about credit cards but I laughed out loud at your kitty picture and then they of course had to see and hear what you are doing. Our family of 5 is following your adventure! If I were you I would just go to Epcot. Pay to park and then go to the guest services to the right of the Epcot gates. It is a little hidden and usually not too busy. I have had the best luck there over the years with upgrades/activation etc. They will reimburse your parking.

@DisneyMandC I also laughed at your picture...I did not want to tell the girls about you as they would be jealous of your animals. My oldest has been unwavering in her want to be a vet half her life and all 3 (plus DH) want more animals than just the two kitties we have right now.

@Oscar Madison I have even bought Christmas party tickets for a friend before on the AP discount. I just had to add/connect them to my MDE. It should not be a problem.

@SouthFayetteFan you have a million UR’s. Seriously. It is fine. Get more than just two rooms. You guys should go club level and also spread out!

@tink1970 have a wonderful time on your trip! We will all miss your insights but will be anxious to hear all about it.
Thanks to all who helped me with my Universal and Hyatt questions! We booked a bunch of things!

I used 147,232 URs for 1 night for my Sister/Husband @ Aventura (Fri); 2 nights two rooms at Hard Rock for 8 people (Sat/Sun); 1 room at Hyatt MCO (Mon). Cash price for all of that was $2,454,93 So I got a better than 1.6cpp value across all of it (largely because that MCO Hyatt was just 12k points but the cash price was $426 after tax!).

We will use another 150k or so URs for the Universal Park Tickets. So I'm using ~30% of my UR stash on a < 3 day trip. I just had to share this to prove I'm not hoarding today, lol!
I hope you've already changed to SJC! Nonstop beats a stop any day :thumbsup2 Plus SJC is so itty and easy to get the rental car and easy to leave the airport!

Yep! Two CPs canceled. Four flights rebooked. Two CPs added. Rental van canceled. Rental van rebooked. I have this process down now.

Walt Disney Family Museum scheduled for arrival day :sunny: which should be free because DS is active duty and they get free admission + 5 family members (that is not defined as dependents so....) between Armed Forces Day and Labor Day.
I figure if it doesn't kill me, then it will strengthen my immune system. Hmmm :scratchin ... strengthening ... wait, doesn't that qualify as a work out? Yes, eating at buffets is a basically a workout.
This is my husband. The complete opposite of a germaphobe. He must be on to something because he NEVER gets sick. Like ever. The whole family will be down and he's totally fine every time. I would venture to guess he's never used hand sanitizer in his life 😂 He washes his hands but no sanitizer for him.
Haha well thank you. I can’t decide which to do: mk or Epcot. I’d much rather go ride some rides at mk but I don’t want to deal with crowds leaving the park and if we go during the day it’ll be hotter than hades. I have an adr at San angel (never eaten there) at 5:30 pm and two FPS after that. I’m guessing we should just keep this but I wanna ride the mountains lol

Park at Epcot, get your tickets activated, jump on the monorail to MK and ride the mountains then return to Epcot for dinner. Joking, although I've often used the monorail to get to MK for a few hours while staying at an Epcot resort. But, it's too hot for me right now - I wouldn't even think of doing a park in summer.
We also do not eat food from buffets.

I will eat from them reluctantly and I try not to think about all the people touching the utensils. Add to that that I am short enough that the sneeze guard is usually now low enough to prevent someone my height from spreading germs around them.
We PCd DHs CSR to a CFU last year. This year we needed cruise excursions so I upgraded to CSR. Will double dip the travel credit then PC again unless we have some travel expense we need it for (not forseeing anything now.)
Did you PC the CFU back to a CSR?
Appreciate everyone's rundowns on the CSR. P2 and I are getting as drunk as we can on the CIPpy cup, and will likely want a CSR to book a vacation with all of these points.

As I think about the timing of all of this, am I safe assuming that I could book travel at the 1.5x rate on a CSR even if the travel dates fall after the one-year anniversary of the card? (meaning, I book the travel with CSR but PC it to a CFU or something before the trip)
I'm the same way. I just try to get to stuff before it's covered in germs and coughs. I might also tell the lounge people when kids take something and then put it back. So far they have been good about it and take the platter away. People just don't seem to parent these days. Of course I've seen a few adults do something similar. :rolleyes1

I bring wipes on the plane and wipe everything I can reach. Planes are so dirty and disgusting these days. :thumbsup2

I have told my kids from day one "you touch it, its yours" ponder your selection before you touch.
Appreciate everyone's rundowns on the CSR. P2 and I are getting as drunk as we can on the CIPpy cup, and will likely want a CSR to book a vacation with all of these points.

As I think about the timing of all of this, am I safe assuming that I could book travel at the 1.5x rate on a CSR even if the travel dates fall after the one-year anniversary of the card? (meaning, I book the travel with CSR but PC it to a CFU or something before the trip)
Yeah - All this Universal stuff I'm booking now is in November. I'm booking it with the CSR but when we travel I will have already downgraded that card to a CF back in September.
Shh! I'm trying to ignore that unless I can find a way to get him (or a kid) a PP in the next month. Even if I was able to use both of my PPs to get guests in, I'm assuming that's only 5 so someone will be left out. I have sort of considered adding him as AU to my CSR because I think AUs get PP as well, but I don't think it's worth a */24 slot for him anyway. Now, my son it might be doable. He has no interest in even getting his own card, just using mine.

If you have the Hilton Biz, it comes with 10 PP visits, so you could get more people in.

Replying to myself to add this gem I took in March 2018 to send to a friend who couldn't believe I did this :thumbsup2

View attachment 410257

I just might steal that idea. But DH and the kids will think I've gone off the deep end.... :laughing:
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