For Us, Toy Story Land Was a Dud

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Everyone complaining about no shade. I’m like so? I live in hot and humid GA and though my shop has A/C, I really enjoy being outside every weekend working in my yard. The heat never really bothers me and when we were there at the beginning of September it was really really hot! I just grab a cool drink and move along.

Some guests do have physical issues that preclude standing/walking for a long time in direct sun. With the narrowness of the entry to the land it was quite congested. We saw large groups of make a wish families. And there are many others of all ages.
Yeah I felt it looked cheap personally. Then again it’s a toy land so maybe that’s the point. I enjoyed my fast passes then left with no intention of needing to go back, unless I fast pass the two good rides there.

I guess I keep waiting for that Harry Potter land moment of WOW.

I didn’t even feel that in pandora sadly.

But by no means did I truly dislike them.
I don't think it is the heat or sun that is the problem necessarily (as there's heat and sun everywhere in WDW) but there's lots of concrete/metal/plastic and not a lot of plants/greens, which is odd for someone's backyard. lol Toy Story Land was just Ok for us, we enjoyed the little details and SDD was pure fun. Going at night when you don't have to worry about the sun, and seeing all the lights was great. And, the green army squad was fantastic.

As to the competition between Universal and Disney and new rides... FoP blows every Uni ride out of the water IMO. And one of the reasons Toy Story Land may be disappointing is that it can't compare with Pandora... but it wasn't really trying to.

The advice I'll give people that haven't seen TSL yet is to go at night, and have a FP for SDD.
we liked it but for some reason it seemed hotter than any other area. even standing in the same sun in toy story land felt warmer than the same sun just outside of the land.
There’s a whole lot of bamboo planted and some nice low plants when you exit toy story mania. Doesn’t help shield from the sun at all.
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Oh, well that nixed my idea of eating lunch there. I was wanting to try something new, but this is why we always end up at the SciFi Diner, it's pretty much the opposite of the conditions in the rest of the park.

Everyone complaining about no shade. I’m like so? I live in hot and humid GA and though my shop has A/C, I really enjoy being outside every weekend working in my yard. The heat never really bothers me and when we were there at the beginning of September it was really really hot! I just grab a cool drink and move along.

Yes-- but now picture your yard as being all concrete and then picture every inch of your yard covered with people to the point of where you can barely move and also that your yard is entirely fenced where you can not get out except for one gate. While that is happening, the sun is beating down own your head, is also reflecting from what concrete is actually exposed between people raising the temperature, and you also have the added body heat of all those people raising the temperature. That is Toy Story Land! :laughing:

I have to agree with a lot of OP's opinion. We were there on 3 different days the first week of October. It was hot and it was wall to wall people to where you could barely even see where you were going- especially if you were short like me. The first day we were there was a low crowd day and it was still like that. It is currently a total bottleneck- it is a dead end. It looks like that is going to be a lot better once Star Wars land opens, because it looks like the path will go on around in that direction. It will no longer be basically like a cul-de-sac. Once it is not a dead end bottleneck, you will not have massive amounts of people on the path trying to get in and out of the same entry/exit point. Also-- there is the added problem that the character meet and greets are now just on the sides of the main path with the lines of people waiting for the characters also taking up part of the path. (I really miss Woody and Buzz' cute little building). We could barely move. It is wall-to-wall people.

QueenElinor-- Based on what we saw, you have probably made the right decision. It was packed and there were lots of people trying to eat standing up because they could not find an empty table. I would like to try eating there, but maybe when the initial crowds die down.

We loved Slinky Dog though and we did not have high expectations. Just seeing it on the internet it looked like Barnstormer to me- but it is so much more. It is really well done. We were not impressed with the Alien Saucers-- they look cute--- but if you have ever been to Disneyland and ridden the recently closed down Francis' Ladybug Boogie in the recently closed Bugsland it seems like the same ride only on a bigger scale and with bigger ride vehicles. I was able to pick it up as a 4th FP, and I was glad I didn't burn my Tier one on it. Actually, we all thought the land design itself had a very similar feel to Bugs land. There are definitely some cute design elements. Maybe when the crowds eventually die down, it will be easier to appreciate it.
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I think the land looks incredibly cute- especially at night with the string lights on. If we could just have some shade, a Pizza Planet and a toy store...
It’s a great addition to HS that hopefully down the line gets even better. We loved sdd and tsm. There’s so much potential with the theme.
I think the land looks incredibly cute- especially at night with the string lights on. If we could just have some shade, a Pizza Planet and a toy store...
It’s a great addition to HS that hopefully down the line gets even better. We loved sdd and tsm. There’s so much potential with the theme.

Is there room to further expand?
They SHOULD have included a store, no question. Themed to Al's Toy Barn in Andy's backyard? Nope. Andy's Toy Box? Sure! My opinion. I do agree that it was likely budget cuts that cause the scrapping of the store.

Of all the areas to cut.....a store where people bleed money.
I have not been so I will reserve comments about the Land itself, however I have to say that I am saddened that Disney has turned into a cheapskate when it comes to attractions, areas, shade, etc.

I cannot understand how a company is so darned shortsighted in regards to upkeep and expansion. Eventually you have to allow for the folks who are paying the freight with every ticket increase.
if they want to stick with the theming that you're in Andy's backyard, they could have put a store just outside the land, or maybe theme it as a backyard shed which could be huge if you're supposed to be a toy.
Of all the areas to cut.....a store where people bleed money.
I have not been so I will reserve comments about the Land itself, however I have to say that I am saddened that Disney has turned into a cheapskate when it comes to attractions, areas, shade, etc.

I cannot understand how a company is so darned shortsighted in regards to upkeep and expansion. Eventually you have to allow for the folks who are paying the freight with every ticket increase.

And then people would have just complained that they could have built an attraction but instead wanted to be greedy and sell merchandise. It's already "only" two new rides.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
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It will not always be a dead end. I agree about missing Al's Toy Barn. The land may eventually be expanded, I read an article that it was supposed to include a Woody/Jessie western section with a QS location. (perhaps it was an early concept only). (placed to the right as you enter the land, backstage area presently).

The land is WAY WAY better after dark, and it is on my list to be visited mostly at night, much like Pandora for us. The lighting is really nice. I did not feel it was a long walk into the land or thru the TSM queue. There should be more shade, for sure. I have yet to try Woody's lunch box, we usually go to Sci Fi on our Studios days (tradition!)

I like it, but it is not comparable to the beauty and depth of Carsland at DCA.

I have to agree with the after dark part. We were there once late in the evening and again this morning for EMM while it was still dark, and the land lit up with all the toys was great. Otherwise it is too small, and not enough shade. We have it out of our system for awhile now, tho TSM still holds up as the best ride in the park.
I am pretty sure TSM will remain my favorite ride even after the Star Wars land opens. Personally not interested in Star Wars. Hoping toy story land will empty out when Star Wars opens, and I get to ride TSM with all the other kids, big and small.
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As an adult who does not go with children, I really enjoyed it! I think TSMM and SDD are really great attractions. Alien Saucer Swirl was a dud and general poor excuse for an attraction. But I think it is very well themed and they did a great job.

Perhaps over time they will build an indoor area, which will make the land more complete.
The character meets are the only thing that i thought was so poorly thought out. They are horrible
We were there yesterday morning. Did the Slinky Dog Marathon dash, and visited TSL for the first time. Absolutely loved it! The theming is spot on, and we love what it added to the park....and the minutes the new attractions took off of the wait time for Midway Mania. It’s not a huge area, but honestly...isn’t every land in HS now a dead end street with a small handful of attractions? Will be back again!
We were there mid-October and 1st-time visitors to HS. We had morning FP+ for Midway Mania and loved it. We waited in 40 min. standby for Alien Swirling Saucers (not really worth the wait). Slinky Dog was still 60-75 minutes standby in the bright mid/late morning sun so we passed it up but came back in the evening after sunset. Still waited about 45 minutes in standby, but it was at least a little cooler. I like the theming of the land but does feel a little too dead end. Perhaps once Galaxy's Edge and Incredibles are open it'll have better flow and feel less stuck in a corner.
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