Marathon Weekend 2018

They have done Kinesio Taping at the KT taping booth, but I would caution you that the line for it can be long. I know the past couple of times that I've tried it the wait to get taped was in the 60-90 minutes range. This time may vary based on how crowded the expo is, but I would make their booth my first stop if your plan is to get taped while you are there. (I think in the past they have had a sign up board)
Thank you for the info, Iam! I would imagine it can get pretty crowded over there so I'll take your advice and head there first. I won't actually be picking up my race packet until Thursday afternoon. We'll see how it goes, but this was excellent info. Thank you again!
I’m already here and if it’s like today ... I vote YES!!!!!
We just missed each other as I think we headed home a day or two before you arrived. The weekend we were there it was really cold. I like the forecast now though. I know some people would like it to be a little bit cooler, but I don't mind the warmer weather for walking around the parks.
I'm a certified weather geek, and know just enough to get myself into trouble. Below is picture of the forecasted temps at 1 PM on january 5th. Based on
this graphic from the GFS model, it looks like temps are going to be right around 70 degrees which is consistent with most of the weather outlet (accuweather,, etc) projections. I'll do my bet to keep you posted using everal weather models. Just a tough time of year to dedicate time.

So we’re going to be off property and will drive ourselves most mornings, but for the marathon we’ll take so long that we’re going to leave the rental car with the rest of the family. I know many Uber to the start and that’s what we plan on doing, but I am new to Uber/Lyft - does anyone have experience with any surge pricing race weekend?
@Keels, I'm am sorry you thought I was judging anyone's strategy.
*Sigh :(
I wasn't judging, please read closely my past few posts and you will see.

I was actually just curious about 30/30 or 60/30 paces?
The ratio may match but the duration seems wrong.

For instance, a 2/1 ration could be 2 minutes running 1 minute walking.
This seems more like what I have read about Galloway.
A 1 minute run and 30 second walk is technically the same.
However, it seems to be less efficient.

As for the 30/30, 30 seconds running/ 30 seconds walking, does ANYONE on this board use this strategy?
I am genuinely curious.
Doing that for a Disney race seems cumbersome.
I used the term annoying earlier, I was speaking for myself, if I were to try that rate.

I am also curious if the Galloway pacers ratio numbers are just that.
Will they do 60s/30s or apply that as 2m/1m?

So please, I was not knocking anyone.
Perhaps you misjudged me?
If I can't ask questions of fellow runners that is disappointing.

I am a former run-the-whole-time runner who has transitioned into Galloway method for this challenge. My first two marathons (and training) were pretty awful, so I said I had to try another approach if I was going to do another. Experiment of one, so to speak.

I signed up for the custom Galloway training through Chris Twiggs, Jeff's top coach. We have weekly videoconferencing as a group, and one of the frequent topics is just what you are asking. Basically, your running pace is your pace, you just have to find a ratio that works for you. If you go too long for the run section, your long-term pace will eventually slow. Too short, and you are leaving something in the tank. The Galloway method is now recommending that 30 sec walk breaks are the most efficient, but of course, do what works best or you.

Interestingly, according to Chris, Jeff Galloway personally uses a :15/:15 or :20/:20 strategy for marathons. I can't imagine all that starting and stopping, but he runs something like 10-12 marathons a year, so he must have figured something out.
I would love for cloudy and 60 degrees, please! But we're still so far out that anything is possible. :confused3

I leave Saturday for WDW, so I have an entire suitcase packed with tanks, tees, sleeves, shorts, capris, and sweat sets. I think I have all seasons covered - so if anyone wants a heat shield or poncho, let me know.:rotfl2:
:worship: but can you turn down the temps by 15-20? thanks in advance....
I think it will probably be in the mid-50's for the 5:30 starts, and we probably won't hit the 70 degree highs until between 12:00 and 2:00. So depending upon how fast you are, you could be finished long before you get into the mi 60s. Probably will be a pretty good day for a marathon. A lot can change between now and then, but one thing that looks good is the pattern looks very similar between 1/4 thru 1/7 which means there will likely be no big storms or cold fronts to throw the weather off-center.
I would love for cloudy and 60 degrees, please! But we're still so far out that anything is possible. :confused3

I leave Saturday for WDW, so I have an entire suitcase packed with tanks, tees, sleeves, shorts, capris, and sweat sets. I think I have all seasons covered - so if anyone wants a heat shield or poncho, let me know.:rotfl2:
I think I'll do the same - pack for just about every kind of weather. Time will tell. One thing looks's not going to snow.:santa:
@Keels, we are good, no problemo. :)
However, I am envious that you are at Epcot!

I think I was just having trouble wrapping my head around the ratios.
I am always looking for a run strategy where I can finish strong.
I typically undertrain, trying to avoid injury.
That means if running the whole time at mille 20 my legs turn to stone, locking up.
If I can find something that works I am all for it.

One issue I have is the run portion of the run/walk.
For example, if you are trying for a 12 minute mile and doing a 30/30 or 1/1 ratio.
That would mean a 6 minute run/6 minute walk.
No matter how you split it up the total is the same, 1/1 ratio.

Contrast that with doing a 12 minute mile with a 3/1 ratio.
That would mean 9 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking.

To me, the 6 minute run would require greater speed and more effort than the 9 minute run, thus being less fresh at the end.
Of course, this assumes the walk portions will be equal in pace.

That is why I questioned the 1/1 ratio for the pace groups in the 5:15 goal.
I guess it comes down to the pace of the run portion.

It would seem that a limited number of people would match the ratio of the pace group.
Ultimately I want to run a 10:30 or faster pace and finish strong.

As for weather watchers, count me in too.
I have run the past eleven WDW marathons and the typical start temperature is a warmish 65.
*Exceptions apply.
In 2010 the weather report ten days out called for temps in the 20's.
I was skeptical, "no way" they are crazy...DOH! They NAILED IT!
The weekend before was in the 40's.

A couple of years ago they had a weird fog inversion.
I was soaking wet at mile two.
Sadly, a cold front moved in the following Monday which would have been perfect.
I know that my kids and I would be happy with weather in the mid 70s....

Race wise for the M DH would probably like it about 15 degrees cooler! I'll just let him borrow my race belt so he can de-layer.
I am very concerned I have a stress fracture or other injury. :(

Last night before bed I noticed some pain in my left foot but now this morning it's even worse. I had a stress fracture a few years ago on my other foot, and this feels similar.

With the holidays, and my insurance, it will be weeks before I can get an x ray.

I'm thinking I will just lay off my feet for the next two weeks and hope for the best.

This goes beyond Dopey though. I had a very special running based trip to South America planned for two weeks after Dopey. I am so worried!
70 degrees sound fantastic for me!!! It gets my vote! I'm even content with 50s to start!! I'll be coming from negative temps so 50 may even feel delightfully tropical!! I really want to wear Sparkle Skirts, though!!!
Regarding the run / walk and is it really doing it? I had the mindset that I couldn't really consider it as doing the event if I did walk intervals. But then Jeff Galloway did a presentation with my local running club. He said he gets that comment a lot and said you are still going the distance so it counts. A lot of people can't go the distance, so you are doing more then most. He also said he Boston qualified doing run/walk. After that I implemented run/walk and I would have never contemplated the full if it wasn't for that strategy. My legs just get so sore from the same movement of running. For the past year all my races due to Dopey training have been run/walk. I don't know if I could actually run a complete half now.

I've been training with 3 min run and 1 min walk and that seems like a good pace for me, 5 hour goal. I don't know how people do a 60/30 sec pace. That's a lot of watches beeping for walk breaks

We have the same pace but my run/walk is a different strategy. I run the first mile. Caught up in the rush from the start. I then walk a quarter mile, run a half mile, walk a quarter, run half, repeat. I know my walk breaks are quite long, probably too long most would say. But it works because I don't have have to worry about the beeping of the run/walk device. I can just look at my watch and easily do the math for the segment.

My strategy for the race will be to shorten my walks by maybe a tenth mile. If I'm set to walk at x.25m I will probably keep running until x.3x miles, then walk until right before x.50 miles. That way I'm always running a little more then half mile at a time.


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