Delusions of Grandeur...a Dark Side 2017 Half Marathon Trip Report

Another vegetarian Run Disney fan here :) The 10k sounds like a lot of fun! I'm impressed that they managed to get all that entertainment into just 6 miles.
I really liked the 10K course. I just felt like there was constant entertainment on the course even on the highway portion of the course.
I agree it was a lot of fun, it just flew by! I was feeling the humidity and my foot/shin were sore, but it's so easy to ignore when there's so much to see.

Another vegetarian Run Disney fan here :) The 10k sounds like a lot of fun! I'm impressed that they managed to get all that entertainment into just 6 miles.
Yay, for a vegetarian! They really did do a great job I thought. Like, I wanted to just watch the movie clips.
A Prequel Episode - Revenge of the Training

I wanted to take a moment to fill you all in on my training leading up to the Star Wars Dark Side races.
I've never been a top runner or speedster, just an average runner who likes to run. Well, a Disney obsessed average runner that is!

As I said earlier I had completed the Wine & Dine Challenge & 5k in November 2016, at some point before those races I had developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot. Basically, my heal hurt a lot, especially after just getting up. It's amazing how many people this affects, it really is such a pain. I continued to run with lower mileage and even tried some Superfeet green inserts, that didn't do anything but squeak as well as be just so hard. What really helped us was aggressive massaging, I have this massage tool that heats up and I guess that finally helped. It's still not perfect as I've said and did get sore some this Dark Side trip, but no where near as bad as it was after Wine & Dine. It is just a slow healer.

I've also dealt with sciatica issues on my right side including my hip. I had piriformis syndrome bad on that side for Dopey 16, as well, so it's not surprising I still have issues on that side. Years before I had sciatica issues on that side too, which left somehow. I changed how I sleep and that helped a lot, but it still gets aggravated some.

Then my shins like to act up some times, and my left one was being a pain, probably I was being a little too aggessive in my training or I take photos and without thinking bend/squat/kneel poorly which stresses the shins. I think it was that more than the training.

Anyway, none of my pains are really that bad where I had to stop running, like say a stress fracture. Actually, running or walking helps my sciatica issue, the plantar it helps stretch it out and the shins well who knows on those.

I have nothing compared to some people and it amazes me what they run with.

So, here's a quick glance at my training this year before Dark Side. Weeks usually were a tempo run, easy days, speed workout and long run. I lift light weights/core work 2-3 times a week, but nothing crazy. We did have a pretty mild winter which is weird, December was worse than Jan and Feb, but most runs were in the 20s-30s and even leading up we had some warmer and more humid really muggy days, not enough to prepare for Florida though obviously.


So, that's me and training just in case any wonders. The races to me are a reward after all the hard work.
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Day 5 - Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon & Studios

Rise & Shine Sith, it's 2:00am! Luckily, I slept well. It's so hard with all the excitement sometimes to get a real sleep, but all the early wake-up times at least helped fall asleep early.

My plantar foot and shin felt okay, I massaged them and used Arnica & opted for NO leg compression sleeves today. They really help my shins, but I just wanted my legs to breath with it being so warm. I figure what the heck as there was no race the next day!

For the half buses started at 3:00am so we caught one then and were at the staging area, again at the TTC like the 10k, and meeting Jabba at 3:36am. What's funny is I was planning to text my friends ( who also have Rope Drop radio podcast), but as soon as we lined for Jabba, I turned and there they were and had just finished with Jabba. They would also be earning their Kessel and Coast to Coast medals!

Saw a Sly Snootles and Spacebells Lord Helmet. It's just so fun seeing all the outfits! My Jabba tank was painted by my brother it even had his smoke thingy and a tail around back (picture of my later)


I met up with some Dis folks! @MommaoffherRocker was kind enough to hold a sign and pick a spot beforehand so we could find her easily! It was so great meeting folks from here & chatting. I also had met/ran into a few other Dis at the expo and EPCOT!

The corrals balls to enter were behind/across from the last chance porta potties. I visited them, then got back in line and went again, I was hydrating hopefully properly. Then entered my Corral C at about 5:10am.

The pushrims were off then Corral A (with brother) at 5:30am and then it was like 4 minutes and Corral C was going! Fireworks went off for each corral. I loved how you could hear them from each corral/wave that went off even after starting. Can you find the hidden Mickey in the fireworks?


I had a time goal today so only would stop for the 2 photo stops that I was hoping would be out thanks to a tip from @Mimsy Borogove and them being at last year's half. All the others would most likely be repeats from the other 2 races so I wasn't stopping or to get mile markers or to get anything but powerade & water. Of course, I was hoping not too make a bathroom stop as well, but yeah I really really had to go pretty much as soon as we started. I was going to hold off till Animal Kingdom to use a real bathroom or maybe it would just pass, yeah not!

We started just like in the 10k but instead of heading to the Magic Kingdom entrance sign we headed to Bear Island Road. Before this though was a marching band playing Star Wars & R2-D2 in the same spot as the 10k.

Bear Island Road was lined with a battle between Ewoks/Rebels & the Empire done with lasers/lights and sounds and all sorts of awesome! Here's some frame grabs from my video. It really doesn't do it justice, luckily people got better stuff out there on the web. It was so cool & lasted a pretty good awhile. Right after them were the Ewoks to meet and then the Speeder bikes.


I was taking powerade at every stop and sometimes water too. I felt pretty good and my shin/foot were holding up fine, phew! My pace was right where I wanted it to be. We were approaching Animal Kingdom and it was so dark but there are the animal buildings where we went by and the train tracks, I just couldn't really see them. Then photo 1 was there, the Trash Compactor! "Shut them all down!" I sprinted to it, along with others, it was comical! A little wait, but worth it! "Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn" all of sudden were by me when I started back running on course. Like, these 2 runners were in full robes, their hair was spot on, lightsabers, and QuiGon even sounded like him! It was cool! I would have cooked so amazing they ran in that.


We entered Animal Kingdom in Asia by Kali River Rapids and I really really had to go so went to my planned Asia bathroom stop right as we entered. Those automatic hand washers in a race are so annoying, like come on water I'm trying to be sanitary here! We ran by Everest, Nemo Show where some Storm Troopers were, then out through Dinoland. The 501st/Fan groups were lined up as we left. Here's some frame grabs from my video.

We ran into the AK parking lot where they had a movie clip playing of the Emperor frying Luke and then Photo 2 was there! The Wampa Cave. I sprinted to it again. I also didn't even see the Wampa so sort of blocked him and smiled, like why smile I'm supposed to be using the force on the lightsaber! Again, a little wait, but whatever. This whole area was cool cause you could see it & watch/listen to the movie for awhile as you approached. I was still feeling okay and on pace even with 2 photos and a bathroom stop.

We ran onto Osceola Pkwy where the Emperor's throne was out. I know it's blurry but you get the idea. Then Jabba was mile marker 7. I was Jabba so I tried to take a pic but it just doesn't work in the dark while running! At least people share their photos so I have them saved.

This here is some incline since it's above another road and they were playing the clip with the sail barge, sarlacc pit and Leia strangling Jabba. I recorded the whole way and grabbed this frame.

There were some other big screens playing clips and DJs at times but I can't remember where exactly.

I was still feeling okay, no bad pains, but a little hmph, like getting a little heavy or something. My pace was good and I was drinking but it was very humid and warm. I know all the alerts said be careful, but I still wanted that time goal, so kept my pace up.

Passed the entrance to Studios. Somewhere along here was Ezra & Sabine. Also, they handed out Clif shots (gu) as well, mile 8.? I think. I took a citrus and ate it and then took water right after which was great the hydration was so close to it! I did have an extra gu in my pocket, I maybe should have eaten it back at like mile 4, but for some reason I didn't, I'm not quiet sure why I didn't. I underestimated the heat I guess since I hadn't been training with them just gatorade.

We were heading to the ramp like during the 10k so we could enter Studios by Fantasmic again. We were on World Drive and around mile 9 here. My hip (sciatic friend) was starting to really burn/pinch/hurt so I struggled with sweaty fingers to finally get a bio freeze packet open, which really helped once I got it on my hip.

A video screen playing the scene with Poe and Finn stealing the ship was somewhere during this time. During a turn of sorts.

I also wanted to throw my armband off & chuck it into the road, as I was feeling so heavy. I don't even use my phone, why did I have it, oh yeah for txt alerts to make sure our bibs were working.

Up the ramp off World Dr. to Buena Vista Blvd. I again stayed on the right in the grass for the flattest part. This is also where the 15k mat was.

This lady though starts yelling "this is no hill". Why, I don't know. Well, another lady goes "depends on where you are from". I luckily train on hills as I live where it is very hilly, but I know not everyone can train on hills, so to diminish the hill is kind of a put down. I don't think they knew each other either as the first one who Started it was flying past the others and they looked annoyed by her.

At the top of the ramp, past the orange blockage are the runners coming toward the ramp.

Darth Maul was out again like in the 10k as we were entering backstage Studios. A Blurry Tower too!

Up the ramp into Studios. Not as powerful as I would have liked, that heaviness, still there. I like it warm, I despise cold even though I train in it in the winter, but I just wasn't dealing with the humidity as well as I would have liked. Well, I leave off here for now....will the dark side of humidity win out over my goal....

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That Ewok Battlescene was awesome! My husband's only complaint about that (since he was B and it was still super pitch black) was he got hit by one of the lights and was blinded for like 20 seconds. You must have passed him between the 5K and 10K!

Hope you make your goal!
Continuing on...

We went past Tower of Terror and onto Sunset Blvd. where they had Stormtroopers out again.
I had been checking my splits at the miles but once we hit Studios I didn't look at my watch again.

Onto Hollywood Blvd. and backstage a bit to then exit the park.

We ran on the path towards Boarwalk to make our journey to EPCOT. They had Darth Maul Duel of Fates playing before the tunnel that was lit up in red and then once in the tunnel it was Darth Vader breathing. Pretty cool. At this point my mind was saying "Go, Go", but my legs were soooooooooooooo HEAVY. I do really like running along here, although I know for later runners it was packed since it isn't a very wide path.

We went right today to go to the Boardwalk (vs left to the Yacht and Beach like in the 10k, as well as the past marathons I had ran). Fan groups were out, which was great. I knew I was getting a photo here but didn't look up, tried to get the I'm actually running a race here photo. Very sweaty indeed!

We approached the International Gateway area and then Chewie was out again in the same spot as the past 2 days. We entered by UK and went right to make a full loop around World Showcase, just like in the marathon. So, silly me was thinking mile 12 will be at France like 25 is in the marathon, wait it's not there....

Oh duh it's 13.1 unlike the marathon 26.2, they won't be in the same place. So mile 12 was in Morocco. Captain Phasma was on it.


We cut up the middle towards Future World and past Spaceship Earth on the left (you could pull over for a ball photo, but I didn't see Storm Troopers up there today). Fan Groups were out before the finish & I Hi-Fived a Speeder Bike trooper at the end of the line. I felt like I was trying to finish strong even though my legs were dead and apparently eager to stop my watch!

Got my 1/2 medal with Kylo Ren. I went through the Challenge tent where they checked my picture that was taken at the expo to prove it was really me for the Deathstar Challenge medal. (Coast to Coast & Kessel pick up was here too, runners had wristbands for those). I held up the half paddle because I didn't really know what I was grabbing. They also had a 19.3 challenge one and I saw a coast to Coast one. Also, grabbed a powerade, water, & snackbox like the 2 days before.

Had some character photo time, skipped Vader as I at least got him once. My brother had already been through them all has he finished well before me.

Oh, my time, right above my goal! I wanted under 2 (it would be a current day & Disney PR). I ran today in 2:01:32, a whole 10 seconds faster than Wine & Dine. Looking at the official splits I was ahead of Wine & Dine until the last miles. I usually finish with negative splits, but not today, I was just too heavy feeling. Besides when I stopped for photos/bathroom, the last 2 miles were my slowest. My brother beat his Wine & Dine by like 5 minutes & PR though!

I know it was humid and worse conditions than Wine & Dine and my 2 photo stops took longer today than the few I did at Wine & Dine, but still almost the same exact time is funny (both had bathroom stops). Today, I know a lot of people were glad the clouds stayed around, but they really held that humidity in like a lid. For morning, when the sun is lower in the horizon I would rather have it clear with less humidity, I know others are different though in what they prefer.


I downed a whole bottle of water and was feeling okay, my stomach held up pretty well with the humidity, only felt sick a couple times in the race. No major pain, just normal hurt here & there. My foot and shin held up with just minor annoyance and my hip wasn't burning terribly (thanks to the biofreeze). Quads were heavy and dead! My snack box today had a granola bar that I ate pretty quickly (instead of the Yummy bar).

There's the back of my tank with Jabba's tail. I made the skort, which was very comfortable and light weight. The material from my 5k outfit was a little heavier, this was actually tech type stuff.

And that is Darth Maul Russell, I saw him on course & I couldn't figure why Maul had balloons.


We watched the awards. The winner won the 5k, 10k & Half! That's pretty cool!
We also had a lady (media badge) ask to take our picture, it ended up in the Orlando Sentinal! My brother's tank he had painted the Tatooine suns and Jabba's palace with the frog creature as his hat. We just happened to coordinated, it wasn't planned originally.

We didn't have to wait for a bus back to Sports. On our way back we saw the balloon ladies and end runners going into Studios. It was pretty neat actually seeing everyone out there working hard, it's all the same distance we covered no matter our times (I have been a back of the packer before as well). I'm not sure when the last sweep point was (after Studios maybe) but hope anyone behind them here still finished.
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Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon Map from my Garmin

Back at Sports and these medals are huge. Oh and the blue towel was a Dr. Cool towel they handed out at the finish. So, nice to wipe wall that salty sweat off and cool off with.

I also noticed my armband had left some pretty bad chafing on my arm. It was red and puffy and eventually scabbed up over the next few days.

We cleaned up, stretched, etc. Then my older brother and his family picked us up I think at 10:45/11 and we went to Saratoga Springs for lunch. I'm not really sure why, they picked it, but I was hungry so didn't care. I didn't feel sick or not like eating which is a good thing. It was tasty. We looked around the resort where is sprinkled for like a minute and then they had to leave for scouts :(

We caught a bus to Studios. I mean we had all these Star Wars medals we needed photos! It was cool because lots and lots of runners were there with medals on too. I laugh at Kylo, I just can't take him serious!


40th Star Wars banners outside Lauch Bay.


Great Movie Ride time. Got a little stiff sitting. I did where my compression sleeves to the park for recovery. My quads though were the most sore.

We were starved so went to Pizza Rizzo's finally at like 3:45 sine it closes at 4:00pm. We ate upstairs on the balcony looking over the street. Typical Disney pizza but I like it. I love how they redid the place. The ballroom was neat and all the little details they included were amazing. We pin trade so they had 2 pizza boxes with pins on them for trading.


We rode Star Tours and did medal photos.

Starting to drag a little as we don't nap at all, but got a brownie sundae pick me up at the place on Sunset! We each got one too! So, big but so good. Of course, my stomach could tell I had eaten to much ice cream, but it was after the races so who care, right!


So, this is the only time we rode Tower, not earlier in the trip, and after ice cream that was not smart. Luckily the sick feeling passed after like 15 minutes. This ride used to not bother me, but the last few trips it just doesn't like me. I love the themeing so hope they don't change it ever.

We had some time till the Star Wars fireworks so met Olaf then Minnie & Mickey. We hadn't seen this new Minne & Mickey area it was cute. I love how the characters get into the medals.


We found a table by Min & Bill's Dockside Diner to wait and watch the fireworks. Not a bad view really even with the umbrellas. We've seen from Hollywood Blvd. before.
We were pooped though along with all the runners there that night! Not too long of a wait for a bus and back to Sports. We did set Mickey to wake us up at 5:30 so we could do a short run before Animal Kingdom Extra Magic Hour at 8:00am to hopefully loosen the stiffness up. Overall, I am happy with my time, but I always second guess myself, like did I really push as hard as I could those last 2 miles. I also ran the 5k & 10k pretty hard in between all the photo stops so have to remember that too I guess. These races were so much fun and hope they keep them around with the Star Wars theme.

Next up is 3 full days in parks with no races to worry about, woohoo!
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That Ewok Battlescene was awesome! My husband's only complaint about that (since he was B and it was still super pitch black) was he got hit by one of the lights and was blinded for like 20 seconds. You must have passed him between the 5K and 10K!

Hope you make your goal!
Yeah, being blinded would have sucked, glad he didn't wipe out or anything. It was so dark. It was run on faith and pixie dust we didn't trip on something for sure.
I had a time goal today so only would stop for the 2 photo stops that I was hoping would be out thanks to a tip from @Mimsy Borogove and them being at last year's half.

Aw, I'm so glad to have been of some help! Great recap on the half marathon - you're churning these out pretty quickly and I'm really enjoying the differences between your corral and mine (the dreaded F), so much less crowding the entire way, more darkness (I actually liked that it started at 5am last year and wish they'd keep doing that because once the sun comes out, I'm pretty much zapped), and I didn't see any 501st folks on the Boardwalk by the time I got there.

Nice work on your run, even though you barely missed your time goal - that is an awesome time, especially given the humidity and your two photo stops along the way! Your running attire is really cool, too, love the little Salacious B. Crumb on your skirt and the tank is fantastic, especially during your photo op with Jabba!

We visited BB-8 that day, too! Isn't he the cutest? I felt a little weird talking to him, but he seemed encouraging.

PizzeRizzo from upstairs has a much nicer view. We ate there after the 10K, but stayed downstairs because DH had a headache (he just wanted to sit as quickly as possible), now I wish we'd gone upstairs.

Enjoying your TR, it's always so nice to read others' perspectives on something you have done yourself. Well done!
We visited BB-8 that day, too! Isn't he the cutest? I felt a little weird talking to him, but he seemed encouraging.
I asked him say hi to Poe for me. I thought he seemed more animated/moving than the one at the race. Upstairs at Rizzo's on the balcony was really nice and people watching down below.

Awesome race-even if you just missed your time goal!! Those photo-ops are incredible!!!
Thanks! The photos were so worth the stops too, if I hadn't stopped for the Trash Compactor and Wampa cave I would have regretted it for sure.
Day 6 - Animal Kingdom, Polynesian/Grand Floridian, Magic Kingdom

Mickey woke us up at 5:30 so we could get a short run in to hopefully help out the stiff legs. I went for a 20 minute run (well it turned into like 21:??) and felt like the tinman, after about 5 minutes my legs started to loosen up. I got back to the room only to realize I didn't wear my magic band, uh-oh! Luckily, I walked around and found brother still running and he had remembered his band, phew! Here's my garmin map around All-Star Sports & Music.


Animal Kingdom had EMH at 8:00am so we were there a little before. I don't really like how they hold us now back before the Oasis. I liked it better when we were held closer to the tree.

Along with everyone else basically we trekked to Safari. We had a great driver, older lady, who just really seemed to enjoy talking about the animals and added lots of great info. She said hippos look like baked potatoes, which made me laugh! Rhinos eating is always fun!

Miss. Ostrich here decided to block up the path. It was pretty funny to watch her walk and not care about the jeeps at all. After finally getting off the trail she ran past our jeep, like gangway I have things to do.

After Miss, Ostrich left we got a great view of the lions!

We rode Everest then went to Dinoland, a few shots of the race course that exited in Dinoland during normal hours.

We rode Dinosaur & Primeval Whirl then went to stare at the Pandora wall, but found a press event for the costumes going on.

I guess our consolation prize for not getting to visit Pandora was Tarzan was right outside the Pandora area.

We did some other stuff at Animal Kingdom I know but don't remember what. We then took a bus over to Polynesian for lunch.

We visited the Grand Floridian to see the Easter eggs still up! So, cool as they are all edible. We got our bags checked and went through a metal detector before boarding the monorail at both Poly and Grand for the new procedures. It went quick luckily.

Arriving at MK by monorail we didn't have to get our bags checked again as we did that before boarding the monorail. I'm not sure all what we did, but TTA was up and why can't they fix the escalator?!?! It had quiet the line too.

I really liked this shirt since Dumbo is my favorite, but for some reason didn't buy it, darn! I think I saw it at the Circus shop in Circus land area.


The line for Gaston, right outside the bathrooms. It really makes the area crowded we just want to go the restroom. A picture with Gaston would be fun, but I was not waiting. He was on snack break eating a dozen eggs at the time too.


Kylo Ren rode Small World. We really needed a FP but those were for other rides so just waited like 20ish minutes. A fellow rider saw our medals and asked all about the races and thought it sounded so fun.

We backtracked/criss-crossed a lot, not the smartest I suppose. We found ourselves in the tree house. We could definitely tell we had raced the days before as we hobbled a bit odd down the stairs.


We had a 25 minute Big Thunder wait so could really look at all the new signs. I Like how Apple Dumpling Gang is represented! I know we did Splash too.

Then we crossed again over to Tomorrowland I guess based on pictures.

It was starting to really cool off too, like get breezy even.

Kylo meet Kylo!

Kylo ate lunch at Columbia Harbor House (crossed over again I guess). I got the vegetarian chili but with fries this time and brother got his chicken pot pie again. Watched Haunted Mansion area below. Love this place!

We did Little Mermaid I think, not sure what else and were a little chilly surprisingly with the cool front coming in. So, we got a 'warm' cinnamon roll at Gaston's Tavern. They were selling rose cupcakes as well.


I wished I had a jacket on as we were staying till Wishes. Like, why didn't this cool front come in for the half the other day, that would have be nice!

Visited the Main Street shops while we waited for Wishes at 9pm. Tigger was repping Star Wars I guess!

Didn't buy anything but Star Wars is represented well in the Candy shop!

We sat on a curb by the flag pole for awhile since benches don't exist in this area anymore, visited the hat shop, then lined up on the street to watch Wishes for the last time. It didn't seem that crowded to me at all. I'm happy for the change since Wishes has been around so long. After it was over we got to the bus stop and didn't have too long to wait since we were in the front of the crowd leaving MK.

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Day 7 - Studios, Epcot, Disney Springs

Studios had EMH at 8:00am so we were on a bus around 7:15am. I don't care for where they held us here, very close quarters, I liked it when it was farther up the street.

Also, this morning would have be perfect for the half, so much less humid and cooler, the air just felt so crisp and cool compared to the race morning.

Along with many others went to Toy Story Midway Mania first. I always try too carefully to aim so end up with 100% accuracy at the end but my overall score isn't that great. Then we had never met Buzz & Woody here so figured why not, I think we waited 15 minutes. The queue is at least filled with little photo ops.

We went to Rockin' next. All he new video screens for to load were interesting, like here and Space Mountain and others I forgot.

A visit to Star Tours was next. Can't wait for the Ep. VIII new scene.


Waiting for the March of the First Order, I'm so glad the hat is gone!

I find the March of the First Order slightly underwhelming, but at least it's something to hold us over till Star Wars Land opens.

Another visit to Launch Bay and ran a jawa down but he didn't want my medal?! We watched the film which was enjoyable.

Not sure what/if anything else we did, but we left and walked the path to Boardwalk to Epcot just like in the half marathon. A snack said hello as we walked.


They were working on the Boardwalk.


Brother grabbed the Merguez "hot god" sausage from the Taste of Marrakesh Flower and Garden booth.

He also got the Carne Asada with Black Bean Cake and cilantro lime sour cream from the Florida Fresh booth. He think he liked the sausage the best.

I however just got the vegetarian platter from Tangierine Cafe In Morocco as the Flower & Garden booths didn't have anything I wanted for a main dish. I get another thing of olives instead of the tabbouleh.

Ventured around World Showcase

The only Flower & Garden dessert we got was the FlanCocho from La Isla Fesca. It was refreshing, the bottom was a chocolate coffee cake. It had the V for vegetarian.

We forgot the other day but remembered to ask for a button for Canada's 150th birthday as we had read about them on the blog awhile ago. My Grandma was Canadian! Later in line at Soarin' a family from Canada asked about the button as I was wearing, they thought it was so cool, so I told them just to ask in the Canada shop for the buttons!

They really should keep this flowers up all year.

Universe of Energy, I may have shut my eyes a few times, I do enjoy but was sleepy and it's a good long sit!

We then went to Soarin', we must have had a FP. The dirt smell was really really strong in the elephant part every time.

Rode the Land boat ride with a FP (needed it too there was a loooooooooong line), then Figment and Nemo.


I may have too much fun with medal photos!


Just hanging out on a butterfly.

We rode Spaceship Earth, that ride I love but wish they would change the end, the video is just not that exciting to me.

Glad Figment got a topiary!

I really liked this display!

A few more medal photos, why not! We don't wear them all the time, but carry them (all or just one for the day) in our backpacks for photo ops and it's just fun.

To be continued...we'll be going to Disney Springs next...
Day 7 Continuted...

We went back to Sports but by Music's bus since it was there waiting. All the cheer folks practicing in the middle of the football section. It was chaotic walking through but as long as they were quiet at night that's all the I cared about. It was also neat to see. We met up with older brother at Sports for the evening. I actually am a morning person even though I don't like mornings because I'm definitely not a night person, but I love that Mickey shirt with "Mornings should start at noon".


We bussed over to Disney Springs. This was the first time I had visited Disney Springs since all the changes from Downtown Disney. I was never a big Downtown fan as it was basically just shopping, & I'm not a Springs fan either because it's just shopping/eating. I would rather do parks, but I'm glad to have finally seen what all the new stuff/changes were.

We went to Blaze Pizza for dinner. "Blazing hot oven + dedicated pizzasmith + 180 seconds = fast-fire’d, perfectly crisp perfection."

Clockwise from Top right is my veggie pizza with red sauce, then brother's with cheese sauce, & then older brother's pizzas with spicy sauce. We all did the build your own where you pick as many toppings as you want. They really rush you, it felt like a Subway on speed!

Now, I was not a fan, the veggies didn't get cooked and the cheese doesn't brown since it doesn't cook the tops with their fast fire cooking. The cherry tomatoes didn't even blister/pop. The dough was chewy and not crisp except the edge was a little crisper. The sauce was sweeter than I like and the whole thing lacked salt even though I had some goat cheese on it.

Both Brother's liked their pizzas though so it was just me who didn't like it.


We watched one of the water cars - Amphicars - launch into the water. I didn't know until then you don't get to drive them, but just ride in it. Still cool if you've got cash to spare.

Looked around the Jock Lindsey Hangar Bar, it was really neat. I wish they would turn Backlot at Studios into this theme,it would be perfect.


We each got a chocolate at The Ganachery. I got the Coffee milk chocolate, it was tasty for a little treat. It was a cute little shop too.

The Star Wars Shop was fun to look around, never too much Star Wars.

Visited the Coke store and looked out over Springs from up top. No Coke polar bear out, it was too late, for meeting. Older brother really wanted to do the Coke flights, but we passed as I can't do caffeine at night, but I know my sister enjoyed trying the flavors when they tried it a few months ago.

My favorite area was the Co-Op stores since it was all Disney stuff. We went to World of Disney and the Pin Store as well. Some other stores I know too but don't remember what they were, I got disoriented a lot.

This golden mime type person was out as we went back to the buses. He took some kids toy and bag and wouldn't give it back, it was funny at first then got old as he kept the joke going to long in my opinion. Keep it short, my attention span lacks I guess!

I liked the new bus area, but overall didn't care for the tall buildings & mall type stores. I liked the spring water look they did. Will I be visiting Springs anytime soon, no, most likely not. Oh, and they had bands/musicians set up playing, problem to me, was they were too close to each other and competing. I was hearing folk type music and then Latin at the same time and it hurt my head. I know a lot love of Springs, it's just not for me.

Up next, One more park day left....
I really love that walk between HS and EP-it's lovely along the canal!
I do too. It's funny, I guess we had never turned to go the Boardwalk pathway or at least not that I remembered. We always go Yacht & Beach, but after turning that way for the half we learned how I guess. We've walked the Boardwalk before but I think as a complete circle and that was quiet a few years ago. I've never stayed in this area, but it would be awesome I bet.
IToo bad you didn't enjoy your pizza. I am not a shopping person either, but I thoroughly enjoyed the look and atmosphere of Disney Springs.

I wish they would turn Backlot at Studios into this theme,it would be perfect.
I second this whole heartedly!!


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