Another move by Disney negatively impacting guests (re: Caribbean Beach)

Disney have their pricing out for 2018 for UK guests and Caribbean Beach has been completely pulled from the resort listings, re-configuring price maybe or could a total resort closure be on the cards in 2018?
Hi, all! I'm the friend that TheMaxRebo helped, so I thought I'd make an appearance to help explain our unique situation. I haven't been on the boards in a few years, but I used to be a very active member and trip report writer, which is how I've met and befriended so many in the Disney community.

Our situation is definitely not the norm, let me start by saying that. There's no way that Disney could plan for every single set of circumstances, but I do know that Disney goes above and beyond to help every person enjoy a magical vacation, no matter what obstacles they're facing. That's why we return every year. It's the one place that we know we won't be made to feel "different" or "less," the one place that offers so many options from food to transport to lodging to attractions that we can be pretty flexible and still make sure our needs are met.

We have three kids, and our middle child, Brynn, is 8 and on the autism spectrum. She also has dystonia, but that isn't affected by the food situation at CBR. I'm not sure if people realize the vast differences between each person with autism. There are no predictors of what will bother them or what they'll fixate on; caregivers usually figure out these quirks and know how to plan around them for most instances.

Brynn has lots of sensory issues. We know this and always make sure she has her earmuffs to block noise, her chew necklace so she can put it in her mouth instead of dangerous random objects, a medical stroller/wheelchair where she can hide and block out stimulation, etc. We use the DAS to maximize as much park time as she can tolerate, but there are lots of times she's just done with people and needs to go back to the quiet resort room. When she's like this, there's no way we can take her back out in public to get food--that would ultimately lead to breakdowns she can't control, and she definitely wouldn't eat. It would be a miserable situation for all involved: her, us, the guests around us. We avoid that.

One of Brynn's quirks is that she has several food aversions, and also gets on food "kicks" where she wants to eat the same thing over and over. There are lots of textures she simply cannot tolerate. She gags and cannot swallow the food. She is sensitive to temperature, as well. Besides fruit and ice cream, she likes her food to be warm food. She doesn't eat sandwiches, she doesn't eat anything with a sauce, she doesn't eat so many things. At Disney, we're lucky that we have lots of options. We can almost always find her something plain and warm and not "lumpy." Each park has lots of QS stops, and resorts have varieties of hot foods in their food courts, pool bars, and bakeries, or we can always go with the stand-by favorite of pizza delivery! We just never know what she'll point out that she's willing to eat, and we can never force her into something we choose for her. It's the nature of the beast that is ASD.

We booked CBR in October. At the time, we knew there would be construction affecting rooms near South Trinidad, and that was no problem for us. We have been in places before while construction was going on, and we blocked out any noise with her earmuffs. No big deal. If that had been the case, we would have stayed.

Disney did not file for the improvements to OPR until mid-January. They only told cast members the extent of what would be closing three days ago. There is no way we could have known. Shutters closing doesn't affect us; when we have to be in the room with her, we can't take her to a sit-down restaurant anyway. We're over-packers, so we don't mind the store being closed, as we probably bring everything but the kitchen sink! But with the QS options going away, finding her food would literally be impossible. At the food court, we could always get them to cook her plain noodles, warm bread with no sandwich ingredients, plain burgers with fries on a separate plate so nothing touches, boring chicken with no spices, etc. We've never had a problem, even though her choices are sometimes odd. Then we'd bring the food to her in the room. We have stayed at a resort (All Star Music, I believe) while the food court there was closed, but it was within walking distance of all the other All Star food courts, so that wasn't a problem. We were informed that CBR would have all food options gone, other than grab-and-go stations in different areas. We remember the grab-and-go areas from the ASMu closure: it was essentially all the things she'd never eat, like cold sandwiches, wraps, etc. (Food trucks were never mentioned, though their selection is limited even if they will exist there.) Yes, she could probably eat the fruit from them, but ten days on fruit alone is not going to work. With Centretown/OPR being closed, we also can't take things and heat them ourselves, as that's where the microwaves are.
Eating is a big enough ordeal as it is, and if we remained at CBR, it would involve sending a parent off property or to another resort/DTD to get her the foods that would normally be all over resorts, and then it would be cold by the time he returned, with no way to re-heat it. We asked about bringing our own food and putting a microwave in our room, but were told microwaves are not allowed in regular hotel rooms.

We don't care where we sleep. I told the first two people I spoke with that I was willing to sleep on a pile of dirt if it came with a food court and didn't cost me any more money. We've stayed at all levels of resort multiple times. To move down to a value, they'd have to give us two rooms or the family suite, which would cost us $700. POR, the only lateral move for us, was booked up during our stay in all room classes. Our only other options would be deluxe or DVC, which we simply cannot afford this year. In fact, this trip was kind of a stretch this year to being with, as I was just in the hospital over Thanksgiving, my son and husband have upcoming surgeries, and Brynn constantly has doctors' appointments and therapies. We felt that this trip would be the "light at the end of the tunnel" after most of our medical issues were taken care of, so we were willing to pay for it to give us something to look forward to. We're not in a position to pay more, though. The way we save for every Disney trip is to literally empty pocket change, loose bills, and gift cards given on holidays into a giant jar in our kitchen, and we do it all year between trips. We cannot magically come up with a minimum of $700 (the next option would have added $2300) in the approximately one month until full payment was due. If we'd known months ago, we could have done that. But not now.

I spent 2.5 hours on the phone with a lady at the number they told us to call if we had issues, and also with her supervisor. I won't go into lots of details, but those conversations were not magical at all. I've never been treated like that by Disney employees, and it all boiled down to pay more to receive the amenities you were promised when you reserved in the first place, or tough luck, cancel.

We're basically a walking free commercial for Disney--if you don't believe me, please check out our multiple trip videos in my signature! FREE ADVERTISING. I have also convinced so many people, especially in the special needs community, to vacation at Disney. I've been on podcasts. I'm a part of lots of groups. I give them lots of money every year! I've brought them thousands of dollars through other families I've helped convince and helped plan. And so yes, I took it personally when they essentially told me that none of that mattered, all over $700 they couldn't waive for a downgrade that would fit our needs. It felt like being betrayed by a close friend. I was not mad. I was hurt.

I do realize that for most people, the food issue won't be that big of a deal. They mostly eat at parks, or it's easy to load up and go somewhere else for food, or cold items and food trucks (if they exist) will suffice. If it weren't for Brynn, that would be us! We're kind of a unique situation, and they fumbled a bit when confronted with the problems staying at CBR would now pose for us. I WISH we could take the $75 off a night deal that people are now reporting, but even that does not remedy our situation. I never cry, EVER, but I cried so much. It just felt like one more thing that most people take for granted (eating) that autism was going to take from us. We were stuck, and we'd have to cancel unless they magically responded to my two long emails, which they still haven't done.

HOWEVER, TheMaxRebo is just Pixie Dust personified! He sent an email, they understood him and listened to him, and they contacted me to make sure we still get to go on our vacation by moving us at no cost. I'm not sure what he said to them that made them understand the position we were in, but whatever he said worked. He did what I couldn't do in hours of phone time and long-winded emails. I will be eternally grateful for him, because now we don't have to tell our kids they can't have vacation this year, and Brynn will never have to feel like it was her fault. Disney friends are the BEST friends.

I am not angry at Disney at all. Just reading some of your responses here makes me see that they're not alone in "not getting it," in not understanding why something like this would be such a big deal. Unless you've lived it, I don't think you can understand it. We're not complainers, We're not looking for hand-outs. We just want the chance to have a vacation like typical families. And thanks to TheMaxRebo, we will still get to do that come May!
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the fine print of any Disney reservation say you are merely guaranteed a room on property and nothing more? If Caribbean Beach burned to the ground tomorrow and you have a reservation there in July, would you expect a free upgrade to the Poly? Disney never expressly states anywhere that you are guaranteed that this restaurant, this pool, and this store will be open and operational during your travel dates. The resort is still habitable and they are still providing food options. If you don't like those options, there's always other ones - change resorts, do a grocery order, plan breakfasts/lunches in the parks, stay off-site, cancel, etc. With so many options, it's hard for me to understand why Disney would have to pony up anything.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the fine print of any Disney reservation say you are merely guaranteed a room on property and nothing more? If Caribbean Beach burned to the ground tomorrow and you have a reservation there in July, would you expect a free upgrade to the Poly? Disney never expressly states anywhere that you are guaranteed that this restaurant, this pool, and this store will be open and operational during your travel dates. The resort is still habitable and they are still providing food options. If you don't like those options, there's always other ones - change resorts, do a grocery order, plan breakfasts/lunches in the parks, stay off-site, cancel, etc. With so many options, it's hard for me to understand why Disney would have to pony up anything.

They absolutely do not HAVE TO. But if they want to continue to be a company where guests are happy and wanting to come back and spend money there, then they absolutely SHOULD.
@Fantasyland Mom - I am tapping @TheMaxRebo on this, just to make sure he sees it all (though he probably would anyway). Wow - First and foremost - my hat is off to you for managing all the challenges you go through, day after day, for real! Secondly, I personally don't feel you owed anybody here (including me) an explanation of your issues (and certainly not the wonderful and eloquent one you provided!), but I am so grateful you felt compelled to do so, it made me see a glimpse of something I otherwise never would have - and I'm SURE it's only a GLIMPSE, and much huger than any of us here can understand - unless, and until, we have dealt with something similar.

That all being said - I am SO happy you and your family are happy - I had said in an earlier post I wanted to see that as the end result - whatever that means to you and your family. I hope you all enjoy tons of magical moments together, and plenty of pixie dust on your trip, and some of the "hard stressful thoughts/times" are able to be put aside, if just for a little while. Laugh, breathe, enjoy, just BE. (I am SOOOOO thinking of GKTW Village here, and how wonderful they are at providing that for families - which sounds so trivial, and yet is HUGE, which is why I support them!!)

Last but not least - I am SO happy Phil was able to help you, and you never have to tell me what a great fellow poster, family man, person, and - friend he is. He''s the best, and I'm so happy to see him getting thanked like this (although - knowing him - he's pshawing it, and getting embarrassed - which is part of his charm!! :)

One more quick thought - thank you Phil, Fantasland Mom, and even Disney - for giving me a reason to smile today, and for restoring some of my faith back into the company I have loved for SO long. THIS is how it's SUPPOSED to be!!!

Closing with some mist in my occular region now. Hugs to you, Brynn, and your whole family!!
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the fine print of any Disney reservation say you are merely guaranteed a room on property and nothing more? If Caribbean Beach burned to the ground tomorrow and you have a reservation there in July, would you expect a free upgrade to the Poly? Disney never expressly states anywhere that you are guaranteed that this restaurant, this pool, and this store will be open and operational during your travel dates. The resort is still habitable and they are still providing food options. If you don't like those options, there's always other ones - change resorts, do a grocery order, plan breakfasts/lunches in the parks, stay off-site, cancel, etc. With so many options, it's hard for me to understand why Disney would have to pony up anything.

Luckily for us, Disney do understand.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the fine print of any Disney reservation say you are merely guaranteed a room on property and nothing more? If Caribbean Beach burned to the ground tomorrow and you have a reservation there in July, would you expect a free upgrade to the Poly? Disney never expressly states anywhere that you are guaranteed that this restaurant, this pool, and this store will be open and operational during your travel dates. The resort is still habitable and they are still providing food options. If you don't like those options, there's always other ones - change resorts, do a grocery order, plan breakfasts/lunches in the parks, stay off-site, cancel, etc. With so many options, it's hard for me to understand why Disney would have to pony up anything.

I suppose you're correct, technically. You may be extremely narrow-minded, but in a technical way, correct.

No, nothing is guaranteed, but when you reserve a room your rate is for certain amenities. In the case of a moderate resort, those amenities include both table and QS options, a pool with a slide, and queen beds. Those are the reasons they cost more than value resorts.

Actually, taking away both the source of most foods at the resort AND the microwaves to heat cold items (i.e., the only items that will be available during our stay) makes the resort UNinhabitable for our family. To be habitable means to be live-able, and one cannot live without food. Would most people be able to survive off grab-and-go food? Yes. Would my autistic child? No, since her disorder would make it impossible to force those calories down her throat.

So, like you said, I looked at other options. I tried to change resorts, but price differences were too vast. To stay off-site means to incur the extra cost of parking for ten days, plus the loss of guaranteed food options. I could get a grocery delivery, but again would have no way to cook or even heat items...which if you actually read my post, you'll note that temperature is a sensory issue with her. I cannot plan breakfast and lunches in the parks, as with autism you never know how long your child will be able to handle the parks. Will I make it to lunch without her having a meltdown and needing to return to the room? Possibly! Will I even make it through the ticket gates before we have to turn around? Possibly not! You never know; with autism, THERE IS NO PLAN. I asked for a DOWNGRADE, not an upgrade. Perhaps you overlooked that, too. And when I decided that I could not give them even more money, I WAS cancelling.

I can totally see that you really do have a hard time understanding.

Thankfully, there are people whose minds understand that making things fair doesn't necessarily mean making things equal. Even if our room was perfect, she ate every food, and we were in the most expensive hotel in the best room on property, the fact is that we have to work ten times harder for every second of park time we get to enjoy, and nothing will change that. Helping out in any way does not guarantee we'll have the same level of fun as other guests--but Disney does try to make things as fair as possible. Accommodations, both at the resort, in public buildings all over the US, in school systems, etc., mean that people with disabilities do need certain "special" things to help them try to get as close to "fair" as possible. You don't need those things. Our needs are not equal. But I'm not sure I can understand how you would begrudge an 8 year old child a spot of happiness in her year, all because you can't wrap your brain around the fact that she needs a sort of help you don't need, a type of simple accommodation that was included in the resort when I booked it. Or if I do understand where you're coming from, I'm just saddened by the callousness and lack of empathy for another person...especially when that person's whole life is full of things that aren't fair/equal.

No, Disney does not HAVE to do anything. But they're good people who understand that helping others in no way takes away from their own happiness.
Thank you FantasylandMom for saying what I wanted to and was about to. I have a daughter with autism, age 14 with similar sensory needs as your daughter. We are now happily out of CBR and in POFQ for our May vacation with zero price difference. It took 3, 1 hour long phone calls (lots of time on hold) to make this happen. I hope you are at the Poly, your family deserves it!!!
Thanks for posting @Fantasyland Mom and for alerting me @SorcererHeidi - I am truly glad this worked out in the end

I am sorry you felt any need to justify your situation to others - but I hope that in the long run this just strengthens the "magic" that Disney brings to people and can create more loyalty - and that Disney realizes that these aren't just "vacations" to people and that the loyalty goes two ways
The only thing I'm a little confused about is did you know what the options from the food trucks would be?
Thank you FantasylandMom for saying what I wanted to and was about to. I have a daughter with autism, age 14 with similar sensory needs as your daughter. We are now happily out of CBR and in POFQ for our May vacation with zero price difference. It took 3, 1 hour long phone calls (lots of time on hold) to make this happen. I hope you are at the Poly, your family deserves it!!!
I'm so glad they worked it out for you!! Having five people in our room definitely made the process more challenging. I am quite familiar with the hold music after all that, lol!
No, no monorail resorts for us, but we are very happy. We would have been happy literally anywhere that would allow us to feed her.
I'm glad Disney is hearing from people with special situations, and I'm glad they're opening their minds to figure out how they can help. I love that they want to help! All it takes is a little experience or education for awareness to happen.
That's why I love making our Disney videos--the general public gets to watch as a typical family with special needs is able to have the BEST. TIME. EVER! Just look at her face in those videos, and you'll see why I fight so hard for this trip to happen each year.
The only thing I'm a little confused about is did you know what the options from the food trucks would be?
I'm not sure where the food truck thing is coming from. I spoke with four people in total, and not one of them said there would be food trucks. They all mentioned grab-and-go items and beverage stations in several villages of the resort, but no food trucks. Now, if they do have food trucks, that's great! If they're the ones parked at DTD, though, then I know fries are about the only option she'd go for. And if that was all she'd eat, I'd have to supplement with other foods, but still have no way to cook or heat other foods.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the fine print of any Disney reservation say you are merely guaranteed a room on property and nothing more? If Caribbean Beach burned to the ground tomorrow and you have a reservation there in July, would you expect a free upgrade to the Poly? Disney never expressly states anywhere that you are guaranteed that this restaurant, this pool, and this store will be open and operational during your travel dates. The resort is still habitable and they are still providing food options. If you don't like those options, there's always other ones - change resorts, do a grocery order, plan breakfasts/lunches in the parks, stay off-site, cancel, etc. With so many options, it's hard for me to understand why Disney would have to pony up anything.

Sure it's technically true. Though that is quite a different scenario from closing everything down with little notice in order to get it up and running for your new DVC/higher prices. Not to mention the one thing Disney has been known for is customer service. Sure they could technically do that, but that goes against why so many people love their Disney vacations.
I know some feel Disney doesn't "owe" anyone anything and while I do agree there are not guarantees in life (or vacations) this is a larger symptom from having such crazy lead times on ADRs, hotels, fastpasses, etc. People are booking a crazy number of months in advance to secure the room category and restaurants they want. While this wouldn't have helped in this case, did all the people who were booking Caribbean when the dates first got released know they would have ANY construction let alone to this extent?

I am sorry, but booking everyday QS or medicore TS meals 180 days out is a crazy system period. I don't understand how it benefits the guest or Disney for people to look into their magic 8 balls and decide if they want Mexican or Italian come September 13th.

Let's say part of a moderate/deluxe resort were to burn down or a hurricane comes through late summer, maybe that would teach Disney a lesson because not only would they have easily ten of thousands of guests prebooked and prepaid for several months out with reservations for rooms, they have months and months of restaurant reservations that would also be a mess.

The untangling of that would be a complete and utter nightmare and partly Disney's fault for living too far in the future.
I'm not sure where the food truck thing is coming from. I spoke with four people in total, and not one of them said there would be food trucks. They all mentioned grab-and-go items and beverage stations in several villages of the resort, but no food trucks. Now, if they do have food trucks, that's great! If they're the ones parked at DTD, though, then I know fries are about the only option she'd go for. And if that was all she'd eat, I'd have to supplement with other foods, but still have no way to cook or heat other foods.

I thought Max mentioned food trucks in his original post.

For most families I still don't think it's enough to warrant being moved or expecting discounts (always nice if that happens) but in your case they definitely should have allowed you to move to somewhere like Port Orleans and they cover it.

Where did you end up?
Correct but even sometimes DVC members aren't allowed to pool Hop.

If they close this pool that would be another unique situation since this resort is not directly connect to another like other resorts. I believe during the Poly renovations they allowed people to go to GF but that's an easy walk or monorail ride. CBR doesn't have that.

Correct, which is why I said there are some restrictions.

If I'm remembering correctly, there was a non-connected resort not too long ago that offered a shuttle service to another resort's pool. This could be the case here.
If I'm remembering correctly, there was a non-connected resort not too long ago that offered a shuttle service to another resort's pool. This could be the case here.
I know in the case of the Poly they gave complimentary admission to Blizzard Beach for a bit.


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