Game of Thrones - Season 8 - NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Was she suddenly just ready to go home? She would have had Cersei to herself.

I was (I think) disappointed with Cersei’s death however with Jamie saying all she ever cared about was her children, maybe it was an appropriate way to go.

It's like the writers are trying to push the envelope with how they can take strong women and diminish them. Here's how we have last seen these female characters:

Brienne sobbing.

Arya saying to herself, "Forget my plans to kill Cersei, I'm out of here."

Cersie saying, "I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die."

Danaerys acting in a way which has people joking, "She must be having her period."

The only female character who was most recently portrayed as strong was Sansa, and that was after she said that she was only strong because she had been raped and tortured.
I was sad that Sandor had to die with his brother, but that fight was the best thing of the episode. I thought they dragged the burning of the city out too long. I had to keep reminding myself to stay awake because I wanted to see what happens next.

I wish evil Cersei faced a more brutal death than in the arms of her twin brother. I was SO hoping that he'd turn on her.

I'm supposing that we'll head back to Winterfell next episode for the final battle/resolution.
The writers should have had Dany and the drogon taken out the bells before they rang. Then she could have said to Jon and Tieryan “what bells, i didn’t hear any bells. Did you hear any bells drogon?”
and the dragon could have raised and eye brow scale an shook his head no. And the bell could have fallen and trapped Arya inside it and we all could have been saved her running around for 20 minutes
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Count me in as a viewer who dislikes the last season...and the way everything is rushed to finish.

Varys? It was so rushed! He was on for all of 5 minutes. A great character whose death scene and lead up to it were crazy rushed.

But we get to see Arya running around the city for 15 minutes or more. And the whole show felt like it was flashing from one character's facial expression to another character's facial expression. Where is the dialogue? John's lines last night consisted of "She's my queen." at least 3 times. We were laughing and predicting things by the end. Jaime and Cersei death scene? I called it. Cheesy. And suddenly Arya, who is never afraid of anything anymore, flees the city in terror. Where was Tyrion during all the rampage? I'm sure he'll survive just fine while the average citizen perishes.

It seems to be setting up an ending where John and Tyrion now see Dany as the whack job she has become. John will realize he has to take the throne. And they are setting up Arya to knock off Dany in some heroic fashion. Who is left to remove Dany other than Arya???

I'll finish the show, but it is pretty Hollywood now. Predictable and, at times, silly.
It's like the writers are trying to push the envelope with how they can take strong women and diminish them. Here's how we have last seen these female characters:

Brienne sobbing.

Arya saying to herself, "Forget my plans to kill Cersei, I'm out of here."

Cersie saying, "I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die."

Danaerys acting in a way which has people joking, "She must be having her period."

The only female character who was most recently portrayed as strong was Sansa, and that was after she said that she was only strong because she had been raped and tortured.
:confused3’re over-thinking it.

You got your football in my GOT!
You got your GOT in my football!
It's like the writers are trying to push the envelope with how they can take strong women and diminish them. Here's how we have last seen these female characters:

Brienne sobbing.

Arya saying to herself, "Forget my plans to kill Cersei, I'm out of here."

Cersie saying, "I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die."

Danaerys acting in a way which has people joking, "She must be having her period."

The only female character who was most recently portrayed as strong was Sansa, and that was after she said that she was only strong because she had been raped and tortured.

Completely disagree, Arya is probably the strongest character in the show still. And it's not just females that have been diminished. Tyrion, once the smartest in the realm, is now a bumbling fool whose judgments are always wrong. Jon hasn't done much of anything lately. Jamie, who they had a 7 year character arc for, immediately reverts back into some love struck teenager etc. The writing just hasn't been good.
I'm a book reader and I'm so upset with how the show is going to end. I really hope if George ever finishes the books they will not end up like this but I fear that they will generally end up where the show is ending up at, just with a hopefully more fleshed out story instead of this rushed mess.
So, I actually really liked most of the episode. I think it would have been a fantastic episode had they not rushed this final season so much. Two or three episodes preceding this one to let us see more of Dany's (full disclosure - I've never liked Dany much) leap into madness and understand more about Jamie's decision to return to the man he was would have made those outcomes more emotionally important. Frankly, they both just showed us the person they really always were but none of us wanted to believe. Instead, it was all so rushed.

We needed more time for Varys to plot and scheme (what he does best) before his final death. I thought Tyrion's betrayal of him was actually a surprise and their final scene together was great. Loved Varys' line about hoping he is wrong. All good stuff, but they didn't earn the pay off. We needed more time for Jon to clearly be worried about Dany's mental health. For him to understand how watching a second dragon die and her best friend beheaded and her new-found lover turning out to be a nephew and threat to her throne all pushed her to the edge. Pushed her and Grey Worm frankly. Ultimately, Jon may be a Targaryen but he suffers from the same fatal flaw his uncle/father, Ned, did - assuming that others are noble and have pure intentions. If we'd had more of that, then I think this episode would have been near-perfection. It was a brutal onslaught and while the Mad Queen thing was expected, we can't say they haven't been setting it up for basically the entire series. Dany has always demonstrated a certain inhumanity and insanity when facing enemies. It just was always somewhat restrained - mostly due to wise counsel that she heeded. It was not at all surprising that she did what she did and yet, I was left just sort of stunned that she actually DID it. I mean, the destruction was inescapable.

Cleganebowl was great I thought. I loved that the Hound threw himself into FIRE to kill himself and his brother. Now, HIS was an amazing character arc. Loved that Arya called him by name at their parting. Admittedly, that strained credulity quite a bit. Hard to believe that Arya would have left like that. But it obviously allowed her to survive (which one must presume is necessary for whatever happens next week) and seeing the destruction of the city from her perspective made that battle that much more impressive. I was completely enthralled during those scenes - it really brought the horror home. Using that mother and daughter the way they did in those scenes was just good TV frankly. I swear I was holding my breath at times. And, corny as the blood-soaked "pale horse" thing was, it still made for an epic shot of her riding out on it through the destruction and rubble.

Jamie and Cersei deserved better deaths than that though. although I suppose some poetic justice that they died together under the rubble of the Red Keep. And, Lena Headey did some amazing acting watching that dragon destroy the city. Watching the slow realization hit her as Qyburn delivered more and more bad news. That was extraordinarily satisfying. It almost made up for that lame death scene - almost. She was a fool and watching her realize it was pure gold. And, her tiptoeing past dead Qyburn and the Hound was sort of hilarious. :)

And, I'll say this, I legitimately have NO CLUE what is going to happen next week, so I suppose they did accomplish that although I'm guessing we'll have a scene of Dany walking into the throne room covered in ash - what most had presumed was snow in her vision in the house of the undying way back in Season 2. I don't know how long the last episode is, and that's my main concern. So much to wrap up and so little time. Basically the whole problem with this final season.
I'm a book reader and I'm so upset with how the show is going to end. I really hope if George ever finishes the books they will not end up like this but I fear that they will generally end up where the show is ending up at, just with a hopefully more fleshed out story instead of this rushed mess.

If this is how Martin was planning to end it I hope he looks at the reaction the show is getting and changes it up.
It's like the writers are trying to push the envelope with how they can take strong women and diminish them. Here's how we have last seen these female characters:

Brienne sobbing.

Arya saying to herself, "Forget my plans to kill Cersei, I'm out of here."

Cersie saying, "I don't want to die. I don't want my baby to die."

Danaerys acting in a way which has people joking, "She must be having her period."

The only female character who was most recently portrayed as strong was Sansa, and that was after she said that she was only strong because she had been raped and tortured.

I just keep dwelling on Arya. That last minute change of plans/exit just made zero sense. :confused3

And are we really sure Jamie and Cersei are really dead? I’m not so sure.
I heard that GRR's final books are done and a release date will be announced today or soon or something.
I just keep dwelling on Arya. That last minute change of plans/exit just made zero sense. :confused3

And are we really sure Jamie and Cersei are really dead? I’m not so sure.

Other than Verys, did they actually show the death of any of the main characters?
So, I am disappointed on one hand and not on the other. I knew that things would be short and sweet due to the fact that there were only 6 episodes. The strength of GOT from the outset has been character development. The best parts of the show were never the battles, but rather the story arc and character development. The issue is you take a character like Varias who has survived so many Kings (and Queens with Cersi) and in the blink of an eye Dani fries him. This is where books tell so many more facts and insights that TV and Movies cannot. His whole story arc ends based on who told who about Jon and boom the guy who has lived in the shadows unseen for so many years is outed to the light of day and executed in a flash, end of his story!

As far as Dani going all Mad Queen, well she has shown the signs of vengence since season 1. The witch that healed Drogo got put into the fire that birthed the dragons. She sought the love and support of the people and tried to win it by freeing the slaves earlier and they went right back to slavery and their way of life as soon as she left. She wants to free the people of Westoros from Cerci, but most while not happy with their lives, were at least allowed to live. A new Queen who was going to bring death in any form to win the throne was a terrible option compared to them just continuing with their current lives.

I think the bitterness and vengence that came out last night from Dani has been building since season 1. As far as Ariya not going through with her plan to kill Cerci, I think the words from the Hound changed her outlook and I think she was truely scared as the Red Keep was crashing down around her. She is a killer, but one on one face to face. Her one "battle" prior to this and she freaked out only to come through in a pinch to kill the Knight King. She had to have that path dictated to her by Miilisandra. And at this point I think she was once again saved miracurosly because she has one more pair of eyes to shut. Brown eyes, Walter Frye, Blue eyes, the Knight King, Green eyes, Dani? She continues to survive desperate situations because she has a purpose.

After this is all over in the short final season I think we will look back and say the writers took the shortest distance between to points and that was a straight line to the end and they had little time to deviate from their path.

I think we got cheated a little in the last season, the bad guys are getting what they deserve but not in a manner that is satisfying to those of us who have waited patiently through 8 seasons. And in the end as the world falls down around them the characters return to that which they always were. Jamie to Cerci, Dani to madness, Jon to a sense of fairness, Ariya to a purpose, and tyrion to trying to be the spokesman for the down trodden who are like himself.

Next wee k will be intersting, and difficult for me personally because we leave this Saturday for WDW for a week and we are not sure when we will actually get to see the last episode.

Would make sense from a continuation standpoint considering Jon was brought back from the dead by the lord of light. Maybe he sacrifices himself so Dany dies by Arya? Does that make Gendry the last one with a claim to the throne? Unless the Lannister name is also recognized which would throw Tyrion in the mix too.


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