I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Yes, this was her 4th (not including the AUer’s). What is your dd worried about? My dd hears me rattle on about this stuff all the time so I think she just assumes this is the norm if you want to travel cheaply lol. And since she’s paying so much of her own way now, she is super interested in saving money on travel.

I think there was talk about this a while back, but would y'all recommend signing kids up as AUs on one of my CCs to build credit?

True but I think Tottenham would have done better if they had stayed healthy. Kane injured, Dele injured. Trippier, Rose, Winks, injured. Son shipped off to S Korea to play for a while. They had a lot of key players in & out this year. If Harry Kane had been healthy the whole year, I don’t think Spurs would have ended in 4th.

Uh huh ... and it's the kid that wants to see the game :D
Ok got the denial letter for citi and it’s pretty generic. It just has 4 bullet points, and I don’t understand most of it.
  • commercial credit report shows insufficient credit history for one or more accounts (I don’t know what this means, what is a commercial credit report? My average credit age should be like 10 years)
  • Consumer credit report shows you have low credit limits (I have a 10K, 5K, and 10K)
  • Ratio of balances to available credit limit is too high on the commercial credit report (???)
  • Consumer credit report shows too many recent inquiries (I had 4 total over 5 months before I applied and 2 were for an auto loan that I didn’t end up even using)
Yeah - I don't see any of our kids doing any of this overseas stuff. TOTALLY not saying this in a judging way but there's no way my wife and I would support that, haha. (again not judging...just not for our family). We're always going to prioritize church and family time over sports and tournaments and other stuff like that. We're already starting to pull back on sports things because of the schedule paying no mind to our Sunday morning church schedule. School schedules and summer activities are announced well in advance here so I don't see an issue planning around them. We typically have the school schedule for the next year before we go on our trip in January each year. We plan to stop that trip in the next 2-3 years (don't want to keep pulling out of school) so this will really become about 2-3 summer trips and something over a long weekend in the fall. I'm pretty sure we'll have no issues but I'm just generally optimistic that things will work out in our favor because they always seem to :)

Well if you can control a 21 year old ADULT then more power to you, and maybe let me know how it is done. haha My friends DD is going to the DRC in a few weeks. I said the same thing, OMG how can you let her go, you need to tell her no. Well, yes, in theory that sounds great, but when they are an adult then you don't have much say. It is hard when they are in the age where you still feel like you should be able to control them, but yet you really can not. I am super proud of DD for doing her trip. I never ever would have done that at her age. Truthfully, I would never do it by myself now! I am definitely a cautious chicken and have to admit I am a little sad for myself that I would never get to experience the things she is doing. In theory I want my kids to explore the great big world, but in practice I really would prefer to say nope, stay at home where I can protect you. DD18 got picked to go to Ecuador in the fall for a one week trip so joy for that. :sad2:

I did stop DD's travel soccer though for similar reasons as yours. It just got to be too much travel and time away from all of us together. We are Catholic, so we were somewhat adaptable when they had games on Sundays, fine we will do church on Saturday night. One year I even changed churches because the games were interfering with Sunday School times so I switched to a church with before Church classes instead of after. I tried to adapt a lot then finally said enough. It took her awhile to get over that I made her quit, maybe she still hasn't. lol

Since your trips are pretty predictable then you do have much better chances of not having schedules mess them up. Just say not to sports and band. lol Wait, weren't you in band? High school and middle school band was terrible with band camp in the summer. I was pretty happy that mine were quitters after 9th grade.

My DD was VERY active in sports her whole life; track and field, swimming, volleyball, and club volleyball. At 6' tall volleyball was her forte' until two car accidents in a nine month period during her Junior year of high school resulted in back surgery and took away any athletic scholarship hopes. She had wanted to go to a private Christian College in Cali but at 60k plus per year that wasn't happening!

She ended up going to a local community college but only if we would agree to her going on a mission trip after her first semester at cc. After being raised in church how do you tell an "adult" she can't go to India to volunteer at Mother Theresa's Home for the Dying and Destitute, as well as Thailand to help with child trafficking? You CAN'T!

We are very proud of her for graduating with an Associates ON TIME with her classmates despite being out of the country for six months. And she went on to get her BS at an in state college two years later.

As much as we didn't want her half a world away for six months at such a young age, we have to let our little birdies fly the nest. There is a huge growing (by both children AND parents) between 8 and 18 and we have to let them launch.

I also am not being judgey @SouthFayetteFan just giving a perspective from someone a little further down the road of parenting. That road NEVER ends and you have to learn to navigate the corners without overturning the vehicle. :car:
For those looking at CFU cards - just an FYI that the old $150 offer is still available and for those with low spend (kids/students) it can make a lot more sense than the 3% offer. They have to spend $10k to break even on the 3% offer vs the $150.
Also just an FYI, there was a $200 back after$500 spend when my dd applied. Not sure how often that comes around but something to be ready to jump on if we see it again.
DD will turn 18 in a few weeks. She is AU on a few of my cards. Want to get her started on her own cards as well. DS recently got the Freedom card so could start with that. Do you think that would be easier to get than the Disney Card? Since we are going in July thought the referral for me Nd SUB for her would be nice. (And she likes all the different designs you can get)
Thanks for the reminder folks! I too applied on 5/11, got the, "Answer will arrive in writing within 2 weeks" message. Just checked (first weekday) and it was APPROVED. Don't really see a need to expedite, so should arrive in 7 days.
Congrats on approval my man!! Yeah, If you aren’t in a pinch for the card no need to expedite. It’ll get there sometime next week for sure![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the reminder folks! I too applied on 5/11, got the, "Answer will arrive in writing within 2 weeks" message. Just checked (first weekday) and it was APPROVED. Don't really see a need to expedite, so should arrive in 7 days.

Congrats party:[/QUOTE]

Thanks! Eager to get started
She ended up going to a local community college but only if we would agree to her going on a mission trip after her first semester at cc. After being raised in church how do you tell an "adult" she can't go to India to volunteer at Mother Theresa's Home for the Dying and Destitute, as well as Thailand to help with child trafficking? You CAN'T!

This is amazing.
I think there was talk about this a while back, but would y'all recommend signing kids up as AUs on one of my CCs to build credit?

I know the general consensus is to do this and it should help their score. I was just on DD's Discover account and her credit report on there doesn't mention the card she is an AU on with me. Not sure if it is different with different credit agencies?
We got a unique offer code in the mail from Disney today. It’s for this summer until August 28. I looked and the deals really don’t seem that great. I’ve gotten better deals on third party sites than these prices

I got a unique offer as well. It was around $5K for a week at POR for our family of 5. No thanks Disney. Prices have really gone up in the last few years.
ok so just got my mail and have 5 new cards. My CSR replacement card I requested a week before I left for my trip came today. It has a different expiration and ccv code. Will the old and the new card both still work? I really don't like the new spg lux card. Will the old purple one still work even though this new metal one has a different expiration and ccv code?

someone might have posted this and I missed it. Received the new CIU cards that were originally sent as CIC cards bc chase ran out of the CIU. these cards all have the same info but I didn't need duplicates of these.

Yes. I requested a replacement for DHs account and it came with the numbers different but works fine.
I was not auto approved for my first few business cards....it definitely is frustrating...called multiple times and it look a week ....hopefully yours will be quicker
The business card will not show up on your personal card log in....you can set up a business card Log in ...then call chase to combine the accounts if you want

I have a business card login now with my CIC. Hopefully, it doesn't take a week. Oh well, I'll just keep calling!

If you already have a business card from Chase then yes, your card might just show up once approved. When did you apply? How long have you been pending. I remember a 6 day wait one time and it was painful.

I just applied today around 4:30. I do have a biz login with my CIC but so far, no CIP showing up there.
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