What makes you feel old?


DIS Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
Pitchfork was kind enough to let me know that my favorite album turned 15 today. I feel so old. What makes you feel dated?
My son's HS Freshman Parent Orientation a few years ago. I looked around at all of the graying, middle-aged parents sitting there and realized they were my peers.

Now DH is one of them lol He's got a lot of gray now. I, however, do not lol

And what makes me feel older yet is the realization that as I sat here, I *for real* couldn't remember how old I was. I just had that internal conversation - "I'm 42. Wait, no...I'm 41. Am I 41? DH just turned 43, so yes, I must be 41. 2017-1976....yes. 41. Wow, I seriously thought I was 42 a minute ago. Man, I am getting older by the second just from having this conversation in my head!"
My daughter (11) started watching Survivor a couple of years ago, and now we watch it together. I started watching it the first season, which was soon after my mom passed away in 2000. I used to get together with a childhood friend every week to watch, and as silly as it sounds, it helped get me through a tough stretch. My daughter has started to watch old seasons, and received the first season for Christmas. We've been binge watching together the last couple of nights and for some reason, it's making me feel really old!
That I don't know what Pitchfork is. ;)

Seriously, the only thing that makes me feel "old" is my back sometimes. Everything else is just experience.

Not knowing pitchfork just probably indicates you aren't a terrible pretentious music snob...lol. If you are a terrible pretentious music snob, it's awesome. You know the guys from that movie "high fidelity"? It's that.

And what makes me feel older yet is the realization that as I sat here, I *for real* couldn't remember how old I was.

Just wait it gets worse, after 50 I just sort of quit counting. I couldn't remember how old my son was going to be on his birthday this year. He was born on an even year so it should have been easy but I couldn't remember if I should add an extra year to the current year. He was born in Dec. 80 and I actually had to do the count thing where o.k. in Dec. 81 he turned 1 so that meant in Dec. 87 he was 7, so this must have been his 37th birthday. Seriously, all year long I had been saying he was already 37.
And what makes me feel older yet is the realization that as I sat here, I *for real* couldn't remember how old I was.

Just wait it gets worse, after 50 I just sort of quit counting. I couldn't remember how old my son was going to be on his birthday this year. He was born on an even year so it should have been easy but I couldn't remember if I should add an extra year to the current year. He was born in Dec. 80 and I actually had to do the count thing where o.k. in Dec. 81 he turned 1 so that meant in Dec. 87 he was 7, so this must have been his 37th birthday. Seriously, all year long I had been saying he was already 37.

1980 forever.
Laying on the floor attaching casters to the bottom of the giant tool chest we got yesterday. I still feel it. It's like I fell off the roof.
Going to sleep at 9:30 and waking up at 5:30 most days. It's a new-to-me vicious cycle that I can't seem to rid myself of.
The last week I’ve been passing out around 9:30-10 and then waking up at 3:00, 3:10, 3:20 and so on. I finally gave up at 4am.

Seems everything makes me feel old lately. Random aches and pains and I have no idea why.
Seeing high school classmates on Facebook with 6 or 7 grandchildren. Yikes!!

Realizing I have been out of college for 30 years! Seems like just a little while ago...

Getting out of bed in the morning, and by the time I get out of the shower 30 minutes later, I'm already achy.

As my 81 year old mom says, "Getting old ain't for wimps!"
My son's HS Freshman Parent Orientation a few years ago. I looked around at all of the graying, middle-aged parents sitting there and realized they were my peers.

Now DH is one of them lol He's got a lot of gray now. I, however, do not lol

And what makes me feel older yet is the realization that as I sat here, I *for real* couldn't remember how old I was. I just had that internal conversation - "I'm 42. Wait, no...I'm 41. Am I 41? DH just turned 43, so yes, I must be 41. 2017-1976....yes. 41. Wow, I seriously thought I was 42 a minute ago. Man, I am getting older by the second just from having this conversation in my head!"
When we took our son to Freshman Orientation for HS and found out we were the same age as most of the grandparents there (we had him late in our lives - I was 43). His friends' parents could have been our sons and daughters. And some of the grandparents were younger than us.
Working with people that are young enough to be my actual children. Realizing ‘wow, I’m old enough to be her mom’ really hurt, considering I like to think of myself as part of the gang. Nope. I should be serving them milk and cookies LOL


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