Perimenopause is making me INSANE!

I took Prem-pro for many years and now phased out of it...I'll still get a mild Hot flash
My DH looks at me like I am crazy sometimes

I just turned 52 and I've been in "noticeable" perimenopause for 2 years now. About 3 years ago, my period stopped being like clockwork and I noticed, that I would skip a cycle once or twice a year. That got more frequent. Last year (2015), I had a period in Jan, March, April, June and then NOTHING until December. So, I was hoping to hit the "one year" mark to finally be able to say I had hit menopause, but no such luck.

Anyway, over the past year, my perimenopausal symptoms are noticeable. I've definitely been having hot flashes. I had them SO intense back in October that I had to ask my endocrinologist to scale back my thyroid medication (which did help). I wouldn't even call these flashes. I would have my bedroom as cold as it could go and I would be freezing, but the minute I covered myself, I would turn into a furnace. This went on ALL NIGHT LONG. My thyroid med reduction helped a lot but didn't fix it. It's more tolerable but I wake up a lot. My GYN wasn't overly helpful. She suggested Black Cohosh to try first and if that didn't work, she'd give me Brisdelle. I'm not keen on the black cohosh so haven't even tried it. I have been eating a handful of roasted edamame each night. I read that edamame (soy nuts) have a VERY high concentration of phytoestrogens and this *may* help with hot flashes. To be honest, I actually think it has helped them a little bit.

I'd be anxious to hear more about the Brisdelle. Many years ago, I tried a few SSRIs for anxiety and even had a "child's dose" prescribed to me but I found the side effects to disruptive.
Right there with you ladies! And with a 13 year old moody sensitive DD to make it extra fun... hugs and sympathy to all.

I'm glad someone resurrected this thread. Even though I know my symptoms are "normal" (hot flashes, crazy irregular periods, headaches, restless sleep, exhaustion, mood swings, racing heart) it's still helpful to know I'm in such good company.
Anyway, over the past year, my perimenopausal symptoms are noticeable. I've definitely been having hot flashes. I had them SO intense back in October that I had to ask my endocrinologist to scale back my thyroid medication (which did help). I wouldn't even call these flashes. I would have my bedroom as cold as it could go and I would be freezing, but the minute I covered myself, I would turn into a furnace. This went on ALL NIGHT LONG. My thyroid med reduction helped a lot but didn't fix it. It's more tolerable but I wake up a lot.
This describes it for me pretty well, too. I used to be someone who slept on flannel sheets year round, wore warm clothes to bed, topped it off with warm comforters, and was sometimes still cold; it was the running joke with me. Could never tolerate a fan or open window in the bedroom. Now, I'm the complete opposite. Fan on and off, depending on hot or cold, can't even think about warm bedclothes (shudder), have to stick to short cotton nightgowns, and can't even go under the covers most of the time, have a blanket that DD made for me that is just about right, but it's on, it's off, my feet are out, my feet are under, my head's covered, then I wake up on fire, blah, blah, blah. So sleep has been tough. The funny part is that DH used to always be the one who was hot; now he's cold, of course. He'll have the covers up over his head while I have the fan blowing on me, lol. I was hoping over the course of the past year it would get better. It hasn't yet. Well, maybe a tiny bit, or maybe it's just that I've learned how to manage it better. I wish I had something to tweak. When I'm out and about it's manageable because I can dress in layers. I think I've only worn a coat once so far this winter. The cold air actually feels pretty good. :D Work is hard because everyone's always cold (as I used to be) so the heat's cranked up. Being in the FL heat was the worst; here at home it wasn't too bad most days over the summer, but getting central AC two years (for DS's seasonal allergies) was probably a blessing in disguise. It dawned on me I would've been in big trouble without it. Hopefully this won't last forever, but idk. I've read it's usually about five years. I also think I got whacked with it all of a sudden because my ovaries came out when they were still very functional. (I happened to be having a hysterectomy and my oncologist wanted them out due to my history of BC, otherwise they would've stayed in and presumably, menopause would've come on more gradually.)
So here I am back on this thread 3 1/2 years older and still haven't hit the big M. I feel closer than I did compared to when I posted on this thread back in 2012, but not by a lot. My cycles are a bit more sporadic and some are very light and some a lot heavier and longer. No night sweats or any glaring symptoms. The things I have noticed are weight gain (gained 8 pounds when I didn't have a cycle for 5 months), my hair has always been straight as a board, but now it's more wavy so I have to use a straightener, and sometimes I get these monsterous-sized zits on my face in places that I never used to get a zit -- like right in the middle of my cheek or right in the middle of my eyebrow. These are large and deep and last for weeks. These are outliers from the typical t-zone and are quite embarrassing to have at my age (51) when one pops up.

My GYN said I still look pretty young (not much grey or wrinkles compared to others my age), so his gut feeling is that it's still going to be a while for me -- like a few more years. He said that's a good thing because having those hormones will keep me looking younger and will help prevent osteoporosis and cancers that become more common after menopause. So while many of us wish we could just be done with it all, the benefits of it happening later vs sooner are good. I might feel differently if I were experiencing really awful symptoms (knocking on wood).

I'm curious how others who posted on here 3 years ago are doing. Did anyone make it to the other side of the bridge yet?

As I now notice annoying hormonal changes in myself as I approach 50 in the coming year.

Thought maybe others are now in this boat with me. Or maybe some have come through to the other side and give us encouragement.

Lots of great info in this thread, especially the link to the 34 signs and symptoms. That has been very helpful to me as something new happens each day.

As I now notice annoying hormonal changes in myself as I approach 50 in the coming year.

Thought maybe others are now in this boat with me. Or maybe some have come through to the other side and give us encouragement.

Lots of great info in this thread, especially the link to the 34 signs and symptoms. That has been very helpful to me as something new happens each day.

I've come through the other side. I don't know if encouragement is what I can give you, because things are definitely different. But I don't have any swings. Not that I had a lot anyway, but lots of issues that used to come monthly (carb/sweets craving, PMS, etc) are gone and that's nice!! Menopause definitely exacerbated some conditions that I already had so that's not fun. My skin, which was already dry, has become a real pain to manage in the winter months. My sleep patterns aren't great. I wake up an awful lot and I'm still having random hot flashes at night.
I'll be 39 in three months and for the past few months I've been noticing what I think are these symptoms. Hot flashes at work during the day, migraines a day or two before my period starts, etc. I don't have kids and never really wanted to, so I would love to just have this over with!
My local health food/vitamin shop ladies recommended a great product called Transitions. It has been a life saver for me and several of my friends, to whom I recommended it.
My local health food/vitamin shop ladies recommended a great product called Transitions. It has been a life saver for me and several of my friends, to whom I recommended it.

I have a great store like that near me. I will be going in to see what they have soon.

Had a migraine today followed by a flash and nausea. Not how I needed to start today..
Ugh, it is the worst. I'm 51 and just entering that time where I'm not sure when Aunt Flo will show up. Came in August then twice in November and just waiting to see when she decides to rear her ugly head again. I had to take a pregnancy test because I didn't know what was going on and didn't want to be one of those people who is in denial and delivers a baby in the toilet :scared::P! I don't have tons of hot flashes but a couple of times a week I'll wake up burning and take off the blankets then wake up shivering. Crazy dreams and restless sleep but because I'm up tons during the night I will stay in bed for twelve hours if I'm not working, seems I sleep like a rock after 6 a.m. lol. Fatigue, mood swings, crying for no reason, those happen daily. I also have weird vertigo that occurs when I get up from laying down in certain positions and sometimes randomly during the day and gets much worse around my time of the month.

I was surprised to see someone upthread mention pain in the side of the abdomen, I've had that on and off for a few months and was worried but it seems to correlate with ovulation and when my monthly cycle should start (should being optimal word). It was on one side for a bit then the other. My friend said it was my ovaries desperately trying to spit out an egg :teeth:.

I'm going to go to the health store and try a supplement after I get through Xmas. I'll let everyone know if I see any improvements.

ETA: Because I am going through menopause I forgot to add that I definitely have brain fog and trouble remembering things. I sometimes struggle for a word or lose my train of thought - that part is so annoying, especially in a job setting.
I think I have been in perimenopause for a few years now (I'm 47)Edited-Damn don't even know how old I am... I'm 46 actually). The worst symptoms for me are the crazy itchiness of my skin and sweating bullets in the summer and at night. I can't tolerate extreme temperatures. Its soo hot and sweaty if its above 80 and too cold if its below 68. I wear lots of layers in my house in the winter. Socks and slippers all day. Then in the summer, I go through 2-3 pairs of underwear a day. I can't clean or walk the dog without having to change all of my clothes. I want to scratch my skin off. I haven't found a perfect cream yet but Cetaphil cream (not lotion) seems to help if I get it on before the itching starts. I've had some memory issues- forgetting to pay bills, forgetting stuff my dh tells me or my kids tell me etc.

I had my thyroid checked in Sept and its fine. No issues there so it must be menopause symptoms.

I had an ablation 10 years ago and haven't had a period since. I did used to get pain when ovulating. I think I felt that last month but its sporatic and not there every month anymore.
I need the air blasting in the car and the fans running in the house. It doesn't help that we live in Arizona and the summers are just unbearable for me. I can't find light enough clothing and look terrible in shorts but I don't care. I still wear them. I wear thru 4-5 pair of shorts every summer. The sweat breaks down the fabric and then it gets really thin and tears.

The memory stuff started last year. The sweating/freezing has been going on for 4 years or so. Itchy skin has been crazy out of control for 3 years.

Funny thing I went to my GP in Sept complaining of all these symptoms and he never once said anything about perimenopause. He ordered the thyroid test and blood sugar test and thats it.
I've come through the other side. I don't know if encouragement is what I can give you, because things are definitely different. But I don't have any swings. Not that I had a lot anyway, but lots of issues that used to come monthly (carb/sweets craving, PMS, etc) are gone and that's nice!! Menopause definitely exacerbated some conditions that I already had so that's not fun. My skin, which was already dry, has become a real pain to manage in the winter months. My sleep patterns aren't great. I wake up an awful lot and I'm still having random hot flashes at night.

I was completely done menopause by age 42 or 43. So glad to be done it all.
:scared:What about the brain fog!?! Sweet Mother of Pearl, please tell me the brain fog and bone-weary mental fatigue resolve eventually.
:scared:What about the brain fog!?! Sweet Mother of Pearl, please tell me the brain fog and bone-weary mental fatigue resolve eventually.
You know, I have to say, the one thing I don't have is brain fog. Not sure how I escaped that. Sure, I have some moments here and there but I chalk it up to lack of sleep due to the hot flashes. I still seem to be very sharp at work, which requires a good deal of complex thinking. On nights I don't sleep well which is at least 3 out of 7, I feel slower for sure.
I love these old threads coming back to life. I'm 57,had my last period at 50 and other than hot flashes, I really had no symptoms (okay I gained a few pounds). I will say however, people mentioning soy, please be aware of something. My mom had breast cancer 10 years ago and was told by her onocologist to avoid soy and that no woman should take soy supplements or eat soy. I avoid soy milk, tofu, etc. I know it's in a lot of foods, but that's in limited amounts. I've always been warm natured.
I love these old threads coming back to life. I'm 57,had my last period at 50 and other than hot flashes, I really had no symptoms (okay I gained a few pounds). I will say however, people mentioning soy, please be aware of something. My mom had breast cancer 10 years ago and was told by her onocologist to avoid soy and that no woman should take soy supplements or eat soy. I avoid soy milk, tofu, etc. I know it's in a lot of foods, but that's in limited amounts. I've always been warm natured.

Yes, to this. My doctor will not allow me to take anything for my hot flashes (and they are bad) since my mom also had breast cancer. Not even over the counter.
I'm 50 and my periods are getting very weird, but at this point I'm more regular than I was in my 20s. No hot flashes yet. My mother suffered with them. It was awful.


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