Something About Nothing ... #12

Been busy here for past few days. Will be cooler here today with high of 66. It was 51 when I woke up this morning.

B got another college acceptance today. The school actually called her to let her know. She should be getting something in writing in a few days. Then we can make it Facebook official. This one is a small, local, women’s college. She went to a weekend event event there last year and really liked it.

Congratulations to B on her acceptance will be nice for her to get to choose the college she really likes to attend.

I`ve made chicken noodle soup for lunch and grilled sandwiches.

Chicken noodle soup sounds yummy....I bet the pizza and chocolate cake were yummy yesterday too.

Trying to pick a few days to go up for Mardi Gras. Might do it around end of February to celebrate my birthday and Mardi Gras. We did that last year and we really enjoyed the floats and had a fun time.

Neighbor across the street said she has never been to see the Harry Potter Parks at Universal so I’am planning to take her up for a couple of days to just do the Potter Parks with her.

All those that are in winters storm paths stay warm and safe.

Hope Lynne and her son are having a great cruise.

Sending get well wishes to all our Sans family who are sick :grouphug:

:wave: Schumi, Mac, Keisha, Lynne, monyk, Pattyw, Tink, Charade, Bobbie68, Sue m, buckeev and all other Sans family I missed.
Happy Belated birthday to Kyle!! Happy 25th!!:bday:

Stay warm, and use your :cat: for lap warmers.:D

Ha- good idea! There's enough of them to keep my whole body warm!:laughing:

Trying to pick a few days to go up for Mardi Gras. Might do it around end of February to celebrate my birthday and Mardi Gras. We did that last year and we really enjoyed the floats and had a fun time.

Love Mardi Gras at UO!! We'll be there mid February!:thumbsup2

Happy Tuesday all!! Cold and dreary here! Had a great weekend in N Carolina! But always nice to be back home!:)

:wave2: everyone!!

Good morning. We have sunshine today. Yay!! B’s school is on a 2 hour delay due to ice. I woke up this morning, saw that it was 6:00 and said “nope”. I set an alarm for 9:00 and went back to sleep.

dinner is chicken thighs in a bbq, maple & dark spicy balsamic sauce....sounds odd but it`s gorgeous.....
That actually sounds really good.

The storm for the weekend is coming it is just a matter of will we get a wintry mix or lots of snow:(
I think it might be headed my way too. The local weather is reporting the possibility of a wintry mix this weekend.

Trying to pick a few days to go up for Mardi Gras. Might do it around end of February to celebrate my birthday and Mardi Gras. We did that last year and we really enjoyed the floats and had a fun time.
That sounds like a good plan. I would love to go to the parks in February.

My cat is not a lap warmer. He will sit next to me, but will not sit on my lap. He just isn’t a cuddler. :(
Yay!! B’s school is on a 2 hour delay due to ice. I woke up this morning, saw that it was 6:00 and said “nope”. I set an alarm for 9:00 and went back to sleep.

I love two hour delays...Get some extra sleep and don't lose the day:)...Glad you had one.

Congrats on B's acceptance letters :D:thumbsup2. We only have gotten 1 back. The two in Florida I hear are back logged so not sure when. I feel bad Liv is anxious every day waiting. She wants to have her decision done soon. I don't think it is going to be that easy though with our plan. We will see.

I hope we both miss the storm and it goes out to sea.:D

Trying to pick a few days to go up for Mardi Gras. Might do it around end of February to celebrate my birthday and Mardi Gras. We did that last year and we really enjoyed the floats and had a fun time.

Neighbor across the street said she has never been to see the Harry Potter Parks at Universal so I’am planning to take her up for a couple of days to just do the Potter Parks with her.

That sounds like such a great trip! It is so nice to share it with someone for the first time! Have fun planning:goodvibes
We're very lucky! Those little angels warm our hearts and bodies!!:)

I agree 100%:thumbsup2
Lunch plans sounds good Carole
Hope there is bacon in the grilled sandwiches


Chicken, bacon with a tiny bit of full fat mayonnaise.........even healthy sandwiches have to be nice.....and low fat mayo just isn’t worth it........full fat or nothing!!!

Been busy here for past few days. Will be cooler here today with high of 66. It was 51 when I woke up this morning

Chicken noodle soup sounds yummy....I bet the pizza and chocolate cake were yummy yesterday too.

Trying to pick a few days to go up for Mardi Gras. Might do it around end of February to celebrate my birthday and Mardi Gras. We did that last year and we really enjoyed the floats and had a fun time.

Neighbor across the street said she has never been to see the Harry Potter Parks at Universal so I’am planning to take her up for a couple of days to just do the Potter Parks with her.

All those that are in winters storm paths stay warm and safe.

Hope Lynne and her son are having a great cruise.

Sending get well wishes to all our Sans family who are sick :grouphug:

:wave: Schumi, Mac, Keisha, Lynne, monyk, Pattyw, Tink, Charade, Bobbie68, Sue m, buckeev and all other Sans family I missed.

Thanks Robo........yes, it was all lovely......dinner was good last night too!!!

Hope your weather didn’t go too low...I know you love the heat too!!

Have fun planning your Mardi Gras Trip........we are so looking forward to two weeks in March....plan to visit MG a few times this trip......loved it last year!! Must get our pics out again and have a look back........and sounds like a lovely trip with your’ll both have so much fun....taking someone who has never seen it all before will be magical..........

Hope you’re doing good..........

Our joiner has finished the new hardwood sills on the garden room......and hardly any mess at all........they look lovely....needed replacing. Such a nice guy and we’re so lucky to have him.

Turning cold here already..........out tomorrow to pick up some clothes I’ve ordered and need to send my aunts 80th birthday card off to NY as it’s next week.......hope it gets there in time. Should have gone in the post today but we stayed in.

Getting hungry and at least an hour before dinner..........:)
I just got off the phone with Universal reservations trying to cut the last night of our 8 night stay and was informed that I would have to pay current rates for any changes :headache: which would save me a grand total of $6 so I told them to keep it as is. Now I can stay as long as I like on our last day since we have a 4 PM check in time at AKL. It still ticks me off that I'm paying for 2 rooms that day but what can you do? :confused3

Carole, I had chicken vegetable soup for lunch...trying to keep my new year's resolution to eat healthy...I'm on day 2...wish me luckpixiedust:

Robo, sounds like a fun getaway for mardi gras...hope you have a wonderful trip.

It's turning cold here...temps in the 30's this morning, 20s tonight, highs in the 60s Friday and Saturday then back in the teens Sunday night...what a roller coaster of weather.

Hi to mac, keisha, patty, monyk, squirlz, charade, bobbie, sue, tgrgrl, and welcome to our newest homie spike :wave2:

Lynne and son are hopefully basking in the tropical sun with umbrella drinks in hand :beach:

Have an awesome day everyone :flower1:
Vicki......I missed you popping in there!!

Thank you.....will pass your greeting on to him.....he certainly enjoyed his gifts and food.....always sucks to work on your birthday......

Hope your day goes quickly and hope you’re doing ok too........:)
Yeah, my oldest dd thinks her birthday is a national holiday lol. Hates working on it!
Charade if it makes you feel better today was 36 lol! The sun has made an appearance and temps dropped. But early morning and late afternoon we’ve had a bit of marine fog along the ocean inlet and river.
Congrats to B! Is she taking the small local school?

Schumi we had Pizza today, for lunch, you must have put it in my mind. There is a NY pizza place that recently opened in my town, and they nailed it. Chef is from Brooklyn, lol. There’s noting better than a NY Pizza, yum. DD and I split lunch special, 2 slices and a drink.
Hope you don’t get much snow Thursday.
The news coming out of GB is pretty wild right now. Was watching BBC today! Buckle up!
I hope your Aunts card gets there in time. I swear sometimes I feel like our international mail goes by pony express.
Bobbie The Shinning :scared1: Hope storm isn’t too bad.

Robo. Oooo Mardi Gras sounds fun way to celebrate your birthday.

pattyw I have 2 lap warmers. My Yorkiepoo likes my lap. And if I’m laying down on the sofa the Cocker is my hat!

Tink yes I heard about that. I had booked 3 adults, incurring the extra adult charge, but then one daughter got a new job and couldn’t come. I phoned and was told same thing, any changes and rate turns into current rate. Ridiculous. I wasn’t changing dates, or room type, only # of people. She put me on hold, came back and said ok, they’d take extra charge off just this once, and no change to room rate, except drop extra charge. Of course I could have done it at arrival at check in. But I wanted it settled. Ugh. I wonder if you would get a different answer calling back and getting someone else. Or asking for a manager.

I went to movie to see Vice yesterday. It was very interesting. We all (went with 3 friends) thought it was good, if a little disjointed at times. Next I want to see The Mule, love Clint! And The Upside. On the Basis of Sex too. Ruth BG, should be interesting.

Dinner tonight was Instant Pot Pork Chops with HK Onion Gravy. Didn’t do much today, had to get dog food, banking, and went for afternoon dog walk enjoying the sunshine.

Tomorrow helping out in our church for a bit in the morning (bagging up bread for our food bank) before meeting a friend for coffee (Starbucks) and a catch up!

Lynne looking forward to more photos of trip when you return!

Have a good night Sans Family!
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Eek. Long day in store, noisy Miami, but hey. Awesome time, had the best weather. Then back to reality and sorting out why I can’t get into my email. Probably way too much spam over the last 5 days. Oh well. Reality indeed.

And seems I have some catching up to do.
Waiting for older one to wake up. We are taking express check out, so should be outta this boat by 7:30am.

Marvel cruise into the Bahamas, with a short stop in KW, and mid 70’s and mostly full sun every day. Captain said we had the best day at Castaway Cay then all other cruises had in the past 3 weeks. Rain that was to come in the afternoon went south of the island, and thus, sun for most of the 70’s day. And the 78 degree water did not stop us from enjoying a nice lazy swim. Though that rather large fish, with a pretty yellow tail, came swimming right next to our waists as we stood there for a minute. Nice thing about clear water, you can see it coming and stop in place.

Pictures to come. Need to wake older one and finish the last of the little packing we left to do.

Wednesday’s camel is on vacation right now. He may return momentarily, like lunchtime if I need to wait for food.

Have a wonderful Wednesday homies.
I was just looking at our pictures and I remembered the wierdest thing on Men in Black. About half the time we ride it we get a single rider. I hate it but what can you do. So I end up in the middle. Well this woman on my right doesn't even pick up the zapper! She just SAT there. So strange.

Another time Rick (Agent R) hopped in with us and gave us some tips. Also our very last ride it stopped and the lights came on. Sat for a while then eventually drove out. Unfortunately the targets quit working as well or else we finally would have maxed out!

Evening all........

Squirlz......I do that sometimes.......Tom and Kyle like me to go on with them, but it bores me I just sit and look around me......except once, when I did pick up the gun, didn’t try a jot......and beat them both! They’ve never forgiven me for that........

Quiet day today........

Picked up 2 new dresses and a few other things too.........:rolleyes1 Had lovely lunch out with Tom and the lady who runs the restaurant knows us well and automatically asked if I wanted my usual large looked at us strangely when I said we were doing Dry January........don’t think she believed us.....:rotfl: Pepsi was fine.....

It is getting colder but not too bad.

Hope your Wednesday is a good one.........
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Hello from Key West.

More to come when little one shows me how to make smaller for the Dis.

Hope all are doing well, and Birthday wishes to Tink’s DD. Sorry I am late, but hope her birthday was great, even though she had to work.
Our favorite place! Just before sunset our friend Dominique does a show with his trained cats. He's down by the pier by the Margaritaville resort. Tell him Paul and Molly say hi! 14606348_10210514449328672_5797289541844644044_n.jpg
Squirlz, we did see that act when we stayed in KW last year. We had just stayed until 3:30pm on our cruise.
I read about that cat act about a year ago

Sounds like something I would really enjoy
Thanks for sharing that picture!

Carole, think of it this way...
You have less than a half of a month to go and you can have your wine back then

And when those days are up, you should have a couple of them to reward yourself for having strong will power
And Tom can have his beer while you get your fun drink
Maybe I should do your countdownto get you closer to end of the month

You’ll like the way I do count downs

I mtend to give of it a couple of days at a time to help my friends reach your goa
Remember when it is January-31 there it is really feb 1 here


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