Have You Ever Formally Protested or Boycotted Anything?

Yes. The plot didn't focus on the protesters, they were just one of the side stories. The plot was a HS Senior visiting the college and the insanity that ensues. I also found it amusing.

I love PCU! My fantasy football team is named for a scene in that movie! Remember the bit where the stoners were playing the militant feminists in Ultimate Frisbee or whatever? The king of the stoners was this dude named Jerry, and the team was called Jerrytown. Well, my name is Homie (at least, that's what everyone calls me), so my fantasy team is called Homietown.
Here in MA there is a family owned grocery store chain (Market Basket) that had ousted it's very much loved and respected boss (there's a whole big background to the infighting of the family). I joined in with many, many loyal customers and shopped at a different grocery chain. I believe it lasted 6 weeks. In the end the boss came back after buying out the other half of the families share in the business.

This was actually the only boycott I ever have or will participate in. Chiefly because it affected actual working people.

I will not donate to the Salvation Army.

Why? This the only charity other than MDA I give to. I won't do Red Cross or United Way, there ratio of money to people vs their execs is horrendous.

I just saw the movie The Founder about Ray Kroc and the beginning of McDonalds and came out of the movie thinking a boycott would be appropriate. Not a nice man and what he did to the McDonald brothers was wrong. And on the other side of things, I counted three people associated with McDonalds who died from diabetes complications (that was not the focus of the movie). Ironic but maybe a better reason to boycott.

It's a business, he had the better foresight. Really if you boycott every food business that contributes to diabetes or any disease, you would never be go to a supermarket again. Personal responsibility.

My daughters were there also, in San Francisco and Knoxville, Tn.

I thank you guys very much. You paid for my upcoming cruise. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 16 hours of overtime!
Why? This the only charity other than MDA I give to. I won't do Red Cross or United Way, there ratio of money to people vs their execs is horrendous.

It goes too political but personally for me it is because of the fact two of my wonderful friends were told they would not be helped by Salvation Army when their apartment caught fire even though everyone else in the building got certificates to stay in a hotel and get clothes simply because of the fact they were partners.
I don't do marches. I try to avoid the news as much as I can. When political season rolls around, I try to seek out sources for and against issue and candidates to get a real overview without a commentator. The only boycott I really did was boycott Wal-Mart for a year. I am still not on board with the way they do business, but when I look at my budget, at times it is the best option.
It goes too political but personally for me it is because of the fact two of my wonderful friends were told they would not be helped by Salvation Army when their apartment caught fire even though everyone else in the building got certificates to stay in a hotel and get clothes simply because of the fact they were partners.

Gotcha, I can see that. No argument here, just they are allowed their convictions too. I don't agree with them & agree you have a good reason to boycott.
MSNBC. And any television/movie/music award shows where blowhard celebrities spew ill-informed political garbage in an inappropriate venue instead of focusing on the only reason for having the awards show.

Yep. Award shows get banned in my house. Which stinks cuz I usually love the hosts. But, I cannot stand the blow hard celebs who, instead of saying "thanks for spending your hard earned money watching my show", rattle on about politics and such. Award shows should be fun fluff. Not rage-inducing.
Why? This the only charity other than MDA I give to. I won't do Red Cross or United Way, there ratio of money to people vs their execs is horrendous.

Like the pp I can't really get in to it because of banned topics but I also know a couple people (2 different people on separate occasions) who were denied help.
As a result I prefer to give to local charities that help families in need.
So do people who boycott all news just not care about what is going on in the country and the world? How do you stay informed if you have no clue what is going on?

I feel it's my duty to be an informed citizen, so boycotting the news is not an option. As far as protesting/boycotting, I have (even been arrested a few times!) and will continue to do so. A few things I protested for/against actually came to fruition so they do have power :).
Yes. My first was when I was in college and attended a mass protest/march against registration for the draft. Many times since then. I believe it is among the most patriotic things you can do. This country was formed on protesting power. It will always be an essential part of our democracy.
It's a business, he had the better foresight. Really if you boycott every food business that contributes to diabetes or any disease, you would never be go to a supermarket again. Personal responsibility.
After the movie I came back and read more about Ray Croc and my feeling moderated a little. He did work hard at developing franchises but he treated the McDonald brothers dishonorably. In the movie when they make the final deal and he says he couldn't put the royalties in the contract but promised them on his word and a handshake I embarrassingly said out loud "don't do it".

As far as the diabetes, I wasn't serious about boycotting. I just thought it ironic that the several of the people responsible for the spread of fast food would end up dying from diabetes complications.

Have fun on your cruise!
This isn't the 60's

So do you care to expand while something that worked form the foundation of our country and up to the civil rights movement is now stupid?

I'm adding that I think on top of marching and boycotting organization and action also are important. All 3/4 go hand in hand to get progression. I do hope that many of the people who were out marching this weekend run for office be it local or state or national to further progress the discussion.
Nope, I think protests and boycotts are stupid and don't accomplish anything.

This isn't the 60's

Get thee to a history class! Seriously???

I have protested, marched, and boycotted. It's my responsibility to do so. I believe people have no right to complain about how things are unless they take action. Whine about it, pray about it, meditate on it, ignore it - none of these things are action. Lose your rights, see how you feel after.
I also don't give (or buy) from the Salvation Army for the same reasons others don't. I do admit it can be hard to pass up the earnest children staffing the kettles shouting "Merry Christmas!!!" to you as you walk into a store. I just smile at the kids and say "No thank you." Sometimes I will share with the more pushy adults (after the "no thank you" was ignored) that I am not a Christian and that usually gets them to back off.


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