ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

I was here for sausages. And mashed potatoes. Because mashed potatoes.
You can't go wrong with sausages and mashed potatoes. Not to toot my own horn, but I make pretty decent mashed potatoes. My youngest won't even eat Grandma's anymore. I've waited a long time to be able to cook something better than my mother! Of course, I load them with all the bad stuff (butter, cream, salt) but it's just too good to leave out.

Besides, we were much too entranced with the Irish dancing. It was like a mini River Dance, but you know, up close and personal. And it was serious amounts of fun.
I've never thought much about Raglan Road. I guess because of where I live, there is a lot of opportunity to find that kind of music played regularly in Irish Pubs, so it seems a little familiar. But the dancing looks great. That's harder to find at home.

“Hey Maude, look over there, it’s Betty. Thinks she’s hot stuff, doesn’t she?”
Is she like that floozy Mary the rhinoceros we met in @pkondz trip report? What's happening to the Savannah? It's like Melrose Place over there. (I suppose that reference is dating myself a bit. I need to think of something my teenager would watch. Ah, Riverdale, the new one "based" on Archie comics. I watched one show. Archie and Ms. Grundy had a thing. I can't deal with that.)

Bill hopes it will raise awareness and funds for the new poker hall that the wives aren’t so excited about. Bill and his buddies hope to erase the stigma of Wednesday Poker Nights and are doing their best to assure the girls everything is kept clean and respectable. Here he is now, telling his buddy Randy, the Common Eland, over the fence, to bring the extra 6 pack and his favorite cigars that his wife Rhonda doesn’t know about.
Well, that's a very cute story, but I can hardly imagine any scenario where such a thing would happen in the real world. When I occasionally have a night at a friend's house and leave the car there, it is simply that I don't want to wake my sleeping beauties by opening the garage door at the house. It has nothing to do with any wobbly pops that may or may not have been consumed that night.

They ain't foolin' NO one! Here is Rhonda, who let's Bill and Randy think they're getting away with... things. She doesn't care. She's at a Lula Roe party this Wednesday with his credit card.
Now this story sounds more believable!

It was Myrtle’s husband wondering about the temperature on the riverbank. He was only 20 yards away, but couldn’t seem to check for himself.
You know, the good guys have digital weather stations and they check themselves. Or maybe they are the geeks. Not that I would know anyone like that. :rolleyes1

Fantastic pictures of the safari, and I have to commend you on your stories to go along with them. I hope my banter gave you a chuckle or two :)
They are native to sub-Saharan Africa and have one unique quality that makes them stand apart from all other dog species- their young are allowed to feed before the adults. This actually makes them more closely related to humans than all other dog species.

This behavior is overrated. Does nothing to help teach your kids survival skills, if you ask me.

His kids got to it before he did and now he is drooling like a human father after the last piece of bacon is snatched out from under his nose by his teenage son.

This behavior is also tragic! :sad:

Henrietta is far more alluring! Perhaps it’s her bumpy, scaly skin. Her sharp teeth, or maybe her moldy tongue?

Nothing like a woman with a moldy tongue.


It was Myrtle’s husband wondering about the temperature on the riverbank. He was only 20 yards away, but couldn’t seem to check for himself. We see this behavior in a variety of species in the animal kingdom, don’t we ladies?

That seems to lead to passive-aggressive behavior from the females.

Whenever they get the collective urge to run amok, they do. Doesn’t matter whose wash or water hole they’re trampling, and they have even been known to run down famous cinematic lion kings, so it’s best to just steer clear and set your spike strips if you’ve got ‘em.

This can also be experience in the morning march to 7DMT.
You can't go wrong with sausages and mashed potatoes. Not to toot my own horn, but I make pretty decent mashed potatoes. My youngest won't even eat Grandma's anymore. I've waited a long time to be able to cook something better than my mother! Of course, I load them with all the bad stuff (butter, cream, salt) but it's just too good to leave out.

Toot your own horn all you want... just stay downwind...

My son, 18, makes ours. Sometimes he goes with a T. of horseradish, sometimes a dash or more of spicy taco sauce, sometimes classic with cream (better yet, cream cheese), butter, S&P. Mashed potatoes are an art form. I'll come to your place for dinner anytime- sounds like you're a master!!

I've never thought much about Raglan Road. I guess because of where I live, there is a lot of opportunity to find that kind of music played regularly in Irish Pubs, so it seems a little familiar. But the dancing looks great. That's harder to find at home.

Funny, how we steer clear of the places familiar to us and seek out the more novel. Something for everyone at Disney! I do think your DDs would enjoy it nonetheless. Plenty of girly energy, and while not exactly the Moroccan pavilion caliber of dancing....ummm.... I'd think these gals would be easy on the eyes as well...

Is she like that floozy Mary the rhinoceros we met in @pkondz trip report? What's happening to the Savannah? It's like Melrose Place over there. (I suppose that reference is dating myself a bit. I need to think of something my teenager would watch. Ah, Riverdale, the new one "based" on Archie comics. I watched one show. Archie and Ms. Grundy had a thing. I can't deal with that.)

The Savannah can be a dicey place. I've not ever watched either of those you mention (we don't have a TV or cable), and it sounds like I"m not missing much.

Well, that's a very cute story, but I can hardly imagine any scenario where such a thing would happen in the real world. When I occasionally have a night at a friend's house and leave the car there, it is simply that I don't want to wake my sleeping beauties by opening the garage door at the house. It has nothing to do with any wobbly pops that may or may not have been consumed that night.

OH, I would never, ever doubt your high and upstanding character! I mean, pffft.... wobbly pops. You? Nah... always thinking of those girls, you are! ;)

Now this story sounds more believable!

Experience with this one too, huh?

You know, the good guys have digital weather stations and they check themselves. Or maybe they are the geeks. Not that I would know anyone like that. :rolleyes1

You mean like the one we had a few years ago in the sideyard? I don't know anyone like that either.

Fantastic pictures of the safari, and I have to commend you on your stories to go along with them. I hope my banter gave you a chuckle or two :)

Thanks!! And it always does, TNG!
This behavior is overrated. Does nothing to help teach your kids survival skills, if you ask me.

Well, crap. I need to up my game. "Where's all the donuts, Mom?" "What donuts?"

This behavior is also tragic! :sad:

I thought you'd appreciate that.

Nothing like a woman with a moldy tongue.


All the better to kiss you with...

That seems to lead to passive-aggressive behavior from the females.

Yeah, I can see that.

This can also be experience in the morning march to 7DMT.

Been there, done that. "Ummmm..... mom, you just ran over that small child." "Stop talking..... and get moving!"
K is for Karibuni Harambe; pt. 2

Rested and refreshed, the safari goers rose with the African sun. It was already hot on the grasslands, but this did not stop their enthusiasm. They were quite eager to load their gear into the jeeps and set out again hoping to catch some of the drama that pervades the animal world on the African Savanna.

Meanwhile, the animals themselves were busy doing what animals do: eating, hunting, grazing, mating, sleeping. At least that’s what the average human might observe, but this is Shofana’s Deluxe Harambe Safari; this is no average kind of tour. On this safari one is apt to see more... much, much more.

Time to go!!! Let’s roll!

<bump, bump, bumpiity>

“Oh my, the giraffes are certainly up early. And look there’s the family having breakfast now. Many people think they are the most graceful of the animal kingdom, but look closely… here is the adult actually teaching his offspring to lick their plates and play with their food. But, as with all teenage offspring in the animal world, we can also see the daughter rolling her eyes and smirking, as the mother tries in vain to correct the misguided behavior.”

<lurch, grind, bump, BUMP!>

Shofana, our expert Pelican tour guide, kept us moving along, we had a very busy day ahead of us with still loads of animals to see.

It was our lucky day!! We finally came across a herd of elephants, the stateliest and most noble of the Savanna creatures.

Let’s listen in to find out just how noble they are:

“Hey Chloe, I heard there’s a truck of tourons coming through this morning. Remember that time this one group came through in 2001 and this kid named Michaela held out those bananas to you?”

“Oh my God, yes! I scared the crap out of her so bad when I slimed her entire arm with my trunk snot. So FUNNY!”

“We should do that again with this jeepful. Cracks me up every time!”

(If you would like the human’s perspective on this true life adventure, let your authoress know.)

Elephants. They think they’re so funny.

Shofana urged us on and, <bump, lurch, bumpity, bump….> we next stumbled upon a flamboyance of flamingoes. Yes, they really are called that- a flamboyance. But do you know why? Shofana, the ever-so-helpful tour guide that he is, explained:

“Once upon a time, flamingoes were just your ordinary birds, dull browns and neutral colors, like most backyard varieties. But back in the 20s and 30s a few of them made their way out to the area called Hollyvannawood. They soon found their niche in the entertainment industry and began to make gazillions of dollars, which they began to spend on tons of shrimps to eat. It soon became their daily diet along with botox, expensive clothes, and neck stretching procedures. The shrimp over time, changed the flamingos' plumage to what we see now, and of course the other beautification procedures gave them spectacular results- flamboyant, no? Ah well, as gorgeous as they are, they always seem to stick their long necks into politics and forget that entertainment is their business. Then again, politics…..entertainment… hmmmm, they may be on to something.”

Further down the savannah’s wide open grassy spaces, Shofana became very quiet. “Shhh…” he urged, “We are about to enter the Savanna’s most dangerous areas- the places where the rhinos roam.”

Everyone knows they can be ferocious beasts (not as much as the hippos when they’re in heat, but close). Especially when Mary is in town. We’ve already heard about her in other writings (see @pkondz ’s TR), and the verdict is still out on exactly how many boyfriends she really has, but here is a photo that her husband got through the PI he hired a few months ago for the dosier. They look pretty cozy and in love, don’t ya think? He took her to the fanciest restaurant in town for brunch, see? My guess is still one boyfriend, as a good boyfriend will always treat his lady as if she’s the only thing in the world that matters. Well, that’s what I’d think if I were a rhino anyway, so who am I to know?

Time for a lunch break!! Shofana offered us a choice between under this fake baobab tree for a spell:

or beside this waterfall:

The group wisely chose the shadier spot by the waterfall to rest our weary cameras….

Coming up... more Safari Adventures!
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Great picture

And another great picture. Love this one.

(And savanna is spelled without an "h" at the end, unless you're talking about the town in Georgia. I always have to check my own writing when I'm writing about AKL/Kidani, or this safari. Sorry to be the grammar/spelling police.)
Great picture

And another great picture. Love this one.

(And savanna is spelled without an "h" at the end, unless you're talking about the town in Georgia. I always have to check my own writing when I'm writing about AKL/Kidani, or this safari. Sorry to be the grammar/spelling police.)

Ok, Mr. Grammar Nazi.... I fixed them, and....some other stuff too. (Another grammar error that someone else was so kind to point out. LOL!) Glad y'all have my back. And spelling. And syntax. And my friendship. ;)

Aside from that, my folks and my son all say that Savannah is actually quite lovely and that I should definitely go sometime!
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OH! And @glennbo123 , thanks on the photos! I took 2 Safaris this trip and on the first one, I had my regular lens on and got disastrous results. Putting the long lens on for this attraction is KEY!!
Lovely pictures as usual. Although you didn't point out the hidden Mickey that the flamingos stand around. I thought that was in the trip report guidelines section 2, subsection 4? :p

(If you would like the human’s perspective on this true life adventure, let your authoress know.)
OK, see, you said "snot", so there's a 13 year old boy in me that needs to know more about this story, so if you have the time....
Wait! Crap! I missed a HM in there? Didn't even KNOW about that one!


ask and you shall receive!

So, 2001, our first trip to Thailand and first trip out ANYWHERE from our village for over a year. Ahhh, some R&R. We needed it. Badly. We'd been learning Crapistani full time for over a year, were missing our families, and needed a break from a long winter of only eating meat and potatoes for food for a bit. Oh, and it was cold. Like our windows were iced on the inside cold. We needed some tropical sunshine and a bit of fun.

And what's more fun than taking in the local sights and experiences of Thailand? Like eating fresh Pad Thai off of a street cart? Or the joys of riding in a tuk tuk? Or the beach massages for $5 an hour. (I need to go back....)

One thing we thought would be fun was an elephant ride. The kids will love it, we say to ourselves! So my folks, who'd met us there, and all of us, including my 6 month pregnant self (go me! Such a great idea to get pregnant in the middle of a Crapistani winter, with no family support or plan for delivery!) all go to the Elephant attraction place. After the ride, they have their own version of the Dump Shop and there are these little old ladies selling bananas. By the stalk. You know, not just one or two but 3 dozen on a long stalk.

Mikki is pretty adventurous and eager, so she takes the bunch and approaches this one whom she's already made friends with:

It's all going well. Yes?

So, we give her the bananas and she thinks she's going to just break them off and feed them to her one by one.


In about 14 nanoseconds, the beast thrusts her trunk over to Mik and grabs the entire stalk and shoves them into her mouth. Mikki FREAKED OUT. It was so hilarious I almost peed myself. The elephant reached back a second time I guess to say thank you, LOL, and I snapped this one just in time. Her whole arm was smeared with slime.

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

OH man, I still laugh so hard every time I see it. The look on her face is absolutely priceless!
Oh boy! That is funny! I love the look on Mikki's face :rotfl:
This was a really fun and creative update! Great pics too! I guess you get an A+ even with the hidden Mickey missing.
Solution? I’m full of solutions! “Solution” is my middle name. (I have others as well, but don’t let that distract you.)
Should we guess what some of the others are? :duck:

The kids wanted to be at MK because Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom had been discovered. From that point forward there was no turning aside for a certain 18 year old son. And that was ok.
I think its great that he discovered something new that he enjoyed and wanted to spend time doing.

And you know, it was good for your ulterior motives as well.

“Hey Kids! I have an idea. I’ll go to EPCOT and do a little more of World Showcase, and you guys go on over to MK, let Zach play his game, you girls go do some SisterFun, all of you go to the Skipper’s Canteen for lunch (but don’t spend too much money) and we’ll meet back at EPCOT later on.”

“Shopping again? Yeah, we’ll see you later.”
That's a win all around.

Along the way, I thought this was a nice little spot. Not sure why it was left empty and unused, but cute nonetheless.
Used to be where Duffy met. I'm glad it's empty! :rotfl2:

It’s also where I’d eventually wind up with one of these, the 2nd in a budding collection.
Nice start to your collection!

I typically don’t spend a lot of time in this pavilion, my least favorite. It’s small, and other than the small amount of shopping, if I’m gonna be in there, I’d almost be guaranteed to be The Ditch. I’ve ridden The Duck Boys’ Small World a couple times. That was enough.
I actually enjoy the ambience of this pavilion and there are far worse rides than It's a Small Mexico.

Rants aside, (I will refrain from my Maelstrom rant in order to spare you of more whining)
"You are not the first to pass this way, nor shall you be the last" Clearly Odin isn't as wise as he seemed.

Here are more pictures of China that you’ve seen a million times before:
But great pictures nonetheless.

In the end, I chose this to take home:

I'd have easily dropped 10 bucks in Karamel Kuche. But this is good too.

It too is sitting on the back of my stove for me to see every day, and yes, it does get used as a shot measure for the occasional rum and Coke.
I thought you were supposed to measure a rum and coke by pouring rum in a glass then look into the glass as you swirl it around. As you look, you think it looks like about a shot, but you'd better pour more in just to be sure. Take another look and add another splash... you know just to really, really be sure you got enough rum in there. Then throw the empty bottle in the trash and add an ounce of coke.

No I don't have a problem. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

May I admire your concrete made to look like marble?
They do it well.

DANG IT! Just over the allotment. OH well, they’re pretty enough that I did it anyway.
Your masks are another unique collection. I think it is neat that you found something that isn't overly expensive that you can make a collection and add to it over your subsequent trips.

France sucks.
I just had to quote that.

They filled it full, so naturally the top half inch decorated my shirt. Nothing like announcing your presence smelling like Food and Wine on a rowdy Friday night. Hello, my name is Steppe. I spill.
And on your first drink...

No, I didn’t chug it. I stashed it neatly behind the trashcan between the entrance to the Chase Lounge and the front doors of the Hall
Well played!

Ahhh….. THIS is how solo time is spent. In case you’re confused
I must be confused. Because I run around like my hair's on fire enjoying the freedom and doing whatever the @#$* I feel like doing at that given time.

Now, my guy readers... I did not forget you. I aim to please and I don't think I've failed you.... Here ya go:

Just had to copy that too. Can't see it too many times.

Pat flashed her card faster than Janet Jackson flashes a Super Bowl crowd and BAM!
Wow... taking the wayback machine there. Do kids these days even get that reference anymore?

For those of you who haven’t…WHY haven’t you?! Shame on you!!! You’ve been missing out!
I know, I know. It is actually someplace I want to go. But it is in DTD/Disney Springs. We have never been DTD fans. We typically don't go to Disney World for long enough to have non-park days as a scheduled part of our trip. We take breaks as needed, but plan all ADRs at places that will be close/convenient to the park we plan to attend on a given day. Planning an ADR and tying up the time for transportation just to get to DTD/DS for a meal just isn't something we're interested in. We'll be staying at POFQ this trip so it will be more convenient. I'm sure we'll end up at DS at some point, but it certainly isn't a priority that we are planning around.

“WOW, Mom! This is amazing!” going on… even from my 14 and 18-year old cynical, too-cool-for-school kids. To this day, when I ask them about the things they loved the most and remember as the most fun things we did, they bring this dinner up.
I'm glad that this was such a hit for your group!

Tune in for more Drama on the Savannah where we'll see more of the young and the restless....
Love the narration of the safari. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Ah well, as gorgeous as they are, they always seem to stick their long necks into politics and forget that entertainment is their business. Then again, politics…..entertainment… hmmmm, they may be on to something.”
I just have to say that I find politics annoying, but love the policy side. And I always prefer to learn about policy from those who actually understand said policy.
:thumbsup2 :rotfl2::lmao::rotfl:
Love love love the photos of the safari! All great animals you saw. Adore those elephants and the hippos. Of course the Flamingos. Wonderful thank you. We did one just after the rain once and saw completely different animals. It is good to do them different weather, time of day. Haven't done a night time one yet!

I love that at Animal Kingdom Lodge they have Night time vision googles.
Ok, Mr. Grammar Nazi.... I fixed them, and....some other stuff too. (Another grammar error that someone else was so kind to point out. LOL!) Glad y'all have my back. And spelling. And syntax. And my friendship. ;)

Glad I'm not the only one! "Savannah" in place of "savanna" isn't too bad...if I see a "your" in place of "you're" I want to scream. Dang, just revealed my Achilles heel.

Aside from that, my folks and my son all say that Savannah is actually quite lovely and that I should definitely go sometime!

It is, and you should! You can visit Vic's on the Waterfront and have shrimp and grits. Link to my Savannah chapter

OH! And @glennbo123 , thanks on the photos! I took 2 Safaris this trip and on the first one, I had my regular lens on and got disastrous results. Putting the long lens on for this attraction is KEY!!

Size matters.
So, I can't do sausages, make me sick, I would love to see this sometime. I can eat just about any other kind of pork...just not sausages. I think it is some kind of spice that is used.

EVERYONE! This is a MAJOR 2 thumbs up from Steppe!! Kids, adults, tweens, everyone who has a soul will love this place. If you’ve been and you don’t like it, well, sorry, I probably just offended you. Then again, if you don’t like mashed potatoes and sausages and Irish Dancing, you should probably re-examine your life.


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