The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

The garlands all hung on the buildings so fair,
In hopes that the guests would spend all their cash there.

:rotfl2: Nicely done.

Returning mid-morn to a 6-hour queue. (Yes, really!)


A bundle of pictures she merrily took,
And posted them here for her readers to look.

Well, thank you! Very nice shots.

They filled up their notes, for that was their work,
They took loads of photos, then turned with a jerk.

(Yes, the one who left his trash on the table and walked away.)

Hey! It was like that when I got there!

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?

Google to the rescue!

It means....goodbye.

2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?

I really like this one:


It suggests you're embarking on an adventure.

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

The balloon ride mural? Nope. Wouldn't even know where to look.

But the gates? Yes! I think I even took a photo of them somewhere.

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

Well, considering the new parking fees at resorts, I'd say it's the constant money-grabs and gouging of average families. It's starting to feel less like Walt's family park and more a playground for the rich.

Being a transportation guy, I think there has to be a more efficient way to get buses and transportation around to minimize wait times. I will never understand how 3 EPCOT buses can go by before the park you want shows up.

And for the love of all things decent, we're paying enough for these souvenirs. Is it too much to ask that I can put the coffee mug in the dishwasher without destroying it?

I hope Zach's procedure went well!
Interesting!! If I had to visualize who I see doing this, it was a middle-aged white woman named Linda who "wants to speak to your manager!", or an older grandmother-matriarch who demands the best for her grandkids, etc. Perhaps I have some inherent biases I need to come to terms with!

And I would also agree with that! I guess entitlement doesn't discriminate. Sad that so many have this 'tude these days.

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?


2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?

the blue flowers impersonating insects/butterflys....beautiful!

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

mural nope - "gates" - yep

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

as a scooter user it annoys me when people block the ramps on the sidewalk. There is basically only 3 feet of sidewalk that I can use to get down, why choose that particular spot to stand and read your map, re-apply sunscreen, look at me blankly when I ask if I can get through (no, I can't jump the curb)

Will PM the others later

All noted!

And yes, can totally understand your frustration at the curb cut clogging. Not okay!

PM received. :)
:rotfl2: Nicely done.

Why thank you. Try the veal...

Hey! It was like that when I got there!

Uh huh... sure it was.

Google to the rescue!

It means....goodbye.

Close enough.

I really like this one:

It suggests you're embarking on an adventure.

I didn't think of that, but yes, it really does!

The balloon ride mural? Nope. Wouldn't even know where to look.

But the gates? Yes! I think I even took a photo of them somewhere.

I think it was in Harambe somewhere. The gates were new to me- er, I"m sure I've seen them, but this was first time I really paid attention to them!

Well, considering the new parking fees at resorts, I'd say it's the constant money-grabs and gouging of average families. It's starting to feel less like Walt's family park and more a playground for the rich.

100% agree. Kinda sad on so many levels.

Being a transportation guy, I think there has to be a more efficient way to get buses and transportation around to minimize wait times. I will never understand how 3 EPCOT buses can go by before the park you want shows up.

I have oft pondered this myself while standing at a bus stop at 7:00 and buses of every sort but the one you want rolls by. Zero rhyme or reason.

And for the love of all things decent, we're paying enough for these souvenirs. Is it too much to ask that I can put the coffee mug in the dishwasher without destroying it?

Yeah, that'd torque me off.

I hope Zach's procedure went well!

Went well, but in a bit of pain still. He went to school yesterday, but is on Spring Break now. Now he can not worry about having to stay awake while on Norco.
Update on my pastor's wife. She had her surgery yesterday, complete shoulder replacement. Surgery went well and she is scheduled to come home today. Thank you for the prayers for her. She still has a long road of recovery to go.

Update on my pastor's wife. She had her surgery yesterday, complete shoulder replacement. Surgery went well and she is scheduled to come home today. Thank you for the prayers for her. She still has a long road of recovery to go.

That's great that she was able to get the treatment needed, even to the extent of a full replacement. So happy to hear she's on the road to recovery too. It'll be a long, possibly painful road.... one day at a time!
That's great that she was able to get the treatment needed, even to the extent of a full replacement. So happy to hear she's on the road to recovery too. It'll be a long, possibly painful road.... one day at a time!
Thank you, we are praying that this will go quickly. She is such an important part of his ministry. We have always said that if he leaves...she has to stay. :-)

Catching back up again!

Disney really does an amazing job at the holidays. I took the holiday tour and they explained how they made and stored all those decorations. It's a year 'round job!

Jill in CO
Thank you, we are praying that this will go quickly. She is such an important part of his ministry. We have always said that if he leaves...she has to stay. :-)


I know it's been a few days are things going? Up on her feet again? Hope things are headed in the right direction!
Catching back up again!

Disney really does an amazing job at the holidays. I took the holiday tour and they explained how they made and stored all those decorations. It's a year 'round job!

Jill in CO

Hey, Jill!

They really do. I still think Halloween is my favorite, but Christmas sure comes in a close 2nd! I can't even imagine the storage facilities needed to house all the decorations from year to year, as well as all the space needed to create new ones! It's a team I would love to be on!
So, My Friends,

Obviously, I've not been very attentive or "around" a lot for a spell. Truth be told, it's crunch time for getting all the studying in I can for my May 7th attempt at passing the FAA written exam. I thought the last unit I got to, Basic Aviation Weather Theory, would be a piece of cake with my Earth Sciences Minor. I bombed the practice test with too little study time, so I had to go back to Square 1 and re-read the chapter and watch more hours of YouTube videos about barometric pressures than I could tolerate. The Grumpy O'Meter was running pretty high over the weekend. I am making good progress though, and feel MUCH better about the material. 4 units left covering Weather Charts, Navigation, Weather Services and Cross-Country Flight Planning.

It's exactly 6 weeks until that Exam and it'll take a solid week to figure out how use this little beauty alone:


Basically a "slide rule" for pilots. Used by... No one anymore. It's like a nurse having to learn how to calculate IV drip rates to the drop per minute.

Sigh.... Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Work is keeping me pretty busy as well with close to 30 hours this week. (Love getting called in on my day off. Twice. Said no one ever.) Hopefully this weekend I can get another update done so we can keep this stale TR from running out of fuel at 6,000 ft.

Cheers, My Lovelies!
I give to you:

Kwaherini Christmas!

‘Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the land,
All the creatures were stirring, and so was the band.

I thought this whole poem was very cute, but I've become woefully behind yet again, and with my parents arriving tomorrow, i don't have time for witty replies. The good news is that we have dug our house out in expectation of their arrival, so hopefully it doesn't revert back to utter chaos in two weeks so that it is relatively neat when you're there!

1) Language lessons with Steppe: What does Kwaherini mean?


2) What’s your personal favorite photo from this update and why?

This one. He's cute.

3) Honest now? Have you ever noticed the balloon ride mural? How about the Africa entrance ‘gates’ on that side?

Mural, no. Gates, yes.

4) I mentioned two of my pet peeves up there. What is your biggest pet peeve at Disney?

The people who stop right in the middle of the walkway for no reason.
Yikes, I don't envy you and all that studying. My father and brother are meteorologists and future brother in-law a pilot, and I swear when they start dropping those terms my eyes glaze over. That's just not in my wheelhouse of things I understand.
That being said, I know getting your pilot's license is a big dream of yours, so I'm sure since there's a will, you'll find a way. Of course, it'd probably be easier to do if you didn't have to go into work on your days off so much. Hopefully that'll taper off soon!
I thought the last unit I got to, Basic Aviation Weather Theory, would be a piece of cake with my Earth Sciences Minor. I bombed the practice test with too little study time, so I had to go back to Square 1 and re-read the chapter and watch more hours of YouTube videos about barometric pressures than I could tolerate.

Ugh. Sorry to hear that, but you got this!

The Grumpy O'Meter was running pretty high over the weekend.


It's exactly 6 weeks until that Exam and it'll take a solid week to figure out how use this little beauty alone:


Hey! A whizz wheel! Boy I haven't used one of those in.... almost 30 years! Crap! I'm an old fart!

(Love getting called in on my day off. Twice. Said no one ever.)


Happen to be pretty familiar with that one, actually.... :)

so we can keep this stale TR from running out of fuel at 6,000 ft.

1. Not stale. Lovin' this TR! :)
2. Don't say "running out of fuel at 6,000 ft"! Although... that wouldn't be so bad. Gives you plenty of time to find a suitable landing spot. It's not like you're flying a rock ya know!
It looks like we've both been busy! I've been tied up with work, and personal life - we had a busy weekend past with oldest DD starring her high school's production of "Footloose". I think you may have seen at least the picture on my FB. I'm tagged in a video of her singing "Almost Paradise". I hate to brag, but she did awesome. Check it out if you have time!
I have finally caught up on your report, but not sure I'll get time for answering the questions.
I was very impressed with your Night Before Christmas take in your post. It was a fun read!
I like all those decorations. I've never been to WDW during the holidays and I've seen the obvious Main Street picture's. But I don't think I've ever seen Africa pictures during Christmas. It's really well done. The decorations really fit the location, while still being obvious Christmas décor.
I really like the giraffe made out of bottle caps. (there, that's one answer at least!)
Good luck with your exam!
:hourglass 14 months to go and my head may surface so I can breath. LOL Do they make an hourglass big enough to count that down? 5 days into spring break and this is the first I have been able to actually look at anything not school related! I am finally caught up on reading this adventure.

The idea of what you had to endure in Africa just frightens me beyond belief. I don't know that I could have the courage or the strength to do such a thing. I will say it again... you are amazing.
Obviously, I've not been very attentive or "around" a lot for a spell.

That's ok. I haven't been around, either! This is one of the few TR's I can actually keep up wtih.

The Grumpy O'Meter was running pretty high over the weekend.

Been there. I hear ya.

It's exactly 6 weeks until that Exam and it'll take a solid week to figure out how use this little beauty alone:


Basically a "slide rule" for pilots. Used by... No one anymore. It's like a nurse having to learn how to calculate IV drip rates to the drop per minute.

:sad2: C'mon, guys. Update the exam already. This would be like testing me on doing a survey using the plumb-bob method.

(Love getting called in on my day off. Twice. Said no one ever.)

I believe @pkondz can relate to that particular bit of misery.


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