Pregnant youtuber denied boarding on Disney Cruise

I loved the photo of the DCL rep with the giant Mickey hand talking with the women's relative. I hope her relatives enjoyed the cruise. It's too bad she didn't read the rules. Of course, I'm not advocating she (or anyone else) lie to DCL, but she could have easily told them she was 23 weeks pregnant.
I loved the photo of the DCL rep with the giant Mickey hand talking with the women's relative. I hope her relatives enjoyed the cruise. It's too bad she didn't read the rules. Of course, I'm not advocating she (or anyone else) lie to DCL, but she could have easily told them she was 23 weeks pregnant.
And if she did this and went into labor at 25 weeks in the middle of the ocean and they did not have the means to save the baby she would have sued them.
Of course, I'm not advocating she (or anyone else) lie to DCL, but she could have easily told them she was 23 weeks pregnant.
My bad, Hot Off The Press! I just read that DCL gives pregnancy tests to "pregnant looking" women to determine how far along they are in the process. Those past 24 weeks are denied boarding. I guess this new procedure just started yesterday, April 1st.
If I can fly at 25 weeks why can’t I cruise? Would’ve never occurred to me that I couldn’t.

Because if you go into labor, the baby is potentially viable at that age. A plane can make an emergency landing within minutes to hours. A cruise ship can not. Nor do they have the equipment on board needed to keep a micro-preemie alive. Nor do they want to off load a pregnant woman with a potential micro-preemie to a foreign port where medical support may also not be there.

I agree. She should have read the check in info.
I was on the Dream once when, just before dawn when drifting outside Castaway Cay, the engines revved up and we were sailing top speed. Got to Freeport, medical evacuation, then back to Castaway Cay. By that time was after noon and the winds had picked up so no docking. Word was that a 26 week pregnant women was the evacuee. I don't know the circumstances of her being onboard, but her evacuation caused all passengers to miss the highlight of our trip. I know, an elderly person could have needed evacuation, or a young person with a broken leg (as on a transatlantic cruise). But they had not broken rules.
It is my understanding that this is cruise industry policy, not DCL policy, and for the safety of the mother and child. The policy is very clearly stated when you book and checkin online - you do not have to search for this information, so no excuse for not being aware. She tried to get away with something and got caught. IMO, good on DCL for abiding by an important policy.
Would’ve never crossed my mind to check the policy. If I can fly at 25 weeks why can’t I cruise? Would’ve never occurred to me that I couldn’t.

I think you have to consider that a flight is a few hours long.
A cruise is what 3-7 DAYS long usually?
While they have medical equipment they don't have everything that could be needed if she were to go into labor on the ship.
If you're sick they dump you off that ship so fast!
My parents friends just had an emergency on a cruise a few months ago.
They go on probably 10 cruises a year.
The husband suddenly had a bleeding ulcer.
They dumped them at the nearest port.
I can't recall where it was now but the hospital had no blood to give him.
They didn't use gloves.
The wife had to spend $800 for one night at a nearby hotel.
It was nuts.
I certainly wouldn't want to need medical attention on a cruise.
I went into preterm labor at 25 weeks. Needed to be hospitalized and put on terbutaline drip for 24 hours. Sent home on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. Baby was born at 36 weeks after water broke.

Pregnancy is unpredictable for MANY people and cruise lines cannot take a chance that a woman with a viable baby at 25 weeks or later goes into labor aboard the ship. This stuff happens way too quickly for a cruise ship to respond. I luckily lived 5 min away from the hospital. If I had not gone in when I did, I could have gone into full blown labor within an hour and delivered at that point.

I have no sympathy for people who don't do their research and at the very least, read the MAJOR published rules of the cruise they are about to embark on.
As I said on the other thread, as someone who has dealt with high risk pregnancies (still born at 23 weeks and then bedrest starting at 22 weeks for subsequent preganancy), this is something you just don't mess around with in my opinion. I was told not to fly after 22 weeks with my last pregnancy but I was a special case. Generally it is okay to fly until a certain point because you can get somewhere when you need to generally. This story bothers me because it really feels like to me that she skirted the rules and was angry that she got caught. It is not a DCL policy. I realize what type of newspaper this is but ugh the whole thing just bothered me.
She was forced to wait outside in the Miami heat with her kids while they sorted out luggage?

She couldn't wait inside the terminal somewhere? She couldn't take her kids somewhere and come back?

I think it was because she was videotaping and causing a scene she was asked to wait outside. I'm sorry but she should have read the fine print when she checked in, I don't believe for a second no one in her party read that 24+ weeks pregnant women were not allowed onboard. Not to mention, they had a car in the port area, why not taking the children to wait in the car while an adult waits for the luggage?
I think it was because she was videotaping and causing a scene she was asked to wait outside. I'm sorry but she should have read the fine print when she checked in, I don't believe for a second no one in her party read that 24+ weeks pregnant women were not allowed onboard. Not to mention, they had a car in the port area, why not taking the children to wait in the car while an adult waits for the luggage?

The video is also well edited to generate sympathy, but only shows less than 2 minutes of 4 + hours, makes you wonder what happened for the rest of the time...


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