The Bachelor Arie

Melissa & Jason we’re already broken up before ATFR. She acted all shocked at the time but he said they both agreed it wasn’t working and that was confirmed after the show. I think she was the fame seeker in that one. She ended up marrying her ex not that long after and had a couple of stints on TV (she may actually still be on, I’m not sure). But I do think asking out Molly on tv was producer driven and definitely the wrong time to do it.

My DH is convinced that Arie is gay and I’ve heard several others say that as well. Might make sense as maybe Becca was too much of a woman for him and Lauren will just go along with whatever he wants. Honestly, I don’t think he has a clue what he wants. I think he likes some qualities in both women but neither one is right for him.

I don’t care that he broke up with her, but not on TV. It was just so sad to watch. He had nothing to say but just wouldn’t leave. She did a great job of holding it together and was really classy about the whole thing.
Melissa & Jason we’re already broken up before ATFR. She acted all shocked at the time but he said they both agreed it wasn’t working and that was confirmed after the show. I think she was the fame seeker in that one. She ended up marrying her ex not that long after and had a couple of stints on TV (she may actually still be on, I’m not sure). But I do think asking out Molly on tv was producer driven and definitely the wrong time to do it.

I wouldn't be too sure about that:!-21373.php
Apparently Arie was "liking" Lauren's Insta photos's after they became engaged...she did have signs but was being a supportive partner allowing him time to get over her, like she said.
Guess Arie should have had these 2 propose for him
But his "change of heart" was the break up. They showed the real break up live and had Molly there in the wings and everything. Now that I recall that whole scene, Jason is still the King of Cads.

I will cut Jason some slack because they apparently sign a contract that they cannot contact F2 later and the producers had him by the short-hairs:

I'm sure the Producers used the same technique on Arie. At least poor Becca was not broken up with on live TV and has had a chance to process this all before she is trotted out for our entertainment.

Melissa was aware of it BEFORE the show. The part she didn't know was that he was going to be with Molly. She knew they weren't a "thing" anymore. World's different in my opinion. Of course, hearing about the Molly part surely hurt her, but she at least knew that she and Jason were done before the ATFR.
When we were told we were about to watch a 'raw' unedited spot, I started paying hyper attention, not realizing it was much later. Did anyone else notice the huge amount of editing during the actual proposal segment?

They are always filmed and highly edited. I remember one couple said he had to propose over and over and over again and the whole event took HOURS to film, from all angles, getting the shot of the Neil Lane ring with his name inside the box at the right angle, etc.

One time, we were all watching on one of these threads and someone noticed that it took so long to film that the big pots of flowers placed around the background, that were fresh & perky at the start of the proposal, were all wilted & drooping at the end. :lmao:The sun was also a lot lower in the sky.
Melissa was aware of it BEFORE the show. The part she didn't know was that he was going to be with Molly. She knew they weren't a "thing" anymore. World's different in my opinion. Of course, hearing about the Molly part surely hurt her, but she at least knew that she and Jason were done before the ATFR.
From the link I shared upthread from 2017:

Rycroft revealed that despite feeling tension between herself and Mesnick prior to the 2009 TV special, she was still very much in a relationship and engaged in her mind.
"To say that we went into that After the Final Rose in an absolutely perfect place is a lie," Rycroft said. "[But] had we completely severed ties and broken up? No!"


Rycroft said on the podcast she assumed time on After the Final Rose would be used for working things out with Mesnick and getting back on the same page, but boy she was wrong.
"I wasn't expecting him to be like, 'Oh, yeah, peace out. I have feelings for Molly, I've been talking to her and I've been seeing her,'" Rycroft disclosed.

Read more at!-21373.php#bFaWu6DLgtMlS8H4.99
From the link I shared upthread from 2017:

It's a he said, she said. They clearly were having problems, something even she acknowledges. This is pretty different because she was all giddy about their engagement, and thought it was "just another" happy couple weekend.

I don't think highly of the move either of them made (Mesnick and Arie), but to me, Arie is the bigger jerk because he lured her to a meeting that he knew would be taped for the specific purpose of breaking up with her. Melissa went to a typical after the final rose, one done WITHOUT a studio audience (don't you think that was a clue, Melissa?) Becca had NO clue. NO idea. A guy with any class would have said "no...that's wrong." Heck, even Jason has said he regretted how it happened with Melissa. Arie? Nope.
I am also wondering about what would have happened if he chose Lauren. Would he have doubts with her and be thinking about what "could have been" with Becca? Would he have broken up with Lauren to give Becca a chance? Was is just a case of wanting what you can't have? So many questions.

Well I am not a Lauren fan so to me they can have each other..remove both of them from the dating pool. Knowing he is black-balled for life Arie will do all he can to make Lauren the one now.

I don't think this relationship will last any better than the 30-ish couples. I think Arie proposing to Becca & then breaking up with her was scripted by the producers. (Same with Jason/Melissa/Molly.

According to Wiki, there are 22 seasons of The Bachelor and 13 of The Bachelorette. At one time, the producers DID care (somewhat) about the contestants - at least, the Bachelor(ette) and the F2. But when it became obvious that more than likely the current couple would end up broken up too, the producers changed tactics. They decided that SINCE the couple would break up ANYWAY, let's do whatever we want to them. They will get over the break up eventually. That's par for the course. So let's make it the WORST broken hearts & worst break ups ever.

I think, sometimes, the Bachelor(ette) know before the show is over that no one is the right one for them. That they TOO know there will eventually be a break up. Even better for the writers & producers. Again, now they can do anything No worries about causing or contributing to a break up. They know it will eventually happen anyway.

So, starting with Bachelor Ben (who looks like Peter Brady,) let's have him say "I love you," to both girls. Then break one of their hearts. Other bachelor(ettes) have done the same since.

NOW, they are trying the choose one. . . but really love the other one, AGAIN. Before, Jason wasn't able to tell either girl he loved them. So he came off as a cad. THIS time, they will really highlight how Arie loves them BOTH. :rolleyes:

Arie's not the brightest bulb, so it comes off even better that he can't choose. AND he's so dim, he CAN be manipulated by the producers. :thumbsup2 They may have even thrown more money at him to propose to Becca first and dump her on air. And the idiot went for it. :sad2: He didn't realize he'd get so blasted on social media. And, he doesn't care. In a year or so, it will all blow over and people are onto the next flavor of the month.
This is so wrong is so many levels. At least Jason, while also publicly showing his change in heart, did not show any of the break up or further dating with Molly.

According to GMA this morning, they showed a few of the past Bachelors' responses, (Jason, Ben, Sean,) on Twitter. They all thought that Arie should not have filmed the break up and it should not have aired.
It's a he said, she said. They clearly were having problems, something even she acknowledges. This is pretty different because she was all giddy about their engagement, and thought it was "just another" happy couple weekend.

I don't think highly of the move either of them made (Mesnick and Arie), but to me, Arie is the bigger jerk because he lured her to a meeting that he knew would be taped for the specific purpose of breaking up with her. Melissa went to a typical after the final rose, one done WITHOUT a studio audience (don't you think that was a clue, Melissa?) Becca had NO clue. NO idea. A guy with any class would have said "no...that's wrong." Heck, even Jason has said he regretted how it happened with Melissa. Arie? Nope.
That is certainly a fair argument that Arie is King Cad. I still think that seeing Molly behind Melissa's back and bringing her to the ATFR show still makes Jason King Cad and Arie the Profligate Prince (I know I'm reaching here on the alliteration, LOL). Now, I did read something on Reality Steve that might make me change my mind depending on the timing.
That is certainly a fair argument that Arie is King Cad. I still think that seeing Molly behind Melissa's back and bringing her to the ATFR show still makes Jason King Cad and Arie the Profligate Prince (I know I'm reaching here on the alliteration, LOL). Now, I did read something on Reality Steve that might make me change my mind depending on the timing.

Apparently Lauren posted a pic on insta (looks like she is in AZ)of her twirling with her hair flying out and captioned "shaking off the hater's" :rolleyes2


says volumes about the type of person she is....could learn a thing or two about class , decency and how to conduct oneself from Becca

I don't think this relationship will last any better than the 30-ish couples. I think Arie proposing to Becca & then breaking up with her was scripted by the producers. (Same with Jason/Melissa/Molly.

Since Lauren dumped her last Fiance'...they already have more in common than some, sadly
Apparently Lauren posted a pic on insta (looks like she is in AZ)of her twirling with her hair flying out and captioned "shaking off the hater's" :rolleyes2


says volumes about the type of person she is....could learn a thing or two about class , decency and how to conduct oneself from Becca
Maybe, but it was posted 5 days ago. I don't think she quite predicted the blowback.
Maybe, but it was posted 5 days ago. I don't think she quite predicted the blowback.
I think the oppo...she knew exactly how this was gonna play out. Otherwise why the caption? She could have just said something about being happy etc
Looking again at Becca's ring, the size of the rock also makes me wonder if Arie didn't already know he'd be dumping her. So, he & Neil Lane picked the largest, showiest, most impractical ring to wear, to give to her - knowing full well, it will soon be returned.

Even Megan Markle wasn't given a stone that big. :p And Kim Kardashian is no longer sporting huge bling since her robbery in France.
Why these Intelligent women would ever entertain being part of a rat pack show...vying for the love ( cough cough) of any male is Beyond comprehension to me. Guess I’m no good at sharing ...

Becca... blessed to be rid of that whimpering disaster. Hope you get to keep that ring, cash it in, donate some and take a long vacation!
Lauren... seconds, or thirds or whatever ...that sloppy mess is, that’s certainly no prize ...
I saw an article with Becca and she was so classy. She said things like how she genuinely hopes they are happy and she would not want to be in a relationship with someone who loved someone else. She said she is not angry with Arie. She said she hopes for the best for Arie and Lauren and she has no ill will toward them etc.

She really is taking the high road.
ET just reported, "An ABC exec said, 'They were definitely excited to get this unbelievable ending because the season had been critiqued as boring and was relatively low rated.' Last night's episode came in SECOND behind The Voice, and was up 22% in a key demo. Expect another ratings up-tick tonight [with ATFR.]"

Yeah, the choosing & dumping of Becca was so natural & not scripted by the producers. :rolleyes1 NOT! :sad2:


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